《My husband, My bully (Complete✔️)》Mixed Feelings


Anisa's POV:

As much as I enjoyed the company of a gentle and kind person like Usman, my mind was filled with worry. Ali might have forgotten about it since the jerk didn't give a damn but it was still lingering on my mind.

Going alone to the first dinner arranged by my dearest sister and my family relatives who I hadn't even seen in years was not something I was happy about. Not that I wanted to go with him. My relatives would raise questions and they would ask me about my relationship and I would have to tell them the truth.

And if I told the truth...

My father would be waiting to catch me when that happened and my fate would be that of my mother's. I sighed in defeat. I looked down at my plate of food, playing with the fresh-cut vegetables with a fork as Ali and Usman made small talk about their family.

It didn't interest me to be very honest, but I had to sit down for good manners' sake. Usman was our guest and leaving him alone to eat on the first night was just outright rude. He was such a nice guy. So kind and civilized. The total opposite of his cousin, who was, unfortunately, my husband.

"Well, I'm full," Usman stated which made me look up from my plate. "Thank you for such a lovely meal, guys." He shot a smile towards us. I smiled in return. "No need to say thank you so much. You're family." I told him. I glanced towards Ali and motioned for him to back me up in the conversation.

Understanding my gestures, he turned to his cousin again.

"She's right." he simply said. I rolled my eyes mentally. He didn't know how to sweet talk or how to be kind to someone. He was such a dry person and despite that, he had a long line of girls ready to die for him.

"Ali can show you to your room. You can settle down and rest. I'm sure your flight was tiring." I said. He nodded in agreement and both of them stood up to leave.

I went straight to my room to take off my hijab and Abaya. I had just put my hijab back in the hanger when Ali entered. We didn't talk to each other and just like that, he went to the bathroom.

When he got out, he was wearing a blue t-shirt over some jeans. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't look away. Honestly, he looked very attractive with the blue shirt that matched his skin tone. As soon as he caught me looking at him, I looked away. I wanted to compliment him but of course, considering the kind of person he was, he would tease me for it for the rest of my life.

"Do you think Usman will tell anyone about our marriage?" Ali suddenly said, knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Who would he tell? It's not like he knows anyone here." I pointed out. Ali shook his head. "You weren't listening to us at dinner, were you?"

I shook my head in embarrassment. "I was a bit... distracted." I lied. He nodded his head slowly, in a mocking manner. "Well, it didn't look like that since you were so busy trying to be such a good 'host' to him." He said it in a sarcastic way which made me scowl. "What do you want to say exactly?"

He waved it off by shaking his head. "Anyway, he has a few friends here and I think my friends know them. And this secret of ours is juicy gossip. There's no doubt it will spread like fire."


What he said slowly made me tense up. I forgot about the taunting comment Ali had thrown at me and started to worry about what he noted. "This is... troubling," I said. Ali shrugged. "Maybe he won't tell. He doesn't look like a person who would gossip around."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Maybe. You said maybe. We have to take this seriously! I don't want to be surrounded by those drama queens the rest of the year." I called out. He got quiet for a moment, thinking about something. Then he looked up as if he had come to a conclusion.

"Honestly, I don't think it's a big deal that people find out." He admitted in a low voice, pretending to look at his watch to avoid my gaze. "Besides, those girls aren't going to be a problem. Everyone will get used to it eventually." He said it like he didn't know how sensitive the girls of our school were about him.

Whenever he would get out of a one week-relationship, they would start scheming about how to impress him. They would run around him, bringing him stuff and trying to be awfully sweet to him. It was disgusting to watch.

I looked at him, alarmed.

"It's not just about the girls ruining my life. It's about what everyone would think. And I for one, don't want to be known as your wife. Everyone will make up stories about how we were forced together and how Islam is a bad religion. We can't go explaining to everyone about what really happened! Besides, people always need a reason to mock others." I argued.

He folded his arms over his chest. "So don't trouble yourself. If people won't believe anything we say, why do we even need to try? Just leave them be. I don't really give a damn about what others think." Ali shot back. I got quiet for a moment.

I actually couldn't believe it. I was speechless. He was right. He made a great point enough to make me fall into deep thought for an answer.

"But, still..." I continued. "You don't want them to call us a 'couple', right?" He smirked.

