《The Matrimony (Completed)》Chapter Eighteen-Hurt
The Next Morning After I Left August House I Found My Self Sitting Outside of Gia's Apartment Door
I Missed Her And I Had Just Had To Tell How Sorry I Was And I Just Wanted To Fix This Friendship
I Waited About A Hour Until I Finally Saw Gia Walking Up With Starbucks In Her Hand
I Stood Up As I Took A Deep Breath
"Did You And Your Little Boyfriend Break Up Already"Gia Said
"Gia I Really Care About Him..And He Cares About Me And What We Feel Is Real"I Explained
"And I Care Why?"She Asked
"Because Its More Than Sex With August For The First Time In My Life I Feel Wanted..Why Can't You Just Understand That "I Said WIth Tears Building In My Eyes
"You Know What Aziah Please Don't Try To Justify This You Know I Never Thought You Of All People Would Do This To Me...You Were My BestFriend You Were My Sister"She Said With Tears Now Building In Her Eyes
"Im Sorry"I Said
"No Your Not.. You Not Sorry At All Your Just Sorry That I Know About You And August Know Now..."She Said On The Verge On Of Cryin
"Gia It Just Happened"I Said
"You Could Of At Least Came To Me As Woman And Told Me You Was Seeing Him But You Didn't Even Have The Balls To That!"She Said Loudly
"If The Shoes Was On The Other Foot And You Did That To Me I Would Understand You Gia God Why Can't You Just Understand"I Asked Her
"If The Shoe Was On The Other Foot I Wouldn't Have Never Ever In A Million Years Betray You Like That! Even Now That I Hate You I Still Would Never Betray And Hurt You Like That..I Wouldn't"She Said Cryin
"I Just Wanna Fix This You Been My BestFriend Since 5Th Grade...Gia Lets Just Go Out For Smoothies And Move On"I Said Cryin
"We Can't.."She Said Wipin Her Eyes
"Are You Sure Its Nothing I Can Do To Fix This Gia...Please"I Begged With Tears Streaming Down My Face
"Okay...Call August Right Now And Tell Him You Never Wanna See Him Again"She Said As She Wipin Her Face
"What?"I Said Looking At Her Insane
"Our Friendship Is Worth Way More Than Him So Break It Off With Him And Than We Can Go Out For Smoothies Right Now"She Promised
"Im Not Doing That"I Stated
"Are You Really Chosin Him Over Me? Again"She Asked
"No...But Like I Said Early What I Feel For Him Is Real"I Said
"Well Its Look Like You Made Your Choice...Goodbye Aziah"She Said As She Opened Her Apartment And Walked In And Slammed The Door In My Face
Me And Gia Had Some Pretty Tough Battles In The Past But We Always Made It Through But Its Seems To Me That We Would Never Be Friends Again
I Went Over My Grandmother House
And My Mother Was Sitting On The Couch
"Oh No Not Today Grandma I'll Be Back When Your House So Not Full"I Said
"You Better Stop That Foolishness Come Seat Down"My Grandma Said
I Took A Deep Breath And Sat Down On The Corner Of The Couch
"So Now What Is This All About"My Grandma Asked Both My Mother And I
"Ask Your Daughter"I Said To My Grandmother
"Im Askin The Both Of Yall"My Grandma Said
"Well For Starters Aziah Doesn't Respects Me As Her Mother"My Mother Said
I Bust Out Laughing And Said "I Seen My Mother Drunk Passed Out On The Lawn Naked...How Can I Respect That She Doesn't Even Respect Her Damn Self"I Said
"Hey Hey! Language"My Grandma Warned Me
"I Apologize Grandma"I Said
"She Praises You And Her Father..When Im The One Who Gave Her Birth Im Her Mother"She Said
"Unfortunately"I Said
"And Her Smart Mouth Is Out Of Control"My Mother Said
"Im Grown...And Maybe If I Had A Stable Parent Instead If You I Wouldn't Be So Screwed Up"I Said
"Why Don't You Stop Blaming Me For All Of Yours Problems In Life If You So Grown Than Grow Up And Stop Acting Like A Child Please!"My Mother Yelled
"Because You Are The Reason Why I Go Through So Much...And Have Problems You Had A Child To Take Care Of But Your Child Me Was Taking Care Of You Because You Couldn't Take Care Of Either One Of Us!"I Yelled
"I Was Sick...I Had A Problem!"My Mother Yelled
"You Should Of Still Took Care Of Me And Loved Me Enough To Put Thd Liquor Down!"I Yelled
"Why Do You Hate Me So Much"My Mother Asked With Tears Forming In My Eyes
"Because Instead Of Giving Me Away To Some One Who Could Take Care Of Me You Made Stay With You And Suffer And Take Care Of You Thats Why I Hate You So Much"I Said
My Mother Grabbed Her Purse And Keys And Stormed Out
My Grandmother Came Over And Hugged Me And Kissed
"I Know Your Hurting" She Huggin Me Even Tighter
And I Started Cryin
"Let It Out..Let It Out..Crying Cleanses The Soul"My Grandma Said
I Started Cryin Even More
"Grandma Loves You If No One Loves You I Love You"She Said
Why Was It She Was The Only Who See Me Hurtin?
