《Azurlane: Future Prosperity》Chapter 8: The Drifters of Anotherworld
Anomaly Number 12, 25 spotted
Location: EarthPr #2032
Affected: EarthPa #1941
Damage: unknown
Data: Corrupted
Threat Level:
Proceeding with contamination stage II
Procedure Blocked
Evaluating cause.... solution found.
Proceeding to follow new orders...
Witholding following procedures of any ongoing containment efforts...
Pearl Harbor, December 7 1941
Explosions reverberates above the blue sea, the countless buzzing and screeches of engines coming from tu3 Aircrafts of both sides as they fight in the skies resonates dread. Followed by the relentless cannon fire coming from Battleships and Cruisers, whilst torpedos slowly but efficiently hits the hull of their enemies.
An Entire Horde of Sirens, all of them were low level indicated by their dark pigmentation with red neonic outlines giving a sense of intimidation and fear to whoever powerless beings baring witness to such weapons.
Old and Young, Kansens of the Eagle Union gathered at the Naval Base to try and defend it. Causalties were already mounting, be it the new and powerful Arizona or Oklahoma none were at an advantage against countless hordes of dark colored aircraft from the skies.
Surveying from a Far a pale white humanoid girl watches in slight amusement with a little bit of disinterest within her eyes that glamors in the color of Gold.
"Yaaaawwn*, Could you tell me again why we're substituting for the Sakura Empire?"
Another made her appearance known by simply walking over, with overfondness of Tentacles. The Siren explains.
"Its to lure a possible Irregular who drifted to this world. With them in the way, it would be impossible to collect any further data. Thats why sent me here to investigate and gather information about these people. So please, just do as I say."
"Alright~ alright~"
The laidback Siren dismisses it and slacked off while staring in amusement to the hopeless and dying.
Flying through the skies in the middle of the pacific was a Stealth Transport/Attack Helicopter similar to a UH60 Blackhawk. Inside was a single person in the Pilot seat, not touching the controls nor having it on auto-pilot. The Aircraft was flown via a "Soul" Connection of a Kansen through its objects.
Controling the Aircraft was easy for Zumwalt, having experience and a steel and focused mind she easily conquered the Systems of the Helicopter.
Zumwalt was a Woman with unkept long Gray Hair formerly a short blonde, she wore a Mask in her face, hiding away the beautiful and soft skin underneath.
(I have two mask concepts for Zumwalt this one is more into simplicity, while the other has a disturbing smile and more of a human like style.)
Apart from that she wore a black and red/white striped uniform with a black tie and red shirt. And she wore a flexible white pants with Knee high boots.
(Zumwalt's clothing is like a US Marine's Formal Uniform.)
With a firm gaze, she magnified what was infront of her, she immediately identified the two who stood in the ocean.
"Observer." A Cold modified voice whispers.
It came from Zumwalt, she's familiar with the Observer, because that siren died from her hands. Seeing her confused Zumwalt, but she immediately made hypothesis for what is actualy going on.
She stood up from her seat and opened the doors of the helicopter, conjuring a part of her rigging she used the Helicopter's camera and fired a Hunter Killer Missile.
Which carried the deadly short range guided swarm rockets,the best way to counter it was with CIWS but seeing that the sirens were acting a bit strange was a bit confusing but still Zumwalt waited for results.
The Battle on Pearl Harbor rages on and Enterprise had already entered the scene much faster than expected with two other Carriers set to join again soon.
By this event the girl asked the Tentacle Loli the following through her words.
"Causing a Singularity by your own hand has a big impact within our operations. You know that right?"
"Why wouldn't I? Because I know you'll clean it for me. Purifier."
The girl called Purifier bit her lip in slight frustration because tentacle loli was right. For one thing the Drifters are already a massive problem as they were never meant to enter the Dimension. What ever the cause maybe she knew it'll be a pain in the ass.
"Fufufufufuu~ see that? I was right." With keen and sharp far sight better than even a binoculars, Tentacle Loli saw within the sky a Black Object.
It was foreign for this world, though the concept may have just been starting off from the ground up during this time, it was definitely something that could not be made yet by the inhabitants of this dimension.
"A Helicopter...? It looks like a Stealth Aircraft from EarthDc#2020, haha... I don't realy wanna work specialy with pain in the asses like those."
"Clean Later, first, mirror!"
Purifier realized almost a second too late. A Hunter Missile was already overhead, and she was perfectly incapable of dodging no matter what she does, she'll be strucked down.
"I'm definitely going to die." She said so with a wide smile in her face.
However right at the moment the Hunter Killer warhead touched her face reality distorted, like a shattered glass a Mirror Sea was immediately opened.
{"I'll retreat for now."}
"No need to tell. I was planning on backing away after confirming the suspiscion, eitherway. We'll definitely see more of this specimen. Though I'll be leaving everything to Slayer."
With those last words she disapeared from sight.
On the otherside of the screen, Zumwalt clicked her tounge. Culprits were identified and a missile with 4 Hunter Killer Munitions were sent, but they got away by pulling a Mirror sea.
