《Stuck With Him: Kai Parker》11


"Wakey, wakey Ri." An annoying voice said, poking my cheek. I groaned, shoving my head underneath the pillow. "Ri, get up."

"Go away, Malachai." I moaned, burying my face into the bed.

Kai sighed. "Alright, but you asked for this." He said, yanking the blankets off me. I gasped, when my skin became exposed to the cold air and shivered.

"Malachai." I lifted my head up from the pillow, seeing him sat down at the end of my bed with a smile. "It's." I paused, checking the clock. "Seven in the morning. Why are you awake?"

"Why aren't you, Ri?" He shrugged. I yawned, rubbing my eyes. Kai patted my leg. "Now come on, Ri. We need to get ready for today."

Today we were suppose to be escaping from this hell. I couldn't be any happier but I needed to make sure Kai had no more tricks up his sleeve.

"Why can't we get ready at twelve." I suggested.

Kai rolled his eyes. "Come on, Ri." He whined, I shook my head and turned away.

"What the hell, Malachai?" I exclaimed, as he grabbed my ankle before dragging me out of the bed. "Let me go!"

He laughed, continuing to pull until I landed on my butt on the floor. "Now that you're out of bed, let's get ready."

I glared, standing up as I rubbed my butt. "I hate you." I hissed, Kai winked. "Now get out so I can change."

"Why I've already seen you naked, Ri?" He shrugged, stuffing his hands into his shorts pockets.

My eyebrows shot up. "Excuse me?"

Kai grinned, tilting his head a little to the right. "Whoops. About that...."

"Yeah about that." I interrupted. "When and where did you witness me naked, Malachai?" He shrugged, biting his lip. "Answer the question."

He sighed. "Fine, so maybe I've used a cloaking spell to watch you get dressed. So what? Its not a big deal."

"Not a big deal!" I repeated, Kai shhed me. "Don't you shh me! I can't believe you've seen me naked before. How many times have you actually done this?"

Kai shrugged. "From the top of my head let's say ten times, maybe twenty." He paused and tapped his chin. "Okay thirty." My eyebrows shot up and my jaw dropped.

"You little creep." I snapped, shoving his chest. "I'm going to count to three if you are still here after three I will get Damon to snap your neck."

Kai shrugged. "Technically that'll kill you as well, Ri."

I swore under my breath. "Fine then I'll get him to compel into allowing Bonnie and I to give you a makeover."

His eyes widened. "You wouldn't dare."

"Oh but I would, Malachai." I smirked, closing my eyes. "One." I held up one finger.

"Ri, come on you can't be serious."


"It was a joke, just harmless fun."



Opening my eyes, I smirked in satisfaction when I saw that Kai was gone. "That's what I thought."


"Ooh what's this, Ri?" Kai asked, I glanced over at him.

"What's what?"

We were sat outside someone's house, Damon and Bonnie wanted Kai out of the way while they prepared everything.

Kai was holding up a silver chain. I had it for the past two years.

I took it from his hands and looked at it. It was a silver chain. The necklace was gorgeous and I wore it from time to time when I remembered.


"It just something I came here with." I told Kai. "Stop looking through my bag, Malachai." I threw the chain back inside Zeke and took him back.

"You should put it on, Ri." Kai suggested, getting out the necklace once more. I shook my head and he nodded. "Come on it'll look pretty."

I rolled my eyes, taking it from him. "Alright, Malachai." He grinned as I put on the necklace. Twisting it back around correctly, I showed Kai. "How does it look?"


"I know I am, Malachai." I teased, putting my hand over my heart. "But I was talking about the necklace." I laughed while he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, Ri." Kai replies, kicking a stone. "How long until we're out of this place?"

I shrugged, resting my head on his shoulder. "I don't know, what are you going to do when we get out of here?"

i looked up at him and he looked down at me, his arm wrapped around my body. "I'm going to get back at my coven for sending me here for eighteen years."

I fused my eyebrows together. "When you say get back..."

"I mean kill, Ri." He finished. A cold wind traveled down my spine from his words, they were so emotionless like he didn't even care.

"Alright then." I just nodded slowly.

Kai drummed his fingers against my skin. "What about you, Ri?"

I shrugged. "I'm probably going to catch up on everything I missed."

"What happened to Baywatch?" He asked, randomly. "Baywatch was awesome."

"I don't even know what you're talking about."

His eyebrows rose in shock. "You've never heard of Baywatch?"

I shook my head. "No I haven't."

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing what's wrong with you?"

"Many things." He grinned and I couldn't help but smile back. I stood up and brushed my clothes. It was nearly the eclipse meaning Damon and Bonnie would've needed us back soon.

Kai stood as well, while I fixed Zeke on my back. "Shall we go back?"

"We shall." I answered, while we began walking down the street. "I want a cat." I stated. Kai gave me a strange look. "That's what I'm going to do when we get back. I'm getting a cat, a little baby kitten."

"Alright then." He replied. "What are you gonna call it?"

I paused then thought. "Zeke." I answered smiling to myself. Kai hadn't known about Zeke.

"Okay then." Kai said while we entered the house.

