《The Soldiers of Azur Lane》Revelation pt. 2


Third Person POV

Takao: Kaito!

Kaito seemed to be in a blind rage as he continued to run forwards, bullets seemed to be going through him as he continued his one man charge. He soon made it to the trenches and stabbed a soldier through the heart. His comrade shot Kaito with his rifle however it seemed like it did nothing and Kaito hit him in the stomach before pushing him down on his knees and, with one quick motion, slicing his head off. As the body hit the ground the ships began to see what seemed like riggings on his feet.

Atago: Is that how they got their riggings?

Enterprise: Possibly....

Kaito started to go on a rampage through the trench, slicing and stabbing everything in his path. He soon reached a small tower where he threw his sword at a man in the tower. His sword hit its mark and the body fell down to the earth with a thump. Kaito seemed to be calming down as he slowly made his way to the body. He picked up his sword and wiped of the blood, still recovering from what just happened.

Kaito: What.....

Officer: Private Kaito!

Kaito quickly turned around and stood at attention, the officer walked up to him and raised his hand. Kaito and the ships braced for a hit, but it never came. Kaito opened his eyes and to his shock, the officer was patting his shoulder.

Officer: You did good.

With that he left, and soon the smoke began to form again. And again, Kaito stood in front of the ships. A bullet hole in his chest, and sword drawn. Kaito soon charged however his blade never reached its target as two bodies soon stood up. Both Giovanni's and Dimitri's eyes where locked on each other, their pupils completely gone as both of them drew their pistols. A sudden explosion rocked the area as the cracks began to form around the ship girls. Soon another city was in sight as both Giovanni and Dimitri ran through the streets. The sound of a battle in the distance.


As they both rounded a corner to a square they both soon spotted each other. Giovanni quickly raised his rifle however Dimitri was quicker, and the crack of a rifle was followed by the thump of a body. However Giovanni didn't go down.

Dimitri: Mat'- (Mother of-)

Giovanni quickly rushed forwards, sword in hand and stabbed Dimitri who shot at him again. Dimitri's eyes soon flashed and the two began to exchange blows with their blades. As this was happening a part of the surrounding changed into a beach. Soon saw Johnathan with his comrades in a small boat. Bullets and artillery shells racing past them. Soon the ramp dropped and men began to fall. Johnathan was one of the lucky ones as he ran towards the jungle in front of him. The man next to him had a large tank strapped to his back and Z23 opened her mouth to ask what it was. She was never able to as the man leveled the nozzle connected to it and pulled the trigger. Fire soon began to spurt out as it caught into the trees and onto an enemy soldier. The soldier tried to roll around and put out the flames, however he couldn't. In one last action he pulled his rifle's trigger right into Johnathan's stomach. Johnathan fell to the sand however what seems to be riggings appeared at his abdomen. This stopped his wound from bleeding as he continued to rush forwards.

Wales: This is going so fast.

Enterprise: Stay sharp, we don't know what's going to happen next.

Suddenly the sound of a breaking window was heard as the ship girls looked to see where it was. They weren't able to as Giovanni's body crashed into Illustrious before tumbling a few extra feet.

Belfast: Madame Illustrious, are you ok?!

Before Illustrious can answer more cracks began to form and it soon began to spread to the floor. Suddenly the floor gave way and everyone soon fell into the abyss below.

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