"It doesn't bother me, really. Besides, what better opportunity is there to finally reveal your crush on me?" His eyes twinkled with mischief. I gave him an intense glare and threw a pillow at his face. It hit him exactly where I wanted it to. "You very well know I don't like you at all!" I shouted in defense.

For some reason, even though I knew he was toying with me, I wanted to play along.

"Oh please! You can't hide it for long. You don't just like me, you love me." He fired back, causing more pillows to collide with his face. "You're making it more obvious, Anisa​. This just proves you really have a thing for me." He said, still grinning. I held out my fist to show him what I would do if he didn't stop.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Dream on." He stepped closer to me. "Still won't accept it?" He asked. I shook my head. "Never."

"Guess I'll just have to make you admit it." The sides of his lips curled into a smug grin which revealed his perfect pearly teeth. He started walking, leaning towards me. With every second, he inched closer until we were just inches apart. I held in my breath, almost forgetting how to exhale. My eyes were wide open and I couldn't look away. Mainly because there was no other place to look.


His eyes bore into mine, making me freeze. My heart was beating in my ears and I felt butterflies explode in my stomach. I wanted to push him back, but I was stuck to my place. Staring into his brown orbs, my eyes studied his face. I took in his every feature which made my heart skip a beat.

My eyes travelled to his lips but finally snapped back into reality when I noticed his hands reaching to my face. I blinked and quickly pushed him away. He got startled as well and staggered back. He looked at me with a stunned expression but it only lasted for a second.

He burst out laughing, pointing his index finger at me. My already pink cheeks burned red and I looked away. "My God, Anisa! I didn't know you would react like this! If I did, I would've done it much sooner." And he continued laughing. I just gave him an angry look as a reply.

"I was just joking but this took a quick turn. You really do like me." He said between laughter. It was then that I had it. "Shut up! Any girl would've reacted like this. Who told you to look at me so intensely? Of course I would get intimidated!"

He raised an eyebrow. "So you admit it! You think I'm intimidating. It's okay, Anisa. You can confess your feelings. Who knows, I might just accept them?" He chuckled. I narrowed my eyes at him and bristled. "Shut up..."

There was a moment of silence.

"Anyway, I wish I could go on with this but I gotta go now. Catch you later." He gave me a slight wave and turned toward the door.

Then, I suddenly remembered the dinner. I acted quickly, forgetting about the little stunt he pulled on me. I ran after him, grabbing his sleeve. "What about the dinner? If you don't come with me, Asma baji would be so hurt. It's really important." I tried to take the few chances I had. "And besides, you can't leave me alone in the house with a non mehrem." I added.

He sighed.

"Can't you tell her to delay it?" He asked in defeat. I was surprised that he actually considered it. I knew I had to convince him and I had to do whatever it took so, I pouted and shook my head. "It's tonight. I can't tell her to delay it so late. Please try to understand."

I couldn't believe that I was actually pleading in front of Ali Hassan. It was something I definitely didn't want to do but I had no choice. Asma baji had called me with so much love and consideration. It was the first time she invited me without fearing that my father would catch us. I couldn't possibly refuse her.

Especially, for the sake of Ali Hassan.

"Fine. But, I have to go meet up with my friends. I'll be back by 8. Be ready." he didn't look at me and quickly walked away. He left me surprised. It made me think; what convinced him? Asma baji being hurt or me being alone in the house with Usman?

Five minutes after pressing my brain for the answer, I gave up. He was a weirdo. I could never tell what was going on in that brain of his. And why on Earth did I think about him all the time? He was a stupid, idiotic, rude, insensitive- I stopped.

If he was insensitive, then he would've never brought me the gifts.

I looked at my bracelet.

And why did I still have that stupid bracelet of his on? It was clearly not just because it was a beautiful jewelry. I groaned and plopped down on the bed. He was bad, but I was worse for being so confused.

Moments later, I found myself in the living room searching for something to play with to pass the time. The house was quieter than before and it made me realize how big it was. The rooms were spacious and filled with luxorious furniture. A chandelier hung at a distance from the main door.

The stairs had a royal red carpet spread on them and there were fancy lights at every corner. I liked to keep the house lit to distract myself from the sharp silence and gloom lingering in the air. Or maybe, it just felt gloomier that day in particular.