After Left My Grandma House I Stopped By Mimi's House I Needed To Laugh
I Knocked On The Door
"Who Is It" Mimi Said
"Its Me Aziah" I Said Smiling
She Opened The Door And When I Look At Her I Noticed Her Whole Left Side Of Her Face Was Swollen
"Mimi"I Said Looking At Her Face
Than This Tall Ass Nigga With Tattoos And A Mean Ass Mugged Kissed Her On Her Forehead And Walked Out The House
"What Happened"I Asked
"Im Okay...Come In"She Said As Fake A Smiled
I Walked Inside And Said "Why Is Your Face Swollen"
"We Had A Little Disagreement"Mimi Said
"And He Hit You!"I Asked
"He Didn't Mean Too"Mimi Said
"Oh No You Leavin Now! ...Get Ya Shit...Im Callin The Police "I Said Reaching For My Phone
"What No"Mimi Said Grabbing My Phone From My Hands
"Why Not He Hit You...Your Face Is Swell Up"I Said
"He Didn't Mean Too...It Was A Accident"She Said
"What His Fist Slipped And Landed Accidentally On Your Face?"I Asked
"We're Engaged"She Said
"Your Going To Married Him And He Hits You"I Asked
"He's Under Stress Right Now.. I Shouldn't Be Stressin Him Out Even More"Mimi Said
"Mimi You Sound Stupid...How Long Has This Been Going On"I Asked
"A Year Almost Two Years"She Said
"Two Years!! You Been Getting Beat For Two Years"I Said
"He's Gonna Get Help He Promises To Get Some Help...Look I Know It Sounds Stupid But Aziah I Love Him I Really Love Him"She Said
"Your Nobodys Punching Bag Get Ya Things Lets Go!"I Demanded
Mimi Was A Sweet Girl She Liked To Party So What She Still Is A Good Person And My Friend And Seeing Her Face Like That Hurted Me To My Heart Cause I Know She Didn't Deserve That
"I Can't"She Cried
"You Can And You Will"I Said
"Can't Leave Him He Needs Me Aziah"She Cried To Me
I Hugged Her And Said "A Man Is Never Ever Supposed To Put His Hands On You"
Of Gods and Dungeons
March 16, 2021 - Hiatus note: I will come back to this story! I'm really struggling with it, though. It's been a number of years and I kind of forgot what the original outline was. I still remember the main path, but not any of the details, because I stupidly didn't write an outline. Progress is being made. I'd like a very decent sized buffer before I start posting again. Don't want to get hopes up only to immediately disappoint! ----- Amy Barnes, an aspiring chemical researcher, finds herself dying from cancer. One of her most desperate prayers is answered in a way that she'd never dreamed possible, and she finds herself living a new life as a dungeon. Warning: Violence, morbidity Cover: Taken from here, courtesy of www.pexels.com by photographer @tookapic. Author's Note: I've read some dungeon core stories on here, and they've tickled my fancy. I've thought up a whole story, start to finish, and thought it'd be a blast to put it into words. Other than the violent and morbid aspects, this story is suitable for children. Aside from the vocabulary, that is. I will avoid the temptation to have any cursing, sexuality, or gore. Excessive gore, I suppose - it is a dungeon story, after all. I’ll do a little research from time to time, but this story will not have a great deal of rigor. I’ve made Amy’s knowledge comparable to my own for that reason. There’s a few things she knows more about than I do, and a few things that she knows less about. Unlike me, she doesn’t have access to Google - it’s a non issue for her to be more knowledgeable than me, on occasion :P This story does not use the same magic system that I’ve used in either Sorcery in Boston or A Summoner’s Confession. This one is mostly intention based, and designed to be easier access for people who are more used to the idea of, “It’s magic, therefore it works” kind of thinking. Do note that Amy is, in most senses of the term, overpowered. This goes along with the usual dungeon core stories. She’s not more powerful than other dungeons per se, but she does have knowledge and intelligence that puts them to shame. I thought about doing this in a LitRPG style, but systems take balance, and I wanted this to be pure fun to write.This story was inspired from a few sources. Despite the title, it wasn’t really inspired by Of Mice and Men, though some of the themes match. Rather, I’ve taken inspiration from a few dungeon core novels on Royal Road Legends for the main idea. Many conventions of dungeon core stories have been perverted from the genre, however. I’ve taken my usual science-loving self to town to play around with the powers, and I can only hope you have half as much fun reading this as I have had writing it.
