《Her Prince》Chapter 4



Sofia P.O.V.

Its 11:00 am and Brandon still hasn't woke up. Should I go and wake him up? He will get late if I didn't.

Knock! Knock!

No response.

Knock! Knock!

No response.

Knock! Knock!

No response.

I opened the door and went inside his room. His room was a bit messy. I found him sleeping peacefully.

"Brandon, get up!" I said.

"You'll be late!"

"Its 11:00 am,"


No response. Not at all.

I gasped as I touched him. He was burning from fever.

"Brandon? Oh no! What should I do now?" He has a fever.

"Why are you shouting?" He opened his eyes and lightly said.

"Here put this in your armpits." I told him as I gave him the thermometer.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because you're hot." I said and he smirked.

"I already know that." He said.

"I mean you have a fever." I clarified.

"Fine!" He was too tired to argue.

After two minutes I asked him to give the thermometer back and it reads 40.0C. It was too much!

"Give me your private doctor's phone number." I said.

"No!" He denied.

"We can argue later. Look, you have a fever." I said.

"So what? Before also I had gotten sick, no need to call the doctor. I'll just take the medicines, I have a business to attend to." He said as he started getting up.

"Without doctor's prescription? No! You're so not, Brandon." I said.

"And who are you to tell me?" He asked.

"Your wife and you're not going anywhere or else I'll call mommy." I threatened him.

"Give me my phone. I'll call the doctor myself." He sighed.

"Speaker on!" I ordered and he glared at me.


"Hello!" Brandon greeted the doctor.

"Hello, Brandon! How are you?" Doctor said.

"Just a little bit fever. I guess because of work." Brandon said.

"How much?" Doctor asked.

"40.0C," Brandon answered.

"Do you have headache?" Doctor asked.

"Yes!" Brandon replied.

"No need to worry! take paracetamol after every eight hours until you feel good but if the pain didn't stop, visit me." Doctor said.

"OK! Bye!" He hung up.

"See! It was not that much difficult. Was it?" I asked.

"Where are you going." I asked when he started getting up.

"I need to empty my bladder." He said and I blushed. Before becoming tomato in front of him, I left the room.

At 2:00 pm I went to his room to give him soup. I touched his forehead and the temperature has fallen down, I smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" He asked.

"Your fever is normal now. Don't worry I didn't make it, I ordered it from outside." I said as I gave him the soup. He took the soup and hungrily ate from the bowl.

"What happened to my Brandy boo?" Mommy came from nowhere and asked.

"You told her." Brandon said to me.

"No! I didn't! Now when she is here, she is not going to leave till you get well." Don't get me wrong I love my mommy but she is such a drama queen.

"You both do know that I am present over here?" And the drama begins.

"Mama, I am alright." Brandon told her.

"Your face tells me otherwise, Mr Maxwell." Now she is serious.

"Is it Sofia's mistake that you have a fever right now? Tell me and I'll kick her ass." She cannot just say that.


"Mommy!" I glared at her.

"Shut up! Come and help. I'll make something for my son to eat." She said.

"And me?" I pouted.

"Princess, I'll make something for you too." She said and I smiled.

Suddenly Brandon's phone started ringing.

"Hello Grandpa! I am alright!........... Yeah! Mama is here........ I am not a kid anymore..... Yeah! I already ate medicines.... Ok! Bye!"

"Who told you I was sick, mama?" Brandon asked mommy.

"Alex," Mama replied.

"And who told that asshole?" Brandon glared at me.

"Not my fault. Today he decided to visit you at your office and you were missing so he called me and since he knows how workaholic you're, will never miss a day if its not serious that's why I told him the truth." I said and he growled.

"Stop being a child and accept the fact that you're ill right now and you need help." I said to him.

"Just wait till i get well," He said and hid himself under comforter.

"Sofia, I need your help." Mommy shouted from the kitchen. I was about to exit the room but Alex barged in.

"What happened to my brother? Is he alright? Oh my god! I should have come sooner. Did he visit hospital? Let's take him to hospital. No! I should call the doctor over here." Alex panicked.

"Stop it, asshole. You're not helping with my headache." Brandon said to him.

"Dude, how are you? You're alright? Was it all drama to gain attention?" Alex asked playing with his eyebrows.

"He is not like you, idiot." Mommy came with a bowl of soup.

"I just ate soup, mama but of your hands I will gladly eat again." Brandon said making mommy smile.

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