《Soulmates (Damian x Reader)》Chapter 7


After we made it to the roof I sighed in comfort enjoying the fresh air I sat down on the edge of the building were all staying at while Damian sat next to me. I was still I little weirded by our conversation from a few minutes ago but he seemed to be thinking to "so u didn't really explain the flicker in your eyes precisely, I mean you went out late at night so did something happen".

I sighed and turned to him to see him already facing me "I thought you were gonna stop asking questions Damian" he took my hand "can I hold your hand?" I sigh and light pull away from his hand and fully turn to him as he does the same "didn't I just explain everything" he took both my hand while I tried to pull away but he just gave both my hand a small comforting squeeze "please"

He looked at me "why can I hold your hands" I looked down "I told you I don't want you to get caught up in my life" he looked away and then took his hands back so I looked down but slowly reached my hand back to his he turned back to me looking at our hands I held mine out. He had a little smile come to his face and tightened his grip a little, I sighed looking down but I felt his finger under my chin lifting my head a bit "why is it so wrong for us to hold hands" I shrugged "I..I just told you everyone ends up leaving me Damian and I really do enjoy your company but I, you are the closest person to me in my life that I think I have ever had...I don't want to be even more broken than I already am after you end up leaving me something greater".

I turn to him seeing a little shock on his face "Y/N, I'm not going to ever leave you I promise" I sigh and get up turning my back to him "don't make promises you can't keep Damian" I felt him come behind me and rest his arms on my arms "I am gonna keep it Y/N" I felt his arms wrap around my waist making me lookup.

I turned towards him in shock I opened my mouth to say something but his eyes were staring down at me and I lost my train of thought, a small smile came to his face which I couldn't resist I laid both my hand on his shoulder pulling myself up slightly and rest my head on his he relaxed in my arms as did I. I sort of enjoyed having his arms around my waist "what is going on here" we both pulled away to see Michael which I let out a breath of relief for 'I don't need one of the girls to see me like that...with him' Michael looked between us before sputtering out his answer "um I... I think I'm just gonna you know uh go" he left after that and I refused to look at Damian 'we were way to close..'

I started walking to the door so I could go to the couch and get some sleep but I felt Damian pull on my hand "why don't you just come with me and you can take my bed and I'll take the couch" I turn back to him "I can't do that my prince, I will await your orders for when the helicopter come in the morning until then goodnight" I walked out of his grip and back to the couch I sat down thinking to myself that I need to stop letting him get so close to me.


It was time for me to go back to the way it was before 'I need to block him away'

It was time to head back to the league which I was happy for, Damian has been trying to talk to me all day but I have tried my best to ignore him and I absolutely need to talk to him I don't use his real name. We all boarded the plane and I sat in a corner by myself since Ashley was bonding with Zak and Brittney seemed to be enjoying her time with Michael so I watched them with a smile before looking away.

My eyes caught Damian's so I quickly looked away until I felt a hand in mine and then someone pulled me into the back, I turned to see Damian "can I ask why you are avoiding me or addressing me with me formalities again".

I didn't answer and stood my ground "what happened" I just keep my eyes turn away until I felt his head on mine again as he also connected our hands which hit me with a wave of memories that flew by quickly but Damian was in them?

We both pulled back "what is wrong Y/N.... we were making progr.." I did not move or give him the answer to his question "Is that what this is all about, did I overstep last night I swear I didn't mean to I just...I like being close to you Y/N" I took another step away from him and walked out not giving him another second of my time which was the right move since he wasn't wearing anything to cover those eyes 'the eyes those green bright eyes that make me feel see-through, he can just see my thought is what I always think'

Moving on from that what was the memories thing that happened when our foreheads touched

She walks out of the backroom causing me to sigh but then think back to when our foreheads touched. I saw a few of her memories and a smaller version of her I wondered what caused that moment.

We finally made it back to Nanda Parbat and we all went our separate ways I saw Y/N head to the training room making me go to ask my question to my mother and my grandfather I found them both organizing strategies and plans but they turned to me once I entered. "Mother" she waved me over "yes my son" I took a seat and looked down at my feet "what happened with Y/N Damian" I looked over at my grandfather a little shocked but then back at my feet.

"I was so close...I had her but she sealed herself back in her wall of protection" I felt my mother pull me into a hug before pulling back and tipping my chin before putting my hand on my shoulders "Damian she is a very guarded person you just have to keep trying" I looked down but then back up "we had some sort of connection..I don't know what it was but I saw her, a younger her when our foreheads touched" they both looked at each other in confusion.

