
I let out a deep sign as i remembered those horried memories. A single tear left my eye unknowingly. I quickly wiped it and turned to look at Jimin who was weirdly bawling his eyes out. I chuckled at the sight.

Y/N : Why r u crying ?

I asked scooting closer to him to get a full view of his face, when all of a sudden he hugged me while crying on my shoulder.

Jimin : It must have been so hard for you !!

He said between sobs. I smiled at how caring he was.

Y/N : it was but that was in the past, I am fine now.

I assured him while hugging him back. We stayed like that for sometime.

Jimin : are u sure ?

He asked while breaking the hug and that's when i got a full view of his face. His nose was red and his eyes were puffy from all the crying.It's amazing that such a flirty guy like Jimin has such a soft side. It's cute.

Y/N : i'm sure.

I said smiling genuinely at him which he returned making his eyes disappear , so cute !

Jimin : Y/N ?

Y/N : hmm ?

Jimin : If Anyone ever does anything like that to u ever again , Tell me okay ? i will kick his ass.

He said with a serious face.

Y/N : u would do that for me ?

I asked surprised at his offer.

Jimin : of course! that's what friends are for.

He said keeping his hand on mine reassuringly while smiling which i returned.

Y/N : yeah .


In the past whenever a girl confessed to me , I would break their hearts like it was no big deal never once i thought about how they would have felt, when Y/N told me about the incident with Shawn i regret all those actions i did in the past.

As for Y/N , She is how she is now because of that shitheaded guy who left her when she needed him. She must have been so heartbroken especially hearing those hurtful words from the guy she loves.

She must have been so tormentd that her whole belief on Love vanished.The reason i'm so dejected is because i wasn't there to prevent her hurting.

I want to be there for her from now. I want to protect her. I want to make her happy and make her forget all about that as*hole.

Jimin : So , that is the major reason why u don;t beleive in love , right???

Y/N : that and from what i know true love doesn't exist nowadays, i mean yeah people are attracted to each other and they want to stay together to fullfill their desire and lust but that eventually wears out and all you're left is a broken heart so why go through all that efforts just for an broken heart ??

Jimin : wow.. u r really incisive.


Y/N : yeah that's how i am .

she shrugged.

Just like that , we talked all night . Sharing our likes and dislikes,getting to know each other more.


Y/N : I'N so sorry Lisa ! i know how much you wanted to go to the tourist attractions.

Lisa : it's ok , Y/n. You getting better is more important. Get well soon , then we'll go together.

Y/N : but-

* knock* * knock*

Lisa got up and opened the door revealing Jungkook.

Jungkook : Hey guys! whatcha doin' ?

Y/N : Hey Jungkook, plz tell Lisa to go and do the sightseeing that she wanted to do !

Lisa : No Y/N !!What will i do going there alone ? it will look so weird!!

Y/N : no it won't ! It would look just like you are enjoying the bliss of solitude.

Lisa : still it's a no.

Jungkook : i can go with u .

Y/N : great ! it's settled then.

Lisa : but i don't wanna ditch you.

Y/N : you are not ditching me! I don't want to hold you back just because i got hurt . Now go and have fun.

Lisa : and leave you here alone ?

Jimin : I will stay with her.

He sid appearing in the room out of the blue.

Lisa : u will ? Thank u so much Jimin !

Jimin : no prob !

Lisa : Ok , we should get going then.

After that they left , while Jimin just stood there not knowing what to do. iS it Deja Vu !? I just sat on the bed watching him as he moved across the room and sat on a chair.

Y/N : Why r u sitting there ?

Jimin : where else should i sit ?

I Patted the bed next to me.

Y/N : here.

He came and sat beside me.

Y/N : u know u didn't have to do this , right?

Jimin : do what ?

Y/N : stay behind with me.

Jimin : I know, but i wanted to .So now what ? do we just sit here?

Y/N : let's watch a movie.

Jimin : okay.

We decided to watch a horror movie.You would think this a typical scene from a movie where the heroine gets scared and clings to the hero and the hero hugs her and assures her.Well, this was nothing like that more like the opposite of it.

Jimin : aaahhhhhh!!

Jimin let out a high-pitched scream when there a jumpscare and clinged onto me.

Y/N : Get off me! gee, i didn't know u were such a crybaby Jimin !

Jimin : I can't help it. Why do they make this knid of movies? THey r so scary !!

He said holding my arm like a kid. I sighed at his whining.

The rest of the movie we kept fighting over popcorn or he kept screaming in my ear in the jumpscares, making me almost deaf. I won't be surprised if i can't hear after this.