"Salam, Anisa. I didn't know I would find you here." I heard Usman's voice from behind. I turned to look at him, wearing a sheepish smile. "Oh! I just came here to look around. Really haven't had the chance to do it before." then I turned to him. "What about you?" I asked.

"I heard someone leaving so I came to check. The house is so quiet it's almost scary." He chuckled a little. My eyes widened. "I think so too! Ever since Ali's dad left it's been quieter. I don't really understand the need for such a big mansion for three people." I replied, amused by the fact we had similar thoughts.

"I understand where you're coming from. We have a larger house in Pakistan but it's always filled with life. My cousins usually visit. I have three sisters too so the house is hardly quiet. It's definitely more lively there." he beamed as he talked about his family. It automatically made me smile.

"I hope I can meet your sisters one day." I said. He seemed to like the idea very much. "Oh yes. I'm sure you would get along great." he gave me a smile. But then his smile faded and he looked like he wanted to ask something but was hesitant to.

Finally, he let out what was bugging him.

"So, umm... How did you and Ali get married? I mean, you're both so young." He was very nervous as he said that. "And if you don't want to talk about it, then it's fine. I was just curious. You don't have to trouble yourself."

I shook my head quickly. "No, no. I don't have a problem talking about it.

Long story short; your uncle took a huge debt from my dad long ago. He couldn't repay it at the time so my father made a deal with him that when Ali and I would turn 17, both of us would get married. Under pressure, Ali's dad had to agree. And you know the rest. Basically, we both had no choice." I explained.

Usman nodded slowly, trying to absorb the story. "Wow. You guys must never get along, right?" He asked.

I shrugged. "At least we don't despise each other anymore. But, sometimes I fear that it won't work because Ali isn't too happy about this. I'm not either, but this house is the only home I have left so I know I have to manage." I sighed.

I didn't know why I was opening up to a stranger I met only a few hours ago. Something about Usman made me feel like I could pour my heart out to him. Maybe it was because of the gentle look on his face.

He smiled. "Don't worry. It'll work, Inshaa Allah." He comforted me. "Inshaa Allah." I whispered to myself. To break the sad atmosphere, Usman started telling me some Pakistani jokes.

By the end of it, I was clutching my stomach to stop myself from laughing. His sense of humor made me crack up again and again until my eyes had tears in them. One thing was for sure, Usman was a really nice person. Even if I had just met him a few hours ago, he was like a magnet. I was sure we would get along just fine.

The time went by quickly and as much as I was having fun in Usman's company, I was getting a little worried about Ali. Worry slowly washed over me and I feared he would change his mind about coming to the dinner.

"Well, I think I should get ready now. Ali said he'd be back by eight." I finally said. Usman nodded once. "You're going somewhere?" he questioned. "Yeah. My sister called us for dinner. It's a really special occasion for me," I smiled at the thought, fiddling with my fingers. "It's been ages since I had the chance to meet her like this."

He raised an eyebrow, curiosity written all over his face. I knew he wanted to ask me the reason but he felt awkward. "If you're wondering why then I can tell you. I have no problem with it." I laughed a little. He nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "You read my mind."

Before I could tell him the reason, I heard footsteps come inside the room. I quickly turned around to see who it was. I got startled seeing Ali there with a scowl on his face. "Salam u Alaikum, Ali." Usman was the first one to greet him.

He nodded once with a look of disapproval.

"Waalaykum Salaam," he simply replied, without breaking eye contact with him. I felt a weird aura coming from him which made me fall silent.

"You're back early. Anisa said you were going to be back by eight." Usman kept the conversation going but judging by Ali's expression, it didn't look like he was too keen on keeping it up.

"Yes, but I got free earlier than expected." Usman sensed his anger too and looked confused about what to do.

Ali then looked at me, with the anger clear on his face. "You're not ready yet?"

I quickly stood, feeling pressurized by Allah knew what.

"I was just going to." I looked at Usman. "Allah Hafiz, Usman." I smiled a little and rushed away, not waiting for him to reply. Ali looked furious and I was so glad to escape from that tense environment.

I reached my room and quickly took out my ironed clothes that were perfect for the occasion and went into the changing room. While I slipped the kurti (shirt) on, I heard the door open from outside. I would be lying if I said I wasn't dreading to face Ali after changing.

Oh Allah.

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