"And here come the lovebirds." Damon announced when he saw us. I snorted a laugh and Kai just grinned. Damon was sitting on an armchair, another glass of bourbon in his hands.

"Shut up Damon." I said. I took off Zeke and threw him in the corner.

Bonnie appeared in the room, holding a bowl of something. "Hey Damon whe-" Her eyes landed on me and she gasped, dropping the bowl into a million pieces.

"Bonnie!" Damon exclaimed, placing down his glass down before vamp speeding to her. "What's the matter with you?"

She whispered something in his ear and he seemed surprised while he lead her out of the room.

Kai and I looked at one another. "What just happened?" He asked me, I shrugged.

"No clue but I am starving so I'm going to get something to eat." I went to the kitchen. Damon and Bonnie weren't in there so I just grabbed an apple, taking a bite as I leaned over the island.


Kai helped himself to a bag of Pork Grinds, leaning opposite me. "What do think was wrong with Bon-bon." He paused and grinned. "That rhymes." He shoved more food in his mouth.

I rolled my eyes. "I have no idea what was wrong with her. One minute she's normal, the next she's dropping plates and whispering something to Damon."

"Maybe they're going to leave without us."

I frowned and put my apple aside. I shook my head. "They wouldn't do that."

Kai shrugged. "Think about it, Ri." He said. "I tried to kill them and you lied to them for weeks."

He had a point and I hated to admit it, but Kai was right. I looked up at him, he was looking at me. "Bonnie and Damon wouldn't do that to us."

"How should you know?" Kai asked. "You don't know them like you know me."

"Kai, I've known you two years and you never told me that this was your prison world." I fired. "Not to mentioned that you can siphon magic and murdered your family."

Kai shrugged. "You never asked."

I huffed. "You're ridiculous." I rested my head on my hand. "Kai, why didn't you just use my magic and leave?"

"Your magic?" He paused and nodded. "Right, you made the water freeze."

I hummed. "I did."

Kai sighed. "It's because, Ri, you're magic is too unpredictable." I pulled a confused look. "I've tried to siphon your magic-"

"You have?" He nodded. "When?"

Kai shook his head. "Many times, I even tried this morning." I scoffed. "But it wouldn't work."

"I don't know whether to thank you or not."

"You could just appreciate that we're getting out of here."

I hummed. "Hopefully."

Kai winked and leaned in. "There's always plan B, i siphon Bonnie's magic, kill Damon and we leave."

"Don't hurt them." I told him, picking up my apple again. "They're my friends."

"Your friends Ri." Kai pointed out. "Not mine."

I rolled my eyes at him, throwing away my apple and left the kitchen. I spotted Bonnie and Damon discussing by the door so I chose to stay back and wait.

They each had a rucksack and looked my way when they'd discussed.

"Ready?" Damon asked me. I readjusted Zeke on my back.

"Yep." I replied, popping the 'p'.

Damon smirked. "Then let's get the hell out of here."


"Man this is boring." I said to myself as we trudged through a forest.

"Are we there yet?" I asked Damon, who was ahead of me.

He looked back at me and narrowed his eyes. "I swear to God, Riley if you ask me that again I will leave you here alone."

I held up my hands in defence and he turned back around, muttering something under his breath. "Someone's moody." I muttered. Kai laughed.

He opened his mouth to speak when we came to a sudden stop. I huffed. "About time." I looked at Kai. "Now what?"

Damon and Bonnie also looked at him since they didn't know.

"This it it." He beamed. "We are directly underneath the eclipse when it arrives. Well you Damon you need to dig underneath in to the tombs below." Kai explained, putting the ascendant back in his jacket pocket before walking away.

"Where are you going?" Bonnie asked, Kai spun round.

"I need to collect some important supplies." He grinned and then just left. I shook my head and Damon used the pickaxe Kai told him to bring.

"This little weasel better not be double crossing us." He muttered, whacking the ground repetitively.

Bonnie sat down, soon I joined her as we watched Damon. "This is so boring."


"Riley give me your hands." Bonnie instructed.

I rose a brow. "Why?"

"Because I want to practise something."

This made me curious. "What?"

"Riley, please." She sighed. "I'm bored okay, let me just do this."

"Okay." I said and she took my hands chanting something under her breath.

Damon was still whacking the ground and Kai was still gone wherever. "What did you do?" I asked Bonnie, when she had finished her spell.

She shook her head. "It doesn't matter." Bonnie looked at Damon. "You know you could just be digging your own grave."

He stopped and looked at her, shrugging before whacking the ground hard. A crack sound appeared and he smiled. "Ah-ha." Damon cheered, looking down into the empty space.

"Looks like I got back just in time." We all turned back at Kai, who was carrying a rucksack in his hands. Damon dropped the pickaxe in his hands and vamp sped to him, searching his bag.

"A pager?" He dropped Kai's bag on the floor. "These are your important supplies."

"Look the future sounds great." Kai grinned. "I'm super excited about the internet but 1994 has been my home for most of my life, I'd hate to get home sick."

Damon rolled his eyes. "So let's get down there-" Kai was cut off by Bonnie.

"No." She stood up and walked over until she was in front of Kai. "We're not going anywhere until you show me the spell."