"You mean you saw her memories" I nodded "come with me my son" I felt my grandfather follow us out she leads me to the training room where Y/N was finishing a trainee. My grandfather then spoke up "Y/N come with us" she looked over before sighing and walking over while sheathing her swords on her back my mother put a light hand on her back pushing her forward lightly to tell her to keep walking.


We all made it to the throne room again and she stood there "did you need something" My mother spoke up first "take my hand" she did as she was told, she put her hands in mine and Y/N pulled away making me sigh "Y/N we are not forcing you to be with my son but we took you in and trained you more and we want you to open up to all of us but you seem to open up to Damian then close off again".

I looked at her "I know your scared I'll leave you but as I told you before Y/N I could never ever do that to you" my mother looked at me confused "so she told you something of her past" I kept my eye on her as she stared back "not really but enough to understand why she won't open up" she looked down I looked to my mother "so this is why you won't open up cause someone has left you before" I looked back to Y/N who finally spoke up "I don't trust anyone anymore but you people make it hard not to trust you".

I grabbed one of her hands "will you please just trust me...even though you won't tell me anything about you I still trust you with my life out in the field" I saw I hint of a smile on her face so I smiled and lifted her chin "ya know you really need to smile more often" her smile then disappeared them let noticed our hand and split from me and stepped back.

She stepped back "Y/N you do realize that we care for you but I can see that flicker every time you guys get to close. I know it's hard trusting people especially since we're all assassins but...your our best trained and my son has taken a special liking to you and loves having you as his partner" she looked at me then at Damian but then back down at her feet until my father put a hand on her shoulder "we should solve this mystery at least about your memories but we can't do that until your willing to get close to my grandson Y/N".

"It's not that I'm not willing I..I just" I felt his hand in my mine again and sighed "you actually put you hand in mine just the other day and it shocked me but then the next minute you back to formalities, what happened so quickly" I looked up at him then felt Ras step back "I..I needed to cut you off I have grown to trust you and I didn't want to go through any more pain of people leaving me... I feel like we already connected and I do like having someone like me around which would make it harder for me if we ever split Damian so I took a step back it's how I keep from getting hurt" he looked at me "still not giving up your past are you" I shook my head he sighed but held my other hand "I...I need one chance Y/N just the one"

(....I am in the wrong universe😶) "listen if I hurt you IF I do I give you permission to cut me off permanently but I want a chance where you won't get scared to tell me anything" I look into his eyes I see the genuine offer and care but I still hesitate, as always he saw my hesitation and connected our foreheads again and I saw memories again that weren't mine but his so I pushed away holding my head Talia came and put her arm around me and Ras did the same with Damian.

I looked up at him then at Talia "what did you see" I looked around "all three of you in here but Damian was young way young you guys gave him that sword" she looked over at Damian as did I "they are seeing each other's memories" my face dropped "oh my gosh no no no NO" I pushed away from Talia and looked toward Damian "what did you see" he just looked at me so I turned around and was about to walk out before I felt a hand on my shoulder and they dragged me to Damian I looked to see Ras he looked from me to Damian as Talia came next to us "Damian what did you see in Y/N's past".

He just continued to look like he had seen a ghost and stared at me so I broke and bit my lip to keep tears in "my son what did you see" I looked at them but back at him and stepped closer taking his hands "please just tell me what you saw".

"I....you...your magic" I go to step back but he pulls me closer into a hug and try to calm my breathing and keep the tears in his grip tightens around me "it's okay Y/N just take a deep breath and calm down" once I am under control I wrap my arms and his waist and lay my head in the crevice of his neck and sighed in comfort, it was nice to be in someone's arms and feel safe for once I finally step back and he lets me but doesn't let go of my hands. I look down at my feet "thank you".

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see Ras still watching so I turned to Talia "Y/N you are like a daughter to me we would never just cast you out because you have powers" I look down again "we stick together here" I looked at her then back at Damian "I'm still here" I smile a little "can I get another hug" he smiled and pulled me into another hug "you don't have to ask Y/N".

Someone ran into the run so I quickly pulled away from Damian but he still held one of my hands and would not let go so I just turned to face whoever ran in. It was a Zak, he bowed "Master, Miss Al Ghul, Damian, Y/N, someone is here" we all looked at each other and all started walking while me and Damian stopped at the door with Zak "so hands, is she our new princess" I immediately pulled my hand away from Damian's and walked to catch up with Talia and Ra's leaving Damian with Zak.

We made it outside to see a ..cobra I looked at him a little shocked he was a cobra Damian and Zak finally came up behind me and Damian puts his hand back in mine while looking at the strange visitors outside our borders I finally looked over at the woman who was beside the cobra man Ras spoke up "who are you" the lady smirked while the cobra man answered "we have come to offer an alliance" Ra's looked at them "and who are you" "we are the Cobras"

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