《WANDS AND SPELLS | VKOOK ✓》53 | this is the end game
Jeongguk screamed.
His father was pulling him with his arms as his hands were still tied, just the legs were freed. They were in the Teng forest and the boy looked around with glassy eyes, trying to fathom what really is this? Is this a nightmare? Will he wake up in some minutes? Please he hoped to hell that it happens because he can't take this anymore.
He tried to break free, tried to yank his hands off his grip and wanted to run away that instant, for the sake of his life, for the sake of everyone. He can't die tonight, he can't die in the hands of his father.
And he did that, with every ounce of his remaining force in the body, he somehow managed to get out of the other's hold and he ran. He ran like he never did, faster than ever. He ran for his life.
Jonhan grunted and shouted gibberish in frustration running after his son, "Jeon Jeongguk, get right back here. I don't have time to fucking play hide and seek with you, you son of a—"
He stopped talking and slowed his steps. Looking around cautiously, he tried to follow the footsteps on the soil, he was going just right following the prints Jeongguk left behind, "I am warning you, get out and I will have mercy on you."
Jeongguk pressed his tied palms on his lips stopping himself from making any sort of sound or even a little whimper, he needs to hide until the blood moon fades, he needs to hide himself. Currently he was behind a big tree, the same tree he hid thirteen years ago nevertheless knew it wasn't enough to save him. This monster will get to him in no time but he couldn't even move because he was just right there, behind him.
"If you don't want me to burn this whole place down, get out now," Jonhan got his wand out and was about to cast a spell that will start out a massive wild fire, he heard footsteps ahead and then saw his son running again.
"You nasty little brat, get here before I cut your limbs off," Jeongguk heard him yell and he turned around to see his position for a moment as he kept on running. The forest was huge and he had plenty of places to run to.
Jonhan didn't have time, and he did what he had to, pointing out his wand at the running figure, he casted the spell,
"Spirilao segrus" with that, Jeongguk's ankles again got tied causing him to fall on the ground with his body hitting it hard enough to make him scream in pain. With an agonizing heart, he stared at the moon that was vibrant red. There was no more surviving because all Jonhan needs is one strike and he lost all his abilities to fight.
He waited for his death to come and accepted his destiny. Most precious moments of his life flashed in front of his eyes as his father slowly walked to him, a evil maniac laugh coming from him after.
The memories had his mom, his best friends and Taehyung. They were the best people in his life and a tear escaped the corner of his left eye, "I love you all."
"I am sorry Taehyungie, I should have believed you, I am so sorry," he kept on chanting as more and more visions of the past came past his eyes, it was unbelievable things seemed beautiful even in this moment.
He saw his father reaching right over his laying body, his eyes filled with no regret at all, "I will never forgive you, Jeon Jonhan. I loved you and this is so fucking unfair."
"Life is never fair, my love." Jonhan said crouching down beside the younger who closed his eyes not even wanting to see what the other had in store for him, he just wanted this to be over. If sleeping forever is the solution, then so be it. He just wanted to get over with this.
"Dad, one question before you end me, will you answer that?" Jeongguk asked boring his glassy onyx eyes into the other's for a moment felt guilty. Just for that moment only.
"Did you ever, like ever loved me and not see me as just the way to get your power? Did I ever mean anything to you?" Jeongguk asked with a voice that was breaking in between, it got heavy and Jonhan just froze in his spot however he didn't have time for this emotional moment, the moon will disappear if he doesn't hurry and then again it's gonna be gone for thirteen years and that's gonna be impossible as he didn't have any other heir.
"Shut up and don't do this," he glared at the boy and lifted his both hands up that held onto the wand so tightly, the sharper part was down facing towards Jeongguk's heart as the evil wants that and supplying it the blood from the heart, it will get what it wanted.
Jeongguk shut his eyes when he realised that it's the end.
But maybe, it was not.
"Levioso avar!" Jonhan heard that voice echoing in the woods and with that, his wand that was in his grip flew in the air and hit the ground at a little distance.
"What the hell!" he shrieked, totally not liking this intruder.
"Oh my God, oh my God!" Jeongguk never knew he will ever be this happy to see Taehyung's dad but he didn't know how much happy he was, seeing him again right there gave him what he needed the most, it's hope.
"It's the wand, we have to destroy it," Jeongguk shouted out the words getting all the energy back in him and sat up. He can't possibly get on his feet with his limbs tied up and to free him, his best friend Namjoon was there. He used the reverse spell on the magical ropes, "Sergus Spirilao!" and they were opened immediately.
