《Cold Waters (Russian Male Ship x Azurlane)》Rise of a fallen


The wind was blowing over the frozen ocean . . . Even after 25 years the weather was still cold, even colder . . . but life found a way to populate the frozen Pacific, penguins, polar bears, seals, polar foxes . . . they've adapted to the harsh conditions.

Humanity's situation is unknown, after losing the First Sea War or the Grand Sea Battle and the fall of Russia and European Union . . . with the nuclear winter destroying crops and livestock, sirens roaming the seas up and down, radiation the chances of survival were almost zero, the things that still mark it's existence are the big cities, frozen ships, crashed aircraft and frozen humans which tried to venture into the frozen land.

Somewhere on the seabed, multiple wreckages of sunk ships can be found each one being part of the countries that existed and fought, some being in 2 pieces or 3, some without bow or aft, some without superstructure or melt. They fought to protect, but they failed . . .

But on a wreckage a small white light can be seen, pulsating. . . slowly. That wreckage was Admiral Chabanenko, a ship being part of a once called Russian Pacific Fleet.

. . . . . . . . .

The darkness is pierced by a light, a moving light, a ship is sailing lonely trying to finds it's way out, on a endless death ocean.

It was looking for a way out, the little flame of hope is helping it, but for how long? The darkness is only getting stronger and stronger, waiting . . . to enfulge it.

Chabanenko: I'm gonna be stuck here forever? Will darkness take over me? I hope that they are resting in peace.

When was the last time I saw the light of the Sun? Or an animal? Chabanenko: Oh Mother Russia, I miss you . . . I miss everyone . . . I want to go back or at least rest in peace . . .

???: How can you rest when your soul is full with hate and vengeance?

What? Who? Stalin is that you? Lenin?!

???: The mystery that even I can't solve?

. . .

???: Have you ever tried forgetting? Clear your mind so your poor soul can move forward?

Chabanenko: Forgetting?

What to forget? The sirens?

???: Yes . . . Forget and move forward, you had the time.

So that's I've been sailing all this time? Did my comrades forget and moved forward?

???: Your world goes throw a process of . . . how can I say it in your words? purification . . . yes purification.

Then what are the Sirens?

???: That's an answer you've to find it yourself

Then why purification?

???: The man made nuclear weapons, but a mouse would never make a mouse trap.

So is just fate or destiny?

???: We're all the mistake we've made, the mistake that humanity has made bringed it to this state.

So a man made this? The sirens came because the man played with fire and-

??:got burned.

Why do I feel like I wanna beat that guy?

???: That's why you can't move forward . . . you Chabanenko, forget and you may find your peace, hate and the darkness will take you.

It's easy to say you know? Everything I just feel like


???: A bomb? Isn't it?

Yes . . . My comrades that fought beside me Kursk and Pyotr, have they found their peace?

???: Maybe yes maybe not. But your will was remarkable, you fought well and gave your homeland enough time.

Did my motherland-

???: Yes, after your fight one by one the countries fell into chaos, strong or weak. The deadly freezing the radiation only a 1/10 of humanity survived.

At least we completed our missions.

???: Orders above all? Interesting how your souls work, you could easily denied the suicide mission. . .

We are soldiers and we fulfilled out duty, but sometimes you must sacrifice something in order to get something else. Me and my comrades were sacrificed, in order for the people to evacuate in the Urals.

???: That's indeed correct you must sacrifice something in order to get something else.

Can I ask why my light keeps going?

???: Hope, even in the teeth of the darkness you are hoping to escape from this place.

I shall forget everything everything and move forward. . .

???: Yes, finally your soul is finding it's peace. Enemy or not you must forget because your time is over, all you can do is to wish humanity good luck.

A small light appears in front of Chabanenko

It was that easy? You're telling I've been wondering around here for an eternity ?!

???: Easy is not, to forget. The time you spent here, made you open your eyes.

Now, I can move forward, I can finally meet my fallen comrades.

As Chabanenko, was getting closer to the light, the darkness was backing away.

???: Go, Admiral Chabanenko, you soldier of Russia, no soldier of humanity, you served with determination and bravery, in the hardest time you moved forward and when cornered by enemies you've fought until your last breath and accepted your death.

Go on and rest your soul you've earned it, soldier of humanity . . . the fate of humanity is no longer in your arms, let the survivors continue your legacy.

I wish them luck then

Chabanenko got so close to the light, he could see throw the light, a fleet, his fleet, his fallen comrades, they're waiting for him.

Finally we will meet again, thank you.

???: You don't have to thank me, now go and rest.

After going throw the light, Chabanenko could feel it, the warming light, no longer chased by darkness.

Is so peaceful, no longer having the feeling of being alone.

In the distance a fleet could be seen, it was waiting for it's last ship to join the formation and sail.

Chabanenko horned and the fleet horned back then a submarine surprised him, it was Kursk.

Chabanenko: KURSK?! Is that you?!

Kursk: That's me comrade, we've been waiting for you. Let's go and meet the others.

Chabanenko: Yes let's go.

They sailed towards the fleet with full speed.

I missed you all.

Pyotr: Took you long enough комедия. (comrade).

Chabanenko: Да, но наконец-то я вернулся, товарищи.

(Yes, but at last I am back, comrades.)

Pyotr: Glad you're back.

All three once again sailed, towards the center of the fleet, all ships made space for them to go throw.


Wow I never saw the entire russian fleet together

Nastoychivy: С возвращением товарищ!

