《WANDS AND SPELLS | VKOOK ✓》05 | abusing the power
"Did you see what happened there?"
Those were the only words that echoed down the hallway, every single student was talking about the incident happened during the lunch hour.
Jeon Jeongguk surely had the privileges and advantages but again they come with other stuff too and that was that he was being questioned over and over again about that issue.
Puzzled and perplexed, the blond barged into the headmaster's office because he himself needed answers more than anyone else surprising his father who was looking through some big fat book on the table.
"It's not how you walk in, son. Where are the manners?" the man with a triangular brown hat on asked, closing the book that instant before pushing his glasses up his nose bridge, a serious look on his face, "Next time, knock."
"I think we have a more important situation here rather than talking about my manners." Jeongguk said, voice coated with worry and cognition, "The whole school is asking me what happened in there. Now tell me what do I tell them, huh?"
"Calm down young man. I, being your father and the headmaster here― deserve some respect and obviously not this tone." his father said with a hint of disappointment and annoyance while he hardly rubbed his thumb against his left eyebrow, "And Jeongguk, you are not answerable to any of them."
"Maybe I am not but dad, they want a closure, they need an explanation." Jeongguk pointed out, throwing his backpack on the chair opposite to the one his father was sitting on.
They? Uh huh, it was just an excuse. He himself needed an explanation and the students of Belfort were just a pretense, just a plea, "Is this something to be worried about?"
"No, no. Of course not. It's just her wand. Mr. Ravi is fixing it and that's exactly what the problem was." he came up with this reason which Jeongguk knew was a lie because this doesn't just add up and of course he is not going to nod to agree and walk away.
"This happened yesterday as well dad, I am aware of it―" Jeongguk disclosed, that surprised the other a little too much as he widened his eyes at the statement and the younger could clearly his Adam apple bob a bit due to him gulping.
"Who else knows about this?" he almost whispered, pulling himself to his feet and Jeongguk just simply cleared his throat, "Uhm, just Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin I guess."
"You guess, you aren't sure―" the older man interrupted himself and let out the longest and loudest sigh possible at the moment while he gave his son a concerning look, "Make sure no one else knows about this and also, talk to them both and try to make them understand that they cannot tell this to anyone."
"Is everything alright―" Jeongguk couldn't finish his sentence when his father started speaking again, "And for the time being, if someone asks you what happened back there, tell them that the wand was problematic."
"Dad, what's happening?"
"I am afraid someone or something is trying to destroy the veil." the mage whispered softly, looking around the room for once, "I will myself go and check tonight."
"Should we be worried?"
"Let's hope it's not damaged much and we can fix it." he said not even looking at his son and rushed to the huge book shelves behind. With that ladder fixed there only for him, he climbed up and got two books, "Jeongguk, come here, help me with this."
"Get them on my table." he said totally forgetting that he could even do that with his spells. Jeongguk didn't bother to remind him and did what he was told to. He helped the headmaster getting the books and once they were settled on the table, he again got back to his usual spot and waited for his father to get off.
"Dad, calm down." he said watching his father lose his mind as he crazily started turning the pages of the books he got, "Can I help you with something?"
"Yeah you can," he said, eyes still fixed on the book, "Get out."
"Woah fine, you're very rude." Jeongguk grabbed his backpack and started walking to the exit but before he could get out, his father's voice echoed in the room.
"Talk to both of them. This thing gets out to the other students, I will myself suspend you," he spoke while Jeongguk knitted his brows, "Wait, what? The fuck? What's my fault in that?"
Getting no answer from the older, he sighed and mumbled a, "Nevermind, you have gone nuts."
Jeongguk was annoyed on another level at the moment for not snapping at the old man there because he knows his condition but also venting on him wasn't right either. In this situation seeing Taehyung's face the moment he got out of the office is a cherry on top. He was infuriated now.
"The fuck do you want?" he asked taking huge steps ahead while Taehyung was following him behind, "What did your dad say?"