Kai shrugged, stuffing his hands in his pockets in silence and he smirked. It was silent for a while until I spoke. "Are we literally not going anywhere?"

"Fine, you don't wanna show me the spell. Then you can do it yourself." Bonnie said, holding out her arms to Kai. She nodded. "You want my magic, go ahead."

"Uh-oh. She's being brave." Kai said, rolling his eyes.

Bonnie scoffed. "I'm serious, Kai. This was your big plan, anyway if I don't do the spell you'll just take my magic, leave me for dead and do the spell yourself." She shrugged with her arms still held out.

I thought, watching.

"So go ahead." Bonnie taunted. "Take all of it."

Kai took a deep breath. "Don't mind if I do." He grabbed Bonnie's arms sucking her magic. Bonnie cried out in pain.

"Bonnie." Damon said, growing suspicious as he stepped closer.

"It's okay he won't kill me." She spoke through the pain while she stared at Kai.

"That's not what it looks like from here." I added, standing up and coming closer. I glanced at Kai, who was smirking widely. His gaze met mine. "Stop." I mouthed, shaking my head.

Kai rolled his eyes, dropping Bonnie's arms and she took deep breaths. "He doesn't know the spell." She stated, smirking. "Which means we don't need him."

Bonnie raised her hand and made the pickaxe sink into Kai's chest. I gasped, when I saw fall down onto the ground and ran over to him.

"Oh my God. Kai." I exclaimed with tears forming in my eyes. I touched his cheek and it was cold. I nudged his arm and whispered. "Malachai, please wake up."

I removed the pickaxe and looked at Bonnie. "What is wrong with you?" I yelled, the pickaxe still in my hand. I blinked my tears and glared. "Why did you do that to him?"

"It was either us or him Riley." She said. "I'm sorry; I know he was your friend."

"Yes he was!" I snapped and clenched my jaw. "You can't just leave him here alone while we escape."

"It had to be done."

I scowled. "Had to be done!" I held the pickaxe tightly. "It's because of Kai, you know a way out of this place."

I knew Kai wasn't dead but I didn't want him to miss his chance to be out of this hell.

A hand grabbed my arm and pulled me up to my feet, I struggled in his grasp and Damon snatched the pickaxe from me. "Riley, look at me."

I only glared at Damon and he looked at me, dead in the eye. "You don't know who Kai Parker is all you remember is being stuck here with Bonnie and I."

"What's wrong with you?" I slapped him around the face. Damon seemed baffled and glanced over at Bonnie. "How can I forget Kai? I've known him for the past two years."

I suddenly wondered.

"Bonnie." I called. She looked at me. "Why am I still alive?"

"I unlinked you from Kai." She said, I nodded walking over to her.

I frowned. "Why?"

"Because he is crazy and I don't trust him." She said and put her hand on my arm. "So he had to die, but I didn't want to lose you too."

I shook her hand off me. "Why do you trust me?" I wondered with a shrug. "I could be as crazy as Kai for all you know."

"Ending the cat fight." Damon interrupted, standing in between us. He smiled. "Let's just go home."


Damon, Bonnie and I all held the ascendant while Bonnie said the spell. I sighed, growing somewhat bored and restless.

I didn't feel as excited because Kai wasn't here and missed out on a chance.

"Bonnie." Damon exclaimed when an arrow plunged into her stomach. I gasped, snapping my head to see who it was.

It was Kai.

"You don't think I haven't tried to kill myself before?" Kai asked. Bonnie held her stomach and Damon lunged for Kai.

My eyes widened and I stared between the two situations; Kai and Damon fighting and Bonnie bleeding out on the floor. I gulped and fiddled with my fingers to calm my nerves.

"Riley help Bonnie!" Damon yelled, looking at me. "She's going to die."

"Okay." I rushed over to Bonnie, applying pressure on her wound. I looked at her and shrugged. "I don't know what I'm doing."

Bonnie let out a small chuckle. "It's fine, Riley just go and take Damon with you."

"No you can't stay here Bonnie." Even though, she really pissed me off, Bonnie was my friend and I wanted all of us to escape this hell.

I moved my hands and saw her blood on them. My eyes widened and I took off my jacket to place on her wound. "Come on Bonnie, stand up."

She shook her head and inhaled a shaky breath. Riley, it's okay."

I shook my head. "No, I'm not leaving you."


"Hang in there Bonnie." Damon said, appearing by my side. Bonnie smiled slightly. "You're going to be just fine."

"You two need to leave." She breathed out. I shook my head but she used her magic to move me back into the centre along with Damon.

"Bonnie what are you doing?" Damon asked with his eyes widen. "Bonnie!"

"Here." She smiled, throwing the ascendant. Damon caught it just as a light appeared and Bonnie and Kai flashed away.

"No!" Damon yelled. "Bonnie!"

"Kai!" I called, but it was late.

Raising my eyebrows, I spun around and saw a forest but there was no Bonnie and no Kai. "Damon where are we?"

Damon looked down to the blood covered ascendant in his hands. "Home." He lifted his gaze up to me. "Welcome to reality, Riley."


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