《The Soldiers of Azur Lane》Awakening pt. 3


Third Person POV

Enterprise: Just the beginning?

Hornet: That doesn't sound good.

The number on the map changed to Suddenly they noticed multiple red dots all over the globe. In the area where John was there where fighters and bombers everywhere.

Vestal: Looks like they where aiming for military targets.

As they saw the world plunge into war they noticed Johnathan and Dimitri are not in the war.

Prinz Eugen: Well at least 2 of them are safe.

Bismarck: So much going on.

The map began to pulse and it soon dragged them into a place where Kaito was in. A place called Nanking. As they looked around they saw the place was empty. There was no life but then they saw a group of Japanese soldiers leaving a house. They were carrying many different objects out of the house. Tea sets, books, pieces of art, jewelry, and other trinkets. They were looting.

Price of Wales: What are they doing?!

Nagato: This is dishonorable.

Takao: Where is Kaito?

The ships continue to walk the abandoned streets and they saw the same. Groups of Japanese soldiers pillage the houses and many brag about their found items. However not all Japanese soldiers took part in these looting.

Akagi: Where is that boy?

Kaga: Uhm what is that?

The ships turned to see a large building with a huge sign over the entrance. It said had only Japanese on the sign and all the Sakura Empire ships paled at what it said.

Enterprise: What does it say?

Nagato: Comfort women....

Hornet: What!

Bismarck: Where is the honor in these "soldiers"!?

Suddenly they heard a scuffle from behind them and they saw Kaito being pushed by a group of other soldiers towards the building.

Kaito: W-w-wait guys!

Soldier 1: Aw come on man, you always avoid this place. Why not just take a look.

Kaito: But this isn't right.

Soldier 2: Oh stop being such a baby.


Soldier 3: Why do you act like a child.

Soldier 4: Come on it's just a little quickie.

Kaito: 2 of you are drunk.

Soldier 2: I'm not drunk...

Kaito: You are literally pink as a rose.

Soldier 1: Come on man just do it...

Kaito: Look a bird!

All the rest of the soldiers looked where he pointed and he quickly ran away.

Soldier 1: Hey he is getting away!

Soldier 2: Just let him, now let's go.

The remaining group of soldiers went into the the building as Kaito hid behind a ruined building until they were gone.

Kaito: Why in the world will the Emperor allow this? Where is the honor?

Kaito continues to mumble to himself as he begun to make his way back to his barracks.

Kaga: Well it's good to see that your boyfriend is not a pervert.

Takao: I guess.

Suddenly they heard a scream and they turned around towards the noise and they noticed that they were in a different city. They saw it was night and the lights were on. Then a crash was heard and a young women with a gun crashed out of a building. She was quickly followed by Karl and 2 other men.

Karl: Come on!

The women raised her gun and shot one of the men in the leg. He screamed in pain and Karl quickly retaliated with a rifle shot. The shot hit the women in the arm making her drop the gun. Her eyes could understand her situation and then she draws her knife and rushed Karl.


She tried to stab Karl in the chest however he parried her with his rifle. The knife stabbed through the rifle and he draws his pistol. The women tries to throw off his aim but his shot clipped her shoulder. Suddenly the other soldier who was still standing tackled her off of Karl and restrained her on the ground.


Soldier 2: Come on give me a hand!

Karl: Right!

Karl quickly got a bit of rope from his belt and tied it around the women hands. After they got her secured they got her up and escorted her and the wounded soldier to a large building. As they got near the building they where stopped by a man wearing a uniform with 2 white lighting bolts on a black background on his collar.

???: Halt!

Karl and the other soldier halted.

Karl: We have a wounded man.

???: Got it. Medic!

A man who was standing near the entrance who had a large white circle with a red cross in the middle of it came running up and took the injured man inside the building.

???: So what do we have here?

Karl: It seems she is a part of the resistance.

???: Good, bring her into the interrogation room. We will make her talk.

Karl: Understood. Come on.

The 2 soldiers dragged the women into the building and gave her to 2 other men who took her inside a room.

Karl: Should we go back to the barracks?

Soldier 2: Yeah, hope Manfred is going to be alright.

Karl: He will make it, German medicine is one of the best in the world.

Soldier 2: Yeah I guess.

Karl: Thanks for saving my life.

Soldier 2: No problem.

As the 2 walked down the street the ships noticed that the background begun to change. Then they suddenly realized that they where in a new place. There was sand everywhere and all was quiet. Suddenly they heard a groan of machinery and they saw a column of trucks and tanks most where carrying men on it.

Soldier 1: This heat is worse than Perth.

Soldier 2: You said it.

Soldier 3: I am just glad we got the Italians on the run.

Soldier 4: Have you heard, the news. If we keep going like this we should be home a little after the new year.

Soldier 2: That's bloody madness, It's already late December.

Soldier 3: It's December?

Soldier 4: I guess so.

The ships watched the column of vehicles but then they noticed a familiar shape. Giovanni was watching the column from a distance but he quickly moved back. Probably to friendly lines again.

Soldier 1: Hey boys, what was that I hear!

Soldier 3: Not this again...

Soldier 1: It's a long way to Tipperary!

Soldier 2: It's a long way to go!

Soon more soldiers started to sing however the land around the ships quickly collapsed and they found themselves back into the map room. The numbers on the top of the map slowly changed again to 1941. Then the map showed them back to Karl but he was somewhere different.

Karl: How long is the wait for the train?

Officer: Why does it matter?

Karl: Just asking sir.

Officer: Well it should be about 10 more minutes.

Soldier 2: Any of you up for a game of football?

Soldier 1: Sure.

About a group of 20 soldiers including Karl got up and got a ball and started to play a little game.

Karl: Well this should keep me busy.

Then a train whistle blew and a train can be seen in the distance approaching the station. However something was off and both the ships and the soldiers knew it.

Soldier 1: What is that sound?

Karl: Sounds like people.

Officer: That's not right. Those are freight cars.

Enterprise: What is happening?

Sheffield: What is master doing in this situation?

Queen Elizabeth: They wouldn't....

The train stopped at the station and, to everyone's view, out from the freight cars windows came hands.

Human hands.

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