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Evolve or DIE !!
It was like any other normal day on earth, the sun was shining and the birds were chirping. Everyone was busy doing their tasks, some were working, some were chatting while others were resting.Suddenly, the sky was lit up by thousands of blindingly bright lights coming towards the earth at an extremely fast speed. Seeing this, people all around the world woke up from their carefree attitude and immediately turned their attention towards the sky. Some were confused, some were scared while others just sat down and prayed silently but everyone knew that it was the sign of an impending disaster.What are these bright lights and who has caused this ? Is it a human ? Is it god ? Is it the devil ? Or is it something beyond our wildest imagination ?Warning: Tagged [15+] for gore, violence and strong language.P.S: This is the rewrite of my first novel so please go easy on this poor soul. ^_^. Infrequent updates so don't blame me later on that you do not update it often.Also the first few chapters are a bit short, however the later ones will be of reasonable sizes.P.P.S: Don't try to apply science to this novel, because it will not help and wherever it might be used, the MC can do it himself.__________________________________________________________________________Side Info : This is not another novel with an OP MC, the MC will not get overpowered anytime soon, so if you want to read an OP novel, you've come to the [wrong place].
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Pottorff's Sister // DISCONTINUED
Sage's brother Sam is way too protective of her. She wants to be her, and not have to follow rules. What happens when she starts hanging out with the bad boy Kian?
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Hero's breaking
Many just call it "the Event". A blue flame engulfing earth without actually hurting anybody. Soon after that humans developed superhuman powers. Taking flight, dodging bullets, nothing was impossible for These espers as they where called. Many fractions fight against each other for power and control. Some want to get rid of them, imprison them or simply use the power for the gain of wealth. Join Alexis Mercer. An underestimated esper living in the united states. Robbed of her Lover, her best friend and even her normal School life she sets out for revenge. Arc 1: The Raiders [Finished] Arc 2: The Clan [Work in Progress.] Arc 3: ??? [In Progress somewere in my mind >_>] <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> I'm just a high School Senior having fun writing about random stuff. So please have mercy on my Soul ;__; English is not my native language so please excuse my bad usage of tenses and grammar. Feel free to comment about things you think should be made better and I will try to fix it, although I don't know how much time I can invest into this. I hope at least somebody can enjoy this Little Story. Can't promise frequent updates. Feedback is highly appreciated. Rem
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Hacker || L.H
When a Gang that needs help to ruin someone they turn to a 16 year old hacker.Does a gang member and a hacker mix?
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Classroom of the Elite: Unconfined Genius (Test Phase)
In this timeline, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka the masterpiece of the white room has escaped from the white room with the help of a few acquaintances from the government. In exchange, he will test himself against the so-called "elites" of Japan in the government-funded school of Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School. While he is at school, the government will continue to investigate the disappearance of children and the facility the masterpiece grew up in, hoping to connect these cases to a particular person.Will Ayanokouji be able to prove himself against the most elites of the elite at his new school?Will the government connect the cases and finally find a culprit while taking down the white room?Find out in Classroom of the Elite: Unconfined Genius.Spoilers: This fanfic assumes you have read Classroom of the elite from volume 1-11.5 at the least.Classroom of the elite belongs to Kingugasa-Syougo sensei.I'm just a fan of his works writing this fanfic for fun.Word Counts:Prologue: 29,751 Words.Volume 1: 125,394 Words.
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