《All or Nothing / DNF Enemies to Lovers》Chapter 26
The game went better than I could have imagined. Sure I almost caused us to lose, but thankfully because of George I didn't look that bad, and no one other than him seemed to notice that he pretty much just saved my career. I was having the best game of my life before that throw. I had even managed to dodge sacks and out run players which is something a quarterback usually doesn't have to do.
But alas, I had a few scouts come up to me offering me insane scholarships all trying to recruit me on to their teams. I told them I would stay in touch and think about it. They offered me tours which of course who am I to deny a free trip?
I wonder if anyone else on the team got any offers. I'm sure George did but I wonder what schools. It was very rare to get recruited from the same team to the same school, so I doubt any scout of mine went up to him.
At least I hope not. I could not stand being with him throughout all of University.
On the other hand though, maybe I would? It would be kind of hilarious seeing his face when I show up to the same school as him.
I feel a hand clasp down on my shoulder and I turn to the right. Nick is standing there with a huge smile on his face. "I was wondering when you were gonna enter the change rooms! What? Flooded with scouts" he teases lightheartedly. I chuckle, "yeah something like that"
"Well tell me! What schools?" He questions intrigued.
"I'll tell you later when there's less people" the change room is still packed and I don't want all the boys knowing everything about my life. As much as I love attention, I'm very private when it comes to my personal life. He nods in understanding, knowing how I am since he is my best friend. "What about you, any offers?" I ask back as I start to take off my football gear.
He tries to hide the excitement on his face, "yeah actually some school down in Oklahoma" he says trying his best to sound nonchalant about it but I know how much of a big deal this is to him.
"Dude! That's insane!" I pull him into a bear hug and he laughs. He then stops hiding the act.
"I know right! They might give me a full ride! My parents will be so proud" His smile is so wide and I can't help but reciprocate his excitement.
"Holy shit that's so sick dude!"
"Was that one of the schools that came up to you? Maybe we could go together!" He asks beaming with excitement.
I hate to burst his bubble, but they didn't offer me anything. "No unfortunately, but maybe I'll go to a school close to there" I say trying to sugarcoat it.
His face falls a bit but he nods anyway.
We talk some more before I tell him I have to take a shower before coach screams at us for missing our reservation.
As I get my things ready for my shower, I walk over to the back of the change room. I try and keep my gaze forward, not letting my eyes wander over the naked bodies of my teammates.
This isn't because I want to see them naked, its just because there are dicks swinging in my face and sometimes the movement catches my eye. When I make it to the showers I see they are all taken at the moment, but the last door is being opened which means they are probably finishing up right now. I huff and wait for them to gather their things and exit.
When he steps out I see no other than George. But unlike every other guy in the room, he already has his shirt on and his towel wrapped around his waist. His hair is wet and droplets are dripping down his face. He brought his clothes in with him? This is the first time I think I have ever seen George take a shower at school and he changed in the stall? The only person I would actually want to see exposed. His pale smooth skin and his lean body. My mind wonders to how nice his ass would look without any clothing covering it up.
I push myself off the wall and make my way to the now vacant stall. He is standing at the counter fixing his hair in the mirror. "This is the first time I've seen you shower here" I comment keeping my voice neutral. He makes eye contact with me through the blurry mirror.
"That might be because it is the first time I've ever showered here, idiot" he says sarcasm spitting off his tongue. He has such an attitude.
"Well I'm just saying usually we don't dress up in the stalls" I hiss back annoyed by his answer.
He lets out a breathy laugh, "what? Disappointed you couldn't see me naked?" He fake pouts.
My face heats up to which I try and blame on the heat of the showers. "No, it's because it wastes time, all the guys know this" I roll my eyes. "Fucking amateur"
"Jeez Robinson why are you so worked up over this? The stall is open so the only one wasting time right now is you" he answers before exiting the washroom, leaving me with that.
I scramble to get my things and close the door. I just made a complete fool of myself. Yeah maybe a part of me did want to see him vulnerable, but I was just trying to tell him the rules? He clearly doesn't know them so I was just trying to be a nice captain and inform him.
The stall smells like George's shampoo and it makes me even more annoyed with him. Why does he even have his shampoo here if he doesn't ever shower here? Everything about him just makes me mad. Like what is wrong with him.
After around 10 minutes I finish up in the shower and dry off. I put my towel around my waist before walking out. Yeah Yeah I sound like a hypocrite but its just a towel? A lot of the guys do this, I still have to get changed out there.
I walk out and pretty much all the guys are dressed and ready to go eat. Only a few more people are finishing up in the showers and then we will all be ready to go. I wonder what restaurant he is taking us to. I hope its a nice steak house or something like that.
I doubt it though. There's no way he's taking us out to an expensive place when he has to pay for like 20 people. I mean I know I wouldn't, and I'm rich!
I change into my clothes keeping my dick facing the lockers. I hate to admit it but I also do hate changing with everyone in here. Maybe its because I'm bi so I'm less comfortable which makes sense why George is like me as well.
I decide to wear black ripped jeans and a black button up t-shirt with a Gucci belt, just a subtle flex. I put my earrings back in after having to take them off for the game and spray my cologne.
"Holy shit dude that's strong as fuck!" George yells dramatically while plugging his nose.
I scoff, "Well at least I smell good unlike some people" I argue back.
"Yeah that's true Nick does stink" he says almost immediately which makes me let out a small laugh.
"Hey what the fuck man! I smell great" Nick butts in hearing George's comment.
