《Return of the Sith.》Battle above atlas.


You were flying to atlas cloaked but you soon see a strange looking bullhead flying toward you.

Tyranus:What a strange looking ship.

The ship suddenly shot a ion pulse weapon that deactivated your cloak!(Play video)


Wolf:Let's play hide and seek!

Soon the floating city of atlas sent tons of bullheads at you and you dodged all of the bullets while shooting some down.


Astro:(Scared droid sounds)

Soon Astro marked a dot on the radar around you that was the ship that shot the ion pulse and you soon cloaked again and started picking off bullheads when the ship that was marked shot the ion wave deactivating your cloak but also nearby bullheads and soon you patched yourself into the ion cannon ships intercom.

Tyranus:WHO ARE YOU!

Wolf:Names wolf and you are my prey.

The ship soon came above you and you barely dodged him and you soon managed to get behind him and locked onto him and shot ion missiles at him and he soon did a barrel roll shaking off the missiles and you cloaked again and fired on the last bullheads and only you and him were left and he shot the ion cannon deactivating your cloak again and he got behind you and started to rip into your ships shields and they ran out.

Tyranus:STOP THIS!

Wolf:Easy prey..

You grew so angry that your ships hulls started to glow red from your semblance and you soon did a full stop causing wolf to fly past you.


You soon locked onto him and started shooting him and he managed to dodge a few of the plasma bolts and you did hit his ship and you noticed he had a force field!


Tyranus:Say were did a Faunus get a force field?

Wolf:None of your concern.

He soon did a dive heading down into atlas and he started to use the skyscrapers as cover while you follow and attempt to shot him.

Wolf:Your good but I'm better!

He soon turned towards you and shot a missile that collided into a skyscraper next to you and you had to do a dive heading above the streets of atlas were you shot at the road to make a path for you to fly and you thought it was a good idea to hover in the dust to make wolf think your dead.

Wolf:Money in the bank..

He soon started to leave and you cloaked and got behind him and launched missiles that hit his ship directly destroying his shields!


Tyranus:No more games...

You locked into his ship and opened fire and the bolts ripped into his wings.


Tyranus:Good bye wolf.

You fired one last shot causing him to lose all control of his ship and soon it plummeted into the ice below.(End music)

Tyranus:For once a good challenge. Oh well.

You laugh as you lock onto the main military base and opened fired and in a total of 15 minutes the base has been destroyed and you soon land outside the second academy since your master said the second relic will be here.

Tyranus:All to easy..

Ruby's POV:Me and my teammates were on our way to atlas on a bullhead when we saw y/ns ship shot down another ship and the pilot decided to land next to the crash site to see if anyone survived and soon enough we found the pilot he was a young wolf Faunus the same age of y/n or I think the same age and we took him out of the wreck and the aura he had was healing him and the pilot dropped us off on atlas and took the Faunus to vale to get medical treatment.

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