"So it's an Observation.... countermeassures initiating."
Though it was normal for people being observed by putting an act of weakness when they are in fact strong. Hiding that fact wouldn't help Zumwalt's case at all, it would just mean she'll be monitored more, however in the 21st Century, Counter-Siren technology were still at it's infamcy but even still they developed a countermeassure against Observers.
With a Press of a Button Zumwalt activated a 30 mile barrier which disables siren observation equipment. Making her practicaly invicible in their eyes. But thats not all, and it soon will be shown upstage.
"haha... hahahahah....haha.."
She tried expressing joy but immediately grunted, however those emotions were no longer in her, fun, can only be obtained from blood.
With a change of shift, the helicopter went on with maximum power for thrust, and soon there after she reached a battlefield.
Immediately with an enhanced eyesight, she noticed a woman in full white with a glowing golden bolt in her hands. Zumwalt felt a sense of familiarity within the person so immediately she swerved left, narrowingly avoiding a straight shot into the cockpit.
Zumwalt rolled her eyes and disavled stealth and opened her doors. She puts the Helicopter on "Companion Mode" and droppes down. Unbuckling a long whip from her hip.
With a press of a button the wip lit up in a bluish hue color. And exactly below her was a siren suicide boat, heading for the familiar woman with a bow. Without a second thought she danced midair using her body to control the whips directions completely encircling her body.
All enough to make high momentum the moment it striked the boat it easily sliced through the hull and destroyed the boat.
Still wary. The woman with a bow was clearer to identify, Enterprise Conjured a golden bolt and didn't hesitate to look into the person's eyes or the mask. With steady resolve Enterprise asked,
"Who are you?" It was straight forward no over the top or wise choices of wordings just a simple question.
"I see so you're the source of that attitude." Zumwalt remarks leaving Enterprise Confused. "We'll push the bad guys away first, we'll talk later."
Without looking back Zumwalt leaps forward and using a railgun she fired upon a siren battleship easily penetrating and disabling it. The sound the weapon made immediately made her stood out.
Northpole. Russia
Silence, a Kansen in a White Uniform surrounded by the freezing frost of the North. Russian Heavycruiser, Pyotr Velikiy or Peter the Great.
With an expression of sadness she look up high in the morning sky, sitting upon in the middle of the ocean atop a barely sunk Siren Super Battleship.
She wonders in herself. As a Relic of the past who was about to be scrapped by the year, ran away, and now she faces a different world with everything still in between.
Beautiful silver eyes paired with a Cool Jet Black waist length hair and a Heavy white trench coat. Pyotr thinks to herself, wether not seeking home was the right choice.
Surprisingly among the Kansens stucked in this world. Pyotr just wants to stay rather than go home, but she is also unsure of such a selfish desire. With reasons such as,
The Eventuality that her nuclear reactors would meltdown or even ran out of fuel is evidently a soon to be concern. But she couldn't make herself come to terms with reality, like many she was fearful of death. Even if she was a capable fighter, she always ran away to save her skin. Something that she couldn't and would no longer fix.
Moskva died because she was too overconfident of herself, so when she was hit by missiles for the first time she felt dread and sorrow, as no other people even the country she served in wanted to help even if she listlessly and slowly sinks into the sea.
While Nhakimov her very own sister, tried to defect westward but was killed in the attempt.
Unlike those two she has a secret technique to surviving even in the third world war, running away. If at a moments notice the battle turns sour for the Russians she will immediately desert the battlefield. She has been in many occasions punished before but the Russian Goverment couldn't afford to seal their prideful ship away so instead she always drew the long straws and only recieves a slap in the hand.
In all honesty she has little care of what's happening around her be it the death of her comrades or sisters there is only one thing she wanted that Pyotr would give it her all for, and that is The Freedom to roam the seas unrestricted, but as the World's deadliest and most powerful ship in service, Pyotr was always restricted something she despises.
Maybe it was bittersweet to end this way, Pyotr wouldwitness such a beautiful and frosty scenery of nature before her time has come.
"Mademoiselle Pyotr. Sorry to Interrupt but we must attend the hearing between our friends to report our current situation." With a Thick and heavy french accent, the Kansen of the French Navy Landing Helicopter Dock, Mistral informs the mute Pyotr.
Already Mistral knew Pyotr would never talk again, which she had already accepted. Even if formaly they were enemies, it is better to recognize cooperation in times of hardships such as the situation they are in now.
Pyotr looked back with a small smile in her lips. She closed her eyes in a cutsey way and nodded.
"We will be able to connect on Probe 12 approximately at 1400 hours."
Once again only a nod was the response Mistral recieved. Once Mistral turns, a frown appeared in Pyotr's forehead and an uncertainty for her future, as a coward and a failure.
Attending in the largest room, where many people attended for a debriefing. Mirai of course wasn't as stoke to the idea of making an appearance but she was forced to it after Negev's hateful glare.
Mirai was silent through out the journey that started in the cafeteria. Her silence was marveling upon the engineering of the Base structure. But also how such a large space was unnoticed by the outside world.
