《Little Thief (Black Butler G/T)》Chapter One


Kadence could hear the clatter of pans outside the wall. She could smell that familiar, heavenly scent of chocolate that always clouds her mind. Just once she'd like to work up enough courage to run out there and take a bite of that cake.

Kadence is a borrower. A three-inch tall being that lives in the walls of homes and 'borrows' items the humans won't miss. She knows where she lives. She's caught bits of conversation before. As far as she knows she lives at the Phantomhive Estate, a home to a noble. And that's all she knows about this place other than the names of the humans living here.

A shatter of dishes made her jump, and whoever was in the kitchen cooking began to mumble in a soft voice. "Honestly, again?" It was a deep male voice, and footsteps departed as silence overtook the area.

She stayed positively still, listening. She couldn't hear anyone. It was her chance. Did she really want to risk it? Did she want to risk getting caught by whoever was in the kitchen coming back? The answer was yes.

Kadence darted through the paths in the walls and out a hole she carved in a lower cabinet. Barely even thinking as she scaled the door, finding small footholds. Now that she was out, she had to hurry and get a small bite of that wonderful smelling thing before the human came back.

A few meters away sat a large chocolate covered lump. Cautiously stepping towards it, her hand outstretched, she skimmed the smooth icing with the tips of her fingers. She licked the sweet substance off her fingers, wondering if she'd ever be able to get a taste of something like this again. She decided she'd have to at least take some for later.


Carefully, she dug her whole hand into the thick desert, grabbing a handful of the soft center and covering her arm in the chocolate. She didn't care at this point in time. She just wanted to hurry and get out of here before the human returned.

So with a handful of cake, which was probably not the best idea she's ever had, she scurried behind several tall jars where she could sit and enjoy her snack, while still being hidden. Very soon after Kadence sat down, light footsteps could be heard returning to the kitchen. She held her breath, waiting to see what happened.

Sebastian heaved a sigh as he stepped into the kitchen, adjusting the white velvet gloves he always wore. "Honestly, can't those baffoons ever do anything right?" He mumbled to himself quietly. His crimson eyes then landed on the cake, and they widened to see a very small chunk carved out of the icing and spongy center.

He approached the counter, his brows furrowing in confusion and he took a quick glance around the kitchen. There was no one else in here since he left as far as he knew. And yet, he could sense a faint presence. Maybe one of the servants managed to get past him and did the unthinkable. Nibbled on the Master's dessert.

With a huff, he picked up the cake and moved it to another counter. He tried to decide if he should just throw it away or smooth the icing over the spot and the Master wouldn't notice. No, what kind of a butler would he be if he did such a thing?

Tiny patters made him stiffen and turn around to look again at the other counter. Perhaps it wasn't the servants but instead a mouse. Then he really couldn't give the dessert to the Master.


Kadence pressed her back into the wall, trying to keep her breathing as quiet as possible. That was horrifying. He almost saw her! But she caught a glimpse of his face. Despite how intimidating he was, he was most certainly handsome.

She waited, as she could hear the tall man again exit the room, and she took this chance to climb down the cabinets and get back into her hole in the walls. She still had icing smeared over her hands and had done her best to not spread it over the wood as she climbed.

Just as she ducked into the hole, she saw large black shoes again enter the room, and she nearly let out a triumphant squeal at how sneaky she had been. But then the shoes approached the hole and she bit down hard on her lip.

Icing. There was icing trailing across the rim of the counter and down the cabinets. The mouse was most certainly messy.

Sebastian sighed and took the kitchen towel he used to clean the counters and wiped down the cabinet and counter, scowling to himself. Rodents are indeed little pests.

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