《Stuck With Him: Kai Parker》20


"Be careful." I told Kai, giving him one last squeeze. "I don't wanna die remember." I reminded him. He chuckled and smiled. I smiled back and leaned up to kiss him.

He kissed me back. "Kai!" Jeremy yelled so our kiss stopped. "Come on."

Kai huffed. "When I get back we're not leaving that bed until it breaks."

I raised a brow. "Is that so?"

He winked. "Yep."

I hummed. "Then hurry back, Malachai."

Kai was going back to the prison world with Jeremy to save Bonnie before she killed herself. Only Jeremy was joining him so he didn't have to use as much magic.

I did explain to Jeremy that it was my fault, he was mad but understood.

"Kai, let's go." Jeremy called, I understood why he was in a rush.

"Go, I'll see you later." I said, punching his arm playfully. Kai smiled, cupping my cheek to kiss my forehead.

"See you later." He replied, he went to Jeremy and begun the spell. In seconds they flashed away and I looked at Damon.

"I guess it's just us, Damon." I shrugged, sitting down beside him on the sofa.

He hummed, sipping his glass of bourbon. "What a joy."

I shoved his arm and he grinned. "You know you love me Damon."

He bit his lip an thought for a moment. "Now that's a tough question."

I laughed and punched his arm. "Whatever." I looked around. "Where did Elena go?"

"Probably helping Stefan or something." Damon told me, gulping down the last mouthful of his drink.

"I swear you're an alcoholic."

He smiled with a small shrug. "But I can't die from drinking so who cares."

"Good point." I said, letting out a deep breath. "Now what do we do?"

Damon shrugged. "Now, Riley. We wait."

I glanced at him. "Do you think they can do it?"

"I hope so, Bonnie isn't usually this stupid to do that."

"I'm sorry about making us go back."

He shook his head. "It's fine, I would do the same if it was Elena." I smiled and nodded. "Are you still leaving?"


I shrugged. "I don't know, I want to go but I want to stay."

"Stay for Kai, go for Kol?" He guessed. I nodded, setting Zeke by my feet. "Gotta love a good old love triangle." I rolled my eyes. "Why don't you just have a threesome with them both and whoever is better than you pick that one."

"Tempting." His eyebrows rose and I snorted a laugh. "I'm kidding Damon." He just hummed and I shook my head. "I wouldn't mind being friends with Kol but he wants everything back how it was for us to be back in New Orleans."

"New Orleans is actually really fun." Damon laughed to himself. "I had a lot of good times there."

"Well I don't want to go." I said. "It's not my fault."

"Technically its your fault." I looked at Damon with confusion. "For losing your memories in the first place."

I frowned, slapping his arm. "Not funny, I can't help the fact I was curious." I defended. "So, does Elena have her memories of you back?"

I was so behind in what was happening with Damon's life.

"No, but she's willing to take me back." He smiled. I smiled, happy for Damon.

"That's great, I'll be back in a minute. I haven't eaten all day." I told him, standing up.

"Alright then, raid my fridge." He replied, sarcastically.

"Gladly." I said, Damon laughed as I went into the kitchen. I flicked through the cupboards and decided to make myself a sandwich.

I ate it in the kitchen, going on my phone. Humming to myself, I chewed on the sandwich. "I'm so good at making sandwiches."

When I ate of all my amazing sandwich, I went upstairs to pee. I hope Kai and Jeremy stop Bonnie.

After done on the toilet, I washed my hands and stared at myself in the mirror. I touched my cheek. "Who was Raquel Collins?"

"Kol." I mumbled, sitting up but only came face to a counter. My head smacked it and I fell backwards. I held my head, hissing in pain. "Son of a Parker."

. I thought, taking a deep breath and rubbing my forehead.


Slowly, I sat up and rose to my feet. I held onto the sink and held my head. "Ow." I whined with a frown. "Stupid counter."

Looking at myself, I sighed and ran my hands down my face. "This better not bruise." I said, looking at my head. "Maybe Kai can show me a spell to heal it."

"Stop it." I said with a sigh, slapping my head but hissed in pain. "Ow."

I took a deep breath, running my hands through my hair. "Be normal." I said to my reflection. "No more talking to yourself."

"God, I'm crazy." I muttered and shook my head. "Shut up Riley."

"I need to-"

A loud crash stopped my comment to myself and I lifted my head up and looked back. "What was that?"

I glanced at my reflection and shrugged. "I should go and look."

And I did, I left the bathroom and crept downstairs into the front room where he last was. "Damon?" I called, raising a brow. "Oh Damon, come out, come out wherever you are."

I pulled a confused face. "Salvatore, where did you go?" I took a step further into the room, hearing the wood creek underneath my shoes.

I suddenly got a thought and paused with a smile. "Damon, if you're going to scare me. I swear I will hurt you."

However I got no response and frowned.

I bit my lip. . I nodded at my thoughts, heading for the front door with my eyes still wondering around.

I grabbed Zeke onto my back, swinging open the front door and gasped shutting it again or trying to at least. "That's bloody rude Riley." Rebekah said, pushing the door open and making me stumble a little back.

"Rebekah, nice surprise what brings you here?" I asked, backing away when I felt someone's arms around me.

"You've got to be kidding me." I muttered, cursing as I glanced at Elijah. "Hi Elijah."


I smiled. "At least you called me Riley." I shrugged then remembered. "Wait, where is Damon?"

"He's fine, just a little snap of the neck never hurt anyone." Kol said, along with Klaus.

I raised a brow. "So he's alive?" They nodded and I nodded. "Right, neck snapping doesn't kill vampires."

"You should know that, shouldn't you Riley." Kol grinned, referring to the college.

I chuckled, holding up my hands. "Look I'm sorry about that, but I had to pee and you were stopping me from finding a restroom." I lied, they all rolled their eyes obviously not believing me. "Why do I get the feeling you don't believe me?"

"Because dear." Kol walked up to me and cupped my face. "We are not idiots."

I rolled my eyes, bringing up my hand slowly but Elijah caught it, grabbing my wrist to keep my hands down. "Niklaus hurry up with this already."

"Wait!" I exclaimed and they all looked at me. "Is there a chance that you can let me go?"

"None." Rebekah said. "I've spent the last few hours searching for and you try putting up with those three." She scoffed, pointing at her brothers.

"I guess I should begin then." Klaus smiled, walking over to me.

My eyes widened, chanting a spell but Elijah covered my mouth. "Riley, please don't make this so difficult." Klaus said, holding my chin to make me look at him.

His gaze burned holes into my body and I tried to turn my head away. I shut my eyes, struggling against Elijah's unbreakable hold.

"Riley, love open your eyes. Or I'll be forced to kill Damon." Klaus sighed.

I immediately thought.

I shook my head. "Open your eyes then." His tone was harsh showing he was getting angry.

I tried to speak but Elijah's hand muffled it. "Let her speak." Kol said and his hand was removed. I kept my eyes shut but spoke.

"This isn't fair, let me go. I'll stop being with Kai but just let me go. This is not fair." I pleaded. "Please."

"Sweetheart." I heard Rebekah say. "We're originals, we don't play fair."

"That's unfair." I said and some of them chuckled.

"Now come on, love." Klaus said. "Open your eyes or Damon pays the price."

I whined and sighed in defeat, opening my eyes.

. Was my last thought before everything fell into darkness.


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