《Son of the Dark (Male Sith Reader X Female Jedi)》Chapter 5: Counterattack


(Y/N): "It's no wonder you're called a coward these days General! Running when you see fit!"

All ships of Task Force J were able to escape through the captured hyperspace route before a Republic armada of three Venators arrived and were able to drive off both Invisible Hand, Calvary alongside the fleets.

Grievous: "It is not cowardice to run when the odds are stacked against you. How much super fuel were you able to rush off of the planet's surface?"

(Y/N): "Not much. you should've sent a transport!"

Grievous: "None of that matters now, this operation was only a 50% success thanks to you..."

I slammed the hologram table, that's pathetic. Attempting to blame the failure of the operation on me.

(Y/N): "That's not true and you know it!"

Grievous: "You became one of Count Dooku's favourites... But I don't think he'll appreciate it even if you do escape and return. Not after I tell him how you recklessly led the attack and overstretched our means. He ha ha ha ha ha ha, "

I ignited my lightsaber and slashed the hologram in two, so that cyborg snake leaves me here to die... fair enough. It's no use giving out in rage when one's about to die.

OOM-11: "Commander, the Republic cruisers are now blockading the planet. By my calculations there could be a chance they're sending their transports down within 24 hours."

I nod slowly. Holstering my sabre and walking out of the command room, the droid stared at the smashed hologram for a few moments before it followed me.

OOM-11: "What are your orders sir?"

I thought long and hard, but eventually came to a decision... Surrender? Never...

(Y/N): "Notify all flak positions for attack, ground all fighters and outfit them for ground combat, dig in and hide all units until the Clones approach your positions... rescue is coming soon, we only need to hold them off long enough until Admiral Trench sends transports and reinforcements.


OOM-11: "Roger roger."

The droid signalled all units in the division my given orders. Let's make this end fierce and bloody, like a Sith would want it.

Admiral Gillian: "Madam Viola. We've secured the sector, we've counted no droid ships destroyed, though Freedom is severely damaged due to the shield maneuver we pulled earlier."

This wasn't the best of battle reports I've had ever since I was given command of my own fleet and corps. But beggars can't be choosers,

Aleera: "That's alright, we gave it all we had. Sent Grievous on the run, and drove the Separatists out of the sector for now. But let's get ready for the next phase, invasion of the planet Kybolt."

Commander Xion: "General, the gunships are ready to launch on your order. By what we were able to receive from that message that Captain Brunt was able to send to the outpost before it was attacked, there is still a considerable force of droids deployed on the surface. By what I've heard we've essentially encircled them and trapped them on the planet.

Aleera: "It's sadly too late for the previous garrison, and Master Ar' Gai as well... But we will make sure they are avenged."

I assured, grabbing my lightsaber that rested on my hip. I nodded towards Commander Xion as we both made it towards the gunships waiting in the hangar.

Xion: "General, the garrison manning the mining facility were exceptionally trained. How do you think Grievous would be able to command his army them so efficiently to the extent that he can give constant orders from two planets?"

Aleera: "I don't know Commander, but at the very least we must do our duty. Our questions might be answered later."

I assured. But just then, I could feel something. A slight disturbance in the Force, it's a feeling I've never felt before... Cold. Is the only way I can describe it.

Xion: "Is there something wrong sir?"

He asked.

Aleera: "It's nothing. Let's get a move on."

Xion bashed his hand on the wall separating the passengers of the gunship and he pilot. The gunships all lifted off of the ground alongside the ARC-170 escorts, though even as a Jedi I felt doubt in this mission...

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