"Told me to fuck off, happy?" the other said, hands turning to fists while Taehyung sighed and grabbed his shoulder stopping him from getting away.
"Hey, calm down." Taehyung rubbed his palm on the other's back, understanding the pain of how their fathers treat them. The pressure and all the bullshit wasn't something anyone deserved.
"Woah Kim, you talking as if I am your friend;" Jeongguk forgot that he was pissed one moment ago and raised his brows at him who immediately pulled his hand away, "I kind of y'know related to your pain forgetting who actually are for a moment."
"What a lame excuse man, just tell me you secretly have a crush on me," Jeongguk laughed out, stopping in the middle and pushed his back on the wall behind, hugging his backpack, "That would be epic."
"Won't I die before letting that happen? For real I can never like you." Taehyung said taking a step away from the other cheekily grinning at him.
"Hey, feelings can't be controlled you shithead and on top of that, I am very hot so you can never be hundred percent sure." the blond one said grabbing the other's hands and momentarily pulled him closer.
Taehyung losing his balance almost was gonna fall but Jeongguk's body in front his caused the brunet to collide with him instead.
He glared at the one who wrapped his hands around his waist very tightly and got closer.
The space outside the office was as usual empty and there was no one seeing them which Jeongguk acknowledged really well.
"The fuck, leave me arsehole. I will kick you in your groin and ruin your balls." Taehyung through gritted teeth said and tried to break free but Jeongguk's arms around him was firm and strong,
"That's what you get for lying. I know I am hot."
Those words were whispered against the other's right ear, that hot breath against his skin― Taehyung gulped at the lack of space between them and despised that stupid smirk on the other's face.
"Fucking hell," Taehyung was using his force to break out while Jeongguk was using all his force to keep him in his hold. The mechanism was in favour of the blond boy as his power was more than the other's.
"Try not to abuse your power, Jeongguk." Taehyung said not trying to get out of the other's hold anymore, "You might be having fun doing this but do you realize how wrong this is?"
"Don't give lectures, Kim. Don't guilt trip me," Jeongguk let go of the other and rolled his eyes, "I need to take a bath after this."
"Yeah it was you who got close, not me. By the way you stink." the brunet fake gagged cause there was nothing like this, rather Jeongguk smelled like chocolate, that must be the perfume he uses, he will not deny, it was alluring.
"I don't bitch, you do."
"Anyways let's be serious for once? What did your dad say?" he with the most low tone possible asked and the other sighed.
"Like I said, it's something to worry about. Dad is going crazy already," Jeongguk informed, "But also please don't tell anyone about this yeah? He will suspend me if this thing gets leaked."
"Oh wow, that's a good news, ain't it Jeon?" the brunet smiled oh so widely. Jeongguk even imagined fangs growing out which of course wasn't happening, "I should actually tell the whole world now."
"Now you are taking advantage of my helplessness." Jeongguk said, crossing his arms over his chest, "Don't Kim, you will miss me too much when I get suspended. The most to be exact, trust me."
"That's not how you speak to someone when you are just one step away from getting suspended." the brunet said, taking a step closer to Jeongguk who cocked one of his eyebrows, "Why do I feel you're planning something evil in that almost non existent mind of yours?"
"Think Jeon Jeongguk,"
"I tell this to everyone, whole Belfort gets worried, your father gets in trouble and you get suspended, isn't it a great opportunity for me?" Taehyung said and Jeongguk widened his eyes.
"You're kidding right?"
"No for real, just think about it, it's such a good news for me."
"No way―" Jeongguk gasped and the brunet just smiled, "I know you're not that cruel."
"I am relentless Jeongguk, and trust me if it can make my father believe that I am not such a disappointment, then I might do this."
heyo thinking of updating this book almost everyday hjejwkw
anyways meet you soon in the next update ! love you <33
I can't believe my fiance chose me to be her cheat when she was summoned to another world
*Updates Weekly on Wednesdays
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