"Get up, buddy." Namjoon smiled showing his dimples and helped him to get up.
Jonhan fumbled with his steps as he looked around in the dark for his wand, he needs that to finish this game, he needs that to end it.
Soon, the other students along with the professors came in through the portal. They were all relived to see Jeongguk still breathing sound.
Jeongguk's eyes wandered and he saw Kim Taehyung running towards his father to attack him, he with his hands turning into fists punched him in his abdomen making him whine in response, "You whore!"
"Bastard!" Taehyung kept on throwing punches, "How could you? He loves you so much!'
"I don't have time for you!" the older man slapped the boy and pushed him out of his way as he continued to look for his wand.
Jimin was there to catch him from falling. The others along with Haechul were looking for the wand too but in the dark and amidst the long non trimmed grasses, it was difficult.
"There," Hansung found it and started running for it, his former best friend noticed it and ran too, he had been alway better runner and he used this skill this time too, he ran faster than the other and reached where he needed to be.
It was a matter of regret and shame that Jeon Jonhan actually got hold of that wand again.
"Everyone stay right there, I will burn everything down, I swear," he swore as he pointed wand in the air. Jeongguk upon seeing this started to walk faster, Namjoon helping him.
"Jeon Jeongguk, stop."
No, he didn't.
"Last time, I am telling you."
Still no.
Before anyone could do anything, he mumbled that spell out, "Eunaro Reselet!"
With that, a huge flash of energy came out of the wand and hit Kim Namjoon in the back causing him to aviate in the air and hit the ground with a huge thud. Jeongguk just flinched that moment and with shock flowing through his veins, he looked beside.
Namjoon was laying there, with blood oozing out of his body from several places, the shirt he was wearing was also burnt from the back and he didn't even move.
"If anyone wants to end up like him, then sure use your wands and spells!"
Jonhan screamed at the top of his lungs.
Jimin broke into tears seeing his boyfriend laying there and he couldn't even get there to hold him, hugging his best friend who was standing beside him, he started sobbing hard, "Taehyung, he killed my Joon."
"No, he is okay, baby. Just calm down,"
No one dared to come forward as they saw Jeongguk dropping on his knees and bending low to see his friend, "Joon, my guy you alright? Please say yes."
Namjoon didn't even nudge and Jeongguk started to panic more, "Fuck, bro get the fuck up! What is this?"
"Enough of your bullshit, come here!" Jonhan ordered standing right where he was and Jeongguk glared at him. Taehyung was about to attack him again but this time with spells when he saw it and pointed his wand at him.
"Tae, no!" Jeongguk yelled out with everything that was left in him.
With that, his boyfriend stayed where he was, his grip on the wooden magical stick tightened.
"No one will do anything, I will come to you," Jeongguk declared, rubbing his thumb on his best friend's cheek and pressed a kiss on his forehead before pulling himself to his feet.
Smiling at Taehyung who was crying his heart out, he took big steps towards the terrible excuse of a father. All he wanted to do was see his mom for one last time before he can't anymore.
As he walked closer, his gaze was on all the people who were there to help him, he was grateful, he was grateful to have them all, even if they didn't succeed but they tried and that's what that actually mattered to him.
"See it was easy, your friend didn't need to die," he glared and grabbed Jeongguk's neck when he was near his reach, "Now be a good son and stay still. It will be over before you even know it."
"Someone do something, what the fuck!" Yoongi shouted but no one uttered a word back when Jeongguk held his hand in the air, "Please, I don't want anyone else to die now and I am sure, you all will find the way to end this someday. It's alright."
His father laughed at that remark and now again got ready to attack him. He glanced at the moon up which already started fading by now but it doesn't matter, he was almost done. He made it this time.
"The question you asked, maybe I did love you but I loved the idea of ruling the realms a little more than you," Jonhan like the maniac he was whispered and was about to get it in Jeongguk but himself stopped when he heard that familiar voice calling out his name.
"Jonhan, stop."
He looked over his shoulder and saw his wife who just came in through the portal standing there with moisture in her eyes.
"Don't stop me, hun. It's important."
Taehyung never felt this pathetic in life, he was right there spectating his lover's death and his hands were tied. No one can do anything about it thinking about Jeongguk not being around him anymore, he ended up on his knees as he started sobbing so hard. Jimin did the same and the both best friends just cried.
