《Little Thief (Black Butler G/T)》Chapter Twenty-nine


"Sebastian!" Kadence gasped, unable to believe how quickly he'd found her. But his eyes, they were filled with a rage she's never seen before. They were glowing, not because of his demonic half, but because that's how strong his anger was.

"I hope they did not harm you," Sebastian stated as his eyes narrowed darkly, holding silver knives in one of his gloved hands. He was on the alert, watching Claude and Alois both closely. He was ready to kill.

Claude's eyes flashed a fuschia as the male hurriedly tried to pin Sebastian to the wall. "How did you find us so easily, Michaelis?" He spoke with a snarl, his own gloved hand grasping the other demon's neck.

"Please. The stench of filth lingers," Sebastian spat in return with a smirk. "All I had to do was follow the scent of envy and desperation." In an instant, he'd swung a knife while narrowly missing Claude and now had the advantage, his own hand pinning him to the wall with a silver blade pressed into his neck.

"Claude!" Alois's eyes widened and he suddenly jolted away from Kadence and moved closer as if he was planning on somehow helping Claude against this demon.

Kadence couldn't watch this. Sebastian thought she was being held captive. That may have been the issue at first, but after talking with Alois, it was her own choice to remain here. "Sebastian, stop!" She shouted in a pleading voice, her green eyes staring up at the man that had stolen her heart but wouldn't ever be able to return her feelings.

A pair of gold, pale blue, and crimson now all landed on her, each set wide with shock and seemingly startled at the Borrower's outburst. Sebastian was the first to speak after a moment of silence, his thin brows furrowed in confusion. "Kadence, what do you mean 'stop'?"


"I-I mean stop. Don't hurt him, or Alois. I'm not hurt, and I'm not being held captive. I could go if I really wanted to." Lies. If she tried to go without Sebastian here, she'd be dead. But that wouldn't help her case.

Sebastian released Claude and stepped forward, offering a gloved hand palm up for her to step on. "Then come on, we will go and get you cleaned up."

Kadence's eyes wandered back and forth between Sebastian's expectant eyes and Alois's empty, lonely ones. She'd already said she'd stay and keep him company. "Sebastian, I can't go back with you."

Claude's eyes darkened at her words, Alois's lit up in pleasant surprise, and Sebastian's eyes narrowed in confusion. "What do you mean you cannot come back with me? Don't be ridiculous, come on." His gloved fingers reached for her.

"No, Sebastian," the Borrower dodged the oncoming fingers and scowled. "I told Lord Trancy I would stay and I'm not one to go back on my word. You of all people know that. I'm going to stay, a-and I'm going to keep him company."

The words were hard to struggle out, as she had no doubt that her eyes were full of pain. She'd never once not had to dodge his fingers since they'd grown close, and the shock on his face scorched her heart.

"Kadence, you can't possibly trust them, they could kill you." His fingers moved again, but instead of going to grab her, a gloved finger caressed her jawline and rested on her cheek.

"I-I trust Lord Trancy," Kadence whispered, her eyes watering at the gentle touch she'd always long for, and she wrapped her little arms around the finger in a tight hug. Her face turned, nestling itself into the pad of his finger. "B-But I need you to trust me, not them. Can y-you trust me?"


Sebastian's closed his eyes, a faint, sad smile tugging at his lips. "Of course I trust you, my little thief," his voice purred, though he couldn't rid himself of the painful ache in his chest. What was this? Was that his heart, struggling to communicate with him?

"Th-Then leave me. I'll be alright." No. She didn't know that for certain, but while she didn't trust this other demon, she trusted Alois.

Retracting his hand, the crimson eyed man made a split second decision to lean forward and press his lips delicately on the small females head. He's never kissed anyone and meant it before, but he knew the moment his lips graced her soft hair, he meant it with every fiber inside of his body. "Then I will leave you. Promise me you won't do anything to get yourself killed?"

His body now moved towards the window, one foot on the sill as he gazed over his shoulder at the Borrower who smiled at him through the tears glistening in her eyes.

"I-I won't, I promise!" Kadence unwittingly raised her voice, sprinting to the edge of the desk so she could be closer to him. Before she could even get there, he turned his head and lept from the window.

Her hand raised to where his lips had touched her head, and she couldn't stop a few of her tears from falling down her face. He was gone.

Alois watched the Borrower with his pale blue eyes, needing to pretend he couldn't see how hurt she was. So, taking his hand, he scooped her up from the desk and held her gingerly in his palms. "Let's go get you out of this nasty uniform and into something more fitting for a guest of the Trancy house. Claude, go fetch something for her, won't you?"

Claude's golden eyes glared at Kadence, but he bowed at the waist and left the room to do as he was requested.

Alois cupped Kadence in his hand, bouncily walking down the vast halls of the mansion that were entirely different from the ones she used to wander.

Kadence could feel how gentle this boy was trying to be, but it wasn't the same as the gloved hands that were always so careful when handling her. She would miss him, but this young Earl needed her help. He was so lonely.

Alois gazed at the small female in his hands with a curious gaze, however, unknown to him, a guilty feeling was already starting to well in his chest.

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