Mirai had recently just woke up, so she stood out like a sore thumb. By just waking up recently she has little knowledge of where she is and what she stands on, the rules or the norm.
"Sis. You might think it's weird but as of currently we are under the sea at the depths no current submarines of this timeline can even reach."
Sakae was generous enough to give answers that Mirai has yet to even ask. Though it was merely a flimsy attempt to engage in a conversation with her sister who Sakae hasn't seen since Earth.
"This place is big. Are there many others like this in the world and how much work was put into this place or places? I should say." Mirai finaly started a conversation ending her silence.
As of now the event has still yet to begin so Engaging in a light infornative chat wouldn't hurt. Mirai was barely taking notice of her sister even in the cafeteria, only asking some confusing questions.
But it left Sakae sparkling with joy, thinking that her sister was actualy listening and so she began explaing the work it was put onto, the year it was founded and the time when it started construction.
The Year Observation Base Shinko was constructed for the Kansens who were sent here similarly to the time of earth when Mirai transfered worlds. But if the world's calendar was to be followed the first year any work began would be 1933 until 1940.
"How long have you been here? Sister." A concerned voice finaly leaked from Mirai's expression. Though she was quick to cover, one word stuck in Sakae's head that made her lose focus of her surroundings"Sister."
A Word she was never addressed by, it was depressing for anyone to know that, but that joy and those sorrows are only for her to carry.
"I've been at the base for 3 Years, 1939 sis. I was found in the Solomon Islands."
".... That's..." Mirai found it hard to express her current feelings. And for the first time she thought about the times she was first in this world.
The Pacific Ocean. And the People who intercepted her. They called themselves "Eagle Union" but they were clearly americans, Mirai at first was going to cut the blonde woman with bunny ears in her head in half. Luckily for the girl Mirai remembered that the war was over.
Then at some other time, an EMP Shot that struck her when she was on route to Japan. It came from a Battleship, from the looks of the weapon it was siren in origin but for the year it didn't make sense.
Sirens first appeared during the second world war in Mirai's world. It was also during the Battle of Midway, but the Battleship she saw "Arizona" proved that the year wasn't right. So curiously Mirai went along with the Battleship "Kongo" and Encountered Missile Cruiser "Belfast"'s ship.
With a brief goodbye from Kongo. Mirai headed off to unchain the HMS Belfast, encountering some familiar faces like the Atago Cruisers were encountered. After knocking out those Swordswomen, Mirai accidentaly fired upon belfast who was set free by two Senior Destroyers.
Maya who was badly beaten and Haguro who was looking at her with hate. Mirai acted tough to cement her position to her seniors.
After some time they reached Occupied Korea or whatever that world calls it as. There she met an Old Acquintance, Qingbai or what she is now called by "Youzui". She didn't listen to reason a fact that she now recognize by being silent in her presence.
They dueled. Mirai was battle fatigued from all those encounters she had within the day, so it may have not been an easy fight for Youzui but in the end she won. She won and triggered Mirai's "Demons". Demons as in her problems in life, like how many decisions she had made that ended badly for someone or how a simple word could've saved everyone she cared for or the fact that she was too weak to save them all.
Losing control of herself made others wary of her at the current time and event. Luckily it didn't end with a beautiful Kansen's head being detached from its body. All thanks to "Cavour" Aircraft Carrier and Knight of Italy.
Cavour could've outlasted or even defeated Mirai without getting fataly wounded, but the concern was more onto the Imperial Sakura Authorities being involve was much greater than the Knight's Safety. A Great Gamble, that paid off greatly. Despite that, rumours on the street started spreading and a new urban legend was born but that is a story for another time.
Now she found herself here, with her sister impersonating her Master. Mirai was mad but she couldn't hold the grudge for long. Sakae is the last sibling she has, and the mistakes she made by neglecting everyone after Kaguya the 3rd ship of her class died.
With a soft pat in the head, Mirai embraces her sister. But she couldn't do it for long, in a way it's her only apology.
Now walking from the corridor and infront of an audience with a sitting arrangement in a shape of a C with 32 Participants inside, Gerald R. Ford Supercarrier of the US Navy walked forth into the stage.
"My apologies for the interuption to your daily interactions with one another but I have news from the North Pole Observation Base And the European front. Today we will contact each base through the use of our Satelites, they may not be as good to Human made satellite but it will do in contacting our friends from overseas."
As Ford went on, the Screens behind her lit up. Atop each frame was the location and name of the bases, similar to them they are having a meeting with almost everyship in their base though they are far fewer than the place Mirai is currently on.
Even if the connection was bad the words were heard clear.
"FS Mistral reporting. It has confirmed our suspicions about the Sirens being far weaker than they were even during the second world war, reversing their technology would not prove beneficial to us but scalvenging them for parts to use for our equipment could work, specialy for alot of us who rely on these types of weapons."
"Pfft." A Stifled laugh seeped out of Mirai but she managed to held it before bursting in laughter.
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