"Leave him, he is our son if you forgot," she reminded but nothing, no impact as he ignored her pleas and looked in front at his young son.
"I am sorry." with no emotion, he whispered those words and aimed for his heart.
He attacked that instant.
Jeongguk screamed.
But before the edge could pierce his heart that would complete the ritual, he grabbed his father's hand and twisted it only to force it backwards. It happened so quickly that no one really understood what was happening until a moment later they saw the wand pierced in Jonhan's chest instead of Jeongguk.
The blond realized what he just did and with blank eyes stared at the wand that was half inside his dad's heart. It didn't take him much long before he collapsed on the floor.
Jeongguk quickly sat beside and cried out when he saw his father close his eyes and stop breathing. Not knowing what to do, he pulled that wand out of his chest again and saw it all covered in his blood.
"Stay away!" someone came and pushed Jeongguk snatching the wand out of his hold. The boy was so shocked that he just ran to the other side and watched it all.
Jonhan's body was evaporating and turning into a grey smoke, in which there were flashes and embers floating. The one who pushed Jeongguk aside was Haechul and he pulled the mage's wand up in the air pointing at the headmaster's fading body.
That was the entity that was getting into Jonhan's body that was the bait, the evil that was gonna give him the power. The same thing was going to happen with Jeongguk but he was lucky to get saved at the last moment.
"Insalinis robius!" Haechul said and Yoongi knew what he was doing. That was the spell Jonhan had to chant to take control of the power that was supposed to enter Jeongguk's body.
Own blood actually meant his own blood but he didn't want to turn into some massless entity with powers, he wanted both. Jonhan wanted both body and power and didn't hesitate trying to kill his own son because the same blood ran through the boy's veins.
The veil was trembling and they all, for the first time could see that, it was transparent but they could see it moving. If someone uses the power offered by the dark, it will fall but who will? Jeon Jonhan was dead now.
"No, dad!" Yoongi was stopped by Hansung and one of the professors when they saw the entity getting into Haechul's body through the wand.
The wand was just the medium and Haechul was just the host for the evil.
Where Jeongguk was supposed to be the bait, Jonhan ended up being that, maybe karma hits just like that. Instantly.
Haechul was in his senses and knew what he was doing, he knew it very well. He was a shapeshifter and he gained that power by a promise.
Jonhan's death was what he wished for, he wanted to avenge his wife's death, and now that he was dead, Haechul's wish was granted.
Now it was his time to go, to vanish. So he thought of taking this son of a bitch with him.
The entity was just a fraction of the dark, it was just a little part of it. It was greedy for more and chose Jonhan who was the most powerful wizard in there with his special wand and Haechul? He made a deal with the more powerful ones lurking in the dark.
It was the evil fighting the evil.
People say, it takes an evil to fight another and in their case, it was just the same. Maybe things didn't turn out like anyone of them planned but Haechul knew this was the best thing to do at the moment.
On one end, the entity kept on entering the man's body through the wand and on the other hand, he kept on fading.
Haechul screamed as there was so much happening in his body. Yoongi closed his eyes not wanting to see anymore. He lost it all. First mother and then his beloved father.
All the others were staring at the scene too and at one point, both Jonhan's and Haechul's body disappeared, the blood moon disappeared and it was all normal again.
The good in Haechul won by fighting the bad in Jonhan. No, of course he took help from the dark as well but he didn't do it for nothing, he did this for the revenge his son wanted and he didn't have any regrets for that.
Haechul was destined to die after the other's death but the pain he experienced while going wasn't something he expected. With both the disappearances, there was nothing but smoke lingering around the air there.
Both Yoongi and Jeongguk lost their fathers but not in the same way, someone will be prideful for his entire life while the other will always look back at this night as one of the most horrifying and embarrassing nights of his life.
This night was going down in history of Belfort.
None of them could believe that it finally ended, th blood bath finally ended.
The game finally ended.
this is the end of
the chap but of course
we getting an epilogue
where things make more
sense and you get to see
how things are after this !
i will try to get it done
by today. if not, surely
by tomorrow :)
guys you tell me how
was the book?
idk this
was the first time i actually
finished a fantasy book, like
i know being this my very
first ever fantasy writing ( which
i didn't give up after two chaps),
there are many plot holes
and mistakes but hoping that
you still enjoyed this.
i love you all,
stay tuned for the
epilogue ♡♡♡
thank you for reading !
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