(Welcome back comrade)

Ladny: Chabanenko, товарищ welcome to the party.(comrade)

Chabanenko: Glad to see you well, товарищ. (comrade)

Dagestan: You are late.

Admiral Vinogradov: Brother!как дела?

Chabanenko: As you can see I'm better than ever.

As I got closer, I could see the shape of well known ship, yes it is our comrade Kuznetsov.

They stopped in front of the Kuznetsov ready to report, like a soldier in front of officer.

Chabanenko: Admiral Chabanenko, flagship of the Pacific Fleet reporting for duty comrade!

Pyotr: Pyotr Velikiy, reporting comrade!

Kursks: Kursk reporting comrade!


Kuznetsov: The pacific fleet will be now integrated into the flagship's fleet!

Harsh as always, heh.

Chabanenko: Да!

Kuznetsov: Now that everyone is present, we shall sail and welcome back Admiral Chabanenko.

Harsh but kind that's the Kuznetsov I serve.


All ships: Да!

After some time the ships got into the formation and waited for Kuznetsov orders.

Kuznetsov: We all fought the Sirens, they were stronger but our will and unity was stronger, even though we fell one by one, we did the great sacrifice for our dear motherland,



Kuznetsov: And I'm glad that I can see you all again, in one piece. Let us sail once again, comrades . . . Together.

A moment of happiness, a well earned of moment of happiness for everyone, in this new afterlife, listening to it's flagship the fleet started sailing towards a fog which was only denser and denser.

The lights opened . . . thick fog, yet the lights were becoming only stronger and stronger, moving faster and faster.

Freedom, they're set free.

The souls left their armoured bodies, slowly going up towards the sky, the sun, their mission is over.

But as they were going higher, a smaller light was falling behind, like something was holding it, slowly losing momentum and reaching to a stop.

???: Lucky you, the world still has a firm grip on you . . . it will be interesting how your fate will go, will you be consumed by darkness? Now go !

In the middle of a snowstorm, one light fell from the skies, lighting it's towards the ocean, a miracle how'd many say.

A shining light in the middle of a storm, even after splashing into the ocean it was shining. After reaching the seabed, it was shining above the hull of a ship, once called Admiral Chabanenko.

It entered the hull.

Soul found, beginning diagnosis: . . . .

Diagnosis completed:

Hull integrity: Destroyed.

Engine status: Error 404, engine not found

Bridge status: Heavy damage detected . . .

Weapons status:

Main gun: Error 404 main gun not found.

Missile batteries: Destroyed

Torpedo launchers: Destroyed.

CIWS: Heavy damage . . . couldn't evaluate any further.

Status: Sunk

Beginning restauration . . .

Warning low power . . . restauration will only regenerate only what's necessary . . .

As a light started to shine, parts of Chabanenko started floating and gather above it. One by one it got attached to the hull.

In matter of minutes, it started to take shape. Finally reaching to it's former glory.

Restauration complete . . . Warning chances of survival are below 40% . . .

Will use half of reserve power to restore partially the main gun

Chances of survival are 56%, applying electric shocks to activate the wisdom cube.

3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . !

No activation detected. Retrying

3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . !

Wisdom cube activated, refloating the ship . . .

A strong shock, pulled the ship out of its grave. The ice above wasn't so strong, so after a powerful hit from the ship's hull cracks started to appear and slowly making space.

Refloating completed, applying electric shock to awaken the soul.

3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . !

Soul awakened, entering hibernation mode.

???: Awaken Admiral Chabanenko .

A small humbling appears in the engine room, the sign that Chabanenko was alive.

Chabanenko: Where am I? Kursk?! Pyotr?!

Warning, power low, refueling is recommended.

Chabanenko: WHAT THE?! Now I hear voices? Is this hell?!

Due to low power, limited usage is permitted .

Chabanenko: I don't where I am, should I check the map. Let me check the fuel too, ammo and everything, this is just a bad dream right?? I don't want to be here anymore.

The fuel is just a quarter and ammo was enough for a small engagement.

Chabanenko: . . . So this is hell.

Alert! Temperature is too low, seek shelter.

Chabanenko: Yes shelter, just ice and water like my old ho- realization I'm back to this world? I can't comprehend this anymore.

Alert! Freezing is imminent, sailing is recommended.

Chabanenko: Oh blyat.

Chabanenko started to sail slowly due to the ice around him.

Chabanenko: I can keep a speed of 5 knots, for 2 days then I'm out of fuel. But where am I? I need to check the map, maybe there's a satellite up there.

He opens the GPS, with some luck he gets signal.

Chabanenko: Perfect, wait a second, what's the time?

Chabanenko: 30.05.2045 . . . 25 years?!

Like stories he used to hear, from the Japanese ships with reincarnation and things like that. .

Chabanenko: Let's just check the GPS. Maybe I'm close to Vladivostok, and I can meet some fellow comrades.

To his surprise, he was near Pearl Harbor, just 3800 nautical miles away or 7000 km from Vladivostok.

Chabanenko: I'm not that far . . . internal screaming

My fuel will only last for 2500 nautical miles, if I keep 5 knots, but if I need to go faster that means 2000 nautical miles or less, I will be stuck somewhere near Japan . . . What if I go to Kamchatka, that means around 3000 nautical miles or 5500 km, I think that's the best way of action. Maybe I will meet some tankers or something on the way that will help me to get to my motherland or I will end up drifting.

Chabanenko changed his course towards Kamchatka, will luck be on his side ? Or something will appear on his trip?

Warning! Wisdom cube can't manifest human shape, synchronization is 3%.

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