《Little Thief (Black Butler G/T)》Chapter Twenty-eight


"Honestly, how could someone so easily forge a letter from the Queen?" Ciel muttered in annoyance, rubbing his temples with a gloved finger. "This is absolutely ridiculous. Do they think it's funny? Do they think it's a joke?"

Sebastian faintly nodded, an uneasy feeling inside of him. It was only a few more minutes back to the mansion, but the scent of others lingered around the area. This wasn't right.


As they arrived back at the mansion, Sebastian's gut told him to get inside immediately and talk to the others. To check on Kadence. However, he still needed to help Ciel out of the carriage. So he did.

He easily opened the door and offered his hand to the young Earl, who took it as he stepped down from the carriage. His visible eye wandered around, a frown clear on his lips. "Something is wrong, Sebastian. It's too quiet."

The tall butler silently nodded in agreement as the two of them stepped up to the mansion. Sebastian nearly hurled a knife at the servants as they came barging out the front door and ran to them. "What is going on?!" Sebastian raised his voice to the three, eyes narrowing. Whatever was going on it had something to do with them, right?

"Sebastian, Master, the manor was attacked while you were gone. Groups of men came. We managed to take care of all of them, but then one got the jump on us. Next thing I knew, we were all waking up on the main hall floor," Bard spoke up, beads of sweat running down his face.

Sebastian crimson orbs widened. If they were knocked out, where was the Borrower? Was she safe inside? He kept his tone calm as he struggled to remain that way. "Where is Kadence?"



Kadence nibbled on a small piece of strawberry spongecake, enjoying the sweet flavor it had. Alois had decided to hold off on her telling her story until Claude brought some kind of snack up for them. Now she was sitting on a small plush chair fit for her, the other demon was in the corner of the room silently watching, and Alois was staring down at her with an amused gaze.

The blonde Earl rested a hand on his chin with a wide smile. "You hardly make a dent in that piece of cake, don't you? You're easy to feed and keep around."

Not knowing whether to feel nervous or complimented, Kadence lifted her gaze and smiled politely at Alois. "I don't eat a whole lot, I never really have. With all due respect, I'd like to clear things up between us. Let you know what I was truly doing before Sebastian found me. I won't lie, what reason would I have to?"

"To save your own neck," Lord Trancy hummed with a soft giggle. He reached down to her, his fingers surprisingly gentle as they touched her head and hair. "But I believe you. You wouldn't lie if you knew that Claude was a demon. After all, he can easily see when people are lying."

The Borrower glanced over her shoulder at the frightening, golden-eyed demon. She looked back up to Alois with a faint nod. "Yes, of course. I...suppose I should start from the beginning. I lost my parents when I was around eight years old. I survived only because Borrowers are taught from a very young age how to fend for themselves if they are ever on their own. My father and mother's teachings kept me alive for years."

"I arrived at the Phantomhive mansion after a few weeks of wandering by myself, using trees as shelter, managing to find a few safe berry bushes for food. It was fairly easy to get inside. It was getting food without getting caught that was the hard part. Sebastian hardly ever left food unattended. My biggest mistake was snagging a bite of chocolate cake. That was when he really grew suspicious of either rodents or something else."


"He found me out in the garden. I was trying to learn his schedule so I could be more careful of when I was out and about, but he spotted me. Called me out. Thought I was a cat hiding in a bush at first," she smiled faintly at the memory. "After that, he's been taking care of. Defending me against Ciel's hurtful gazes and words. I would say I owe him my life, but I owe him a great deal more than that. Even if I am something he will get bored off and throw away like garbage."

Alois's finger stretched forward, running over the top of her head while his blue eyes sparkled. "So the demon grew to care for you? Fascinating. And I can tell you aren't lying. You get too emotional to be lying. Claude!" Alois suddenly sat up, clapping his hands together loudly. "Fix up a room for her. She will be staying with us for some time. You'll do great at keeping me company in this boring shithole."

Kadence's heart nearly stopped beating. "S-Stay here? I-I can't...I-I..." She found herself trembling, the blonde Earl's pale blue eyes turning to face her with an almost pleading look inside them. Then it hit her.

He was alone. This demon wasn't like Sebastian, he didn't look or even sound interested at anything. Alois had no one human to share his thoughts with, to speak to.

"Please, stay. You won't get hurt, that much I can assure you. And you certainly wouldn't be a smelly servant. You'd be a guest, and you get the finest clothing and things my money can by." He smiled down at her, resting his chin on his hands as he stared at her.

The thought of no longer having to work helped her to choose, but it was mostly the idea of being able to be this small but help out this young boy in need of affection and companionship. "I-I...I'll stay. But Sebastian, I-I...I have to see him first."

The window shattered behind them and she screamed, bringing her arms up to shield herself from the glass. If one shard hit her that would be it. But none did. Opening her eyes, she looked up to see Alois leaning over her, Claude blocking the glass from hitting the Earl.

"You needn't wait to see me, my dear. I wasn't going to let them keep their foul hands on you," a familiar smooth voice stated, and from over Claude's shoulder and through Alois she saw a familiar crimson eye. "Now. What are you doing with her?"

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