*ring* *ring*

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing in my pocket. I was about to answer it when the call ended in ny hand. I looked to see 2 missed calls from Jungkook. What the hell does he want now ?


I looked at the time. It said 6:30. Where the hell r Lisa and Jungkook ? Why haven't they returned yet?

I looked around to see the commercials playing in the televsion. What happened? OH right! We were having a movie marathon and fell asleep.I turned it off.

I heard little snores coming from my right. I looked to see a sleeping Y/N on my shoulder . I smiled seeing her cute sleeping face, She looks looks peaceful. Why would someone not want her? That Shawn guy doesn't know what he is missing on.She is so beautiful. I mean look at her.

Her long eyelashes, her milky smooth skin, her shiny brown, her small pointy nose and her so kissable lips.

There it goes again, My heart beating as though it will jump out of mu chest any second. What r u doing to me Y/N ?Am i really falling in love with Someone who would break my heart.?

I slowly picked her head and placed it on the pillow. I got up and put a blanket on her so she won't be cold. I slowly bent sown balancing myself to kiss her forehead. All of a sudden she moved and i lost my balance falling on top of her,my body colliding with hers instantly waking her up with shock.

Y/N : JIMIN !?

She shouted with shock. This is embarrassing.

Jimin : Yes ?

I said trying to act casual as though this was the most normal situation.

Y/N : wha- what r u doing?

She asked baffled.

Jimin :umm... i fell for u , I-i mean on you!

I said stammering nervously. I accidentally worded my thoughts out. way to go Jimin !

Y/N : ok, well would mind getting up from me now ??

Jimin : Oh , sure!!

I said getting up in the speed of Lighting.

Jimin : i'm sorry i woke you up, u can go back to sleep.

Y/n : nah , it's ok i'm not sleepy anymore.Wanna play some games??

Jimin : Sure!

Then we started playing Overwatch in which i always beat him. He's really bad at this.We kept playing till Lisa and Jungkook returned from their prolonged tour of Seoul. Jungook and Jimin left immediately since they were exhausted.

Lisa closed the door and sat in front of me while smiling widely which kinda creeped me out.

Y/N : is something wrong?

She shook her head still smiling. Ok, she is scaring me now.

Y/N : Did something happen ?

I asked cautiously. She nodded her head yes and started squealing while covering her face with her hands.The suspense was killing me so i decided to ask her myself.

Y/N : come on, tell me so i can be excited with you !

Lisa : Jungkook asked me to be his girlfriend!

Y/N : really ? tell me everything ! i need details gurlll !!!

Lisa : ok, first we went to the alive museum in Insa-dong , there took some funny photos and had fun for 1 hour atleast then we went to a restaurant to eat Bulgogi and being the gentleman he is offered to pay the bill, Then we went to the Gyeongbokgung Palace And wore the traditional hanbok in which he looked very handsome,now that i think about it he looks good in everything.

(A/N :here is a pic of jk in hanbok😍)

She said dreamily, i raised my eyebrows waiting for her to continue, she looked at me clearing her throat and continued.

Lisa : Anyways, after that we walked in the Hewon Secret Garden, The trees were covered with cherry blossoms,It looked beautiful and when we were walking Jungkook sneakily intertwined his fingers with mine smiling shyly at me .


Then after sunset we went to the Namsan Seoul Tower , the view was great from up there.We were standing side by side admiring the view when i felt eyes on me , I looked to see Jungkook staring at me. He came closer to me and our faces were only inches apart, i could feel his breath merging with mine but he just stopped there as if he was waiting for me to close the gap and so i did.

I slowly pressed my lips on his, and that's when he moves , Intensifying the kiss and pulling me closer by my waist.Our lips moved in sync , his lips were as soft as cotton candy.Eventually we ran out of breath and broke the kiss, our foreheads touching and our eyes closed.

Jungkook : Lisa.

Lisa : yes?

Jungkook : i know we met only a few days ago, but i like you A LOT . so will u be my girlfriend?

i opened my only to see him staring intensely at me , i gulped my haert beating rapidly.

Lisa : YES !

I said happily and Literally jumped onto him to hug him. He stumbled back hugging me while smiling.


Lisa : ok , now that you've heard everything .....let's sleep it's very late.

Y/N : but i'm not sleepy can't we talk some more?

Lisa : no! i need my beauty sleep so i can look good for my boyfriend. If u wanna look like a zombie , then do stay awake but i won't.

Lisa :U r a big meanie!

I said sticking my tough out at her.She did the same before turning the lights off.

(A/N : heys guys ~ here is the fifth chapter . Hope u guys enjoy .Feel free to vote and comment I know it's been decades since i'v updated but i'm trying my best so plzz bear with me .)

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