George rolls his eyes, "if you think B.O smells great then yeah, you are a breath of fresh air" he pats him on the shoulder with a playful smile on his face. Nick pushes his hand off him. "Shut up George I'll beat your ass" he says trying to sound threatening but we all know its an empty threat. George laughs in response, "okay buddy, you say that every time. Now lets go I'm fucking starvinggggg!" He says as if he's out of breath and rubs his stomach.
He walks out of the room and I gather my things. I wait a couple of minutes to piss him off because I was the one that drove him. After checking my phone and taking my sweet time everyone starts leaving to head to the restaurant. I hear a grumpy groan come from the hall way and heavy footsteps coming in my direction.
"Clay! Hurry the fuck up I'm hungry!" He screams as he enters the room once again, arms crossed over his stomach.
I look up from my phone and look back down unbothered. "I'll take as long as I want, its my car"
He lets out a few frustrated noises which make me smile. "Fine I'll walk" he says.
I pocket my phone and pick up my bag. "Okay see you there" I answer and push past him, playing with my car keys. I open the door and start walking down the hallway towards my car.
He runs to catch up to me. "Finally" he says under his breath.
I look down at him and smirk, "what do you mean? You're walking remember" I taunt. The restaurant is like a 15 minute drive from here so unless he wants to make it there once we are all done eating, he was definitely gonna need a ride from me.
"It was a joke since when do you take everything so serious?" He questions trying to gaslight me.
"Either you're walking or ask me nicely for a ride"
"What? No. No? I'm not actually walking I don't know where it is. Plus you wouldn't leave me here anyway, its an empty threat" he rambles on sounding like he is trying to convince himself more than state a fact.
We reach my car and I open the trunk to put my bag in, he tries to put his in as well but I grab his wrist before he can. "What are you doing?" he asks pretending to be confused but he sounds more scared that I will follow through with my ultimatum.
"You heard me George, the only reason why I didn't throw you out of the car earlier is because we had the game, now I could give two shits if you don't come eat with us." I take a step closer to him so he is forced to look up at me, the grip on his wrist still there. "So either you ask me nicely, or have a nice night" I smirk down at him knowing I had won.
His cheeks blush a light pink and he racks his brain to find a way out of it. "I'll just uber" he manages to utter out, chin up defiantly like he found a way out.
I shrug and let go of him to close my truck, "suit yourself, but you don't have the address" I state carelessly and open my front door. As I'm about to enter my car he stops me. "Okay wait!" He rushes out.
"Yes?" I say lifting one of my brows, trying to fight the urge to smile.
His jaw clenches, and he pauses before speaking. "Can you drive me." He says firmly.
My ego grows impossibly bigger. "What's the magic word Davidson?" I press.
"Clay, seriously I'm hungry" he says annoyed by my games.
"Then hurry up and say it so we can go" I continue to pester.
He looks down at the ground and says quietly, "please"
"What was that?"
"Please" he says louder than before, seeming annoyed and frustrated.
"See that wasn't so hard was it?" I tease.
He rolls his eyes, "yeah whatever lets go" he says eagerly.
I unlock his side of the car and we both get in. I feel confidence radiating off of me after the exchange whereas I can feel the opposite coming of off him. I know he hates losing and I also know he hates when I win.
After a few minutes of silence he speaks up, drumming his fingers on his jeans like he has been waiting to ask something.
"Why don't you ever call me Georgie anymore?" He asks seeming like he is genuinely wondering.
For a second I'm confused, does he like being called that? Did he like when I used to use that nickname?
"Why? Did you like when I called you that?" I ask with a hint of teasing, but also just speaking my mind which is much easier when you can use your confidence to your advantage.
"No I was just wondering oh my God. Just forget it I can never ask you anything" he says defensively. I guess I am being a little annoying today but it is George so he deserves it. I like pushing his buttons.
"Fine if you must know, I didn't like it anymore since Braden started calling you that" I say calmly. I reach a red light so I turn to look at him. His eyebrows are knit together as if he is in deep thought. He looks at me and I flash him a soft smile, "plus I like Davidson better" I admit. Which is true, Georgie sounds kind of creepy and its even creepier when Braden says it.
I turn back to face the road and I hear him let out a breathy laugh at the confession. "Something funny?" I ask lightheartedly.
"You didn't want to call me what my ex calls me? Sounds like someone was jealous" he says and his cockiness seems to have resurfaced.
I know better than to play into his dumb mind games, "nah I just realized how creepy it was after he started using it. He reminded me of the movie 'IT' when he would say it so I never said it again." This time he fully laughs.
"It would remind me of that too! I hated it" he exclaims enthusiastically.
"Well if you hate it so much maybe I will go back to calling you that" I say sarcastically.
"No!" he interrupts while flashing me a warning look.
"Relax, I'm kidding Davidson" I chuckle.
He mumbles something incoherent under his breath and I let it slide.
We finally arrive at the restaurant and find our table. George practically runs over complaining about how his stomach is eating him alive. He's so dramatic.
He had texted Nick to order for him while we were in the car so he didn't have to wait as long. Of course he wouldn't do the same for me, which pissed me off but will eventually bite him in the ass later when I hold him back from leaving in order to finish my meal.
The boys and I start chatting about the game and complimenting each other. We talk about the fight and everyone seems to laugh at George for causing that foul. He sends me a glare and in that moment I think he is about to expose what truly happened, but he doesn't which surprises me. I guess he will just taunt me with that privately.
Everyone gets their food around the same time I order and people poke fun at me for it. I glance over at George who is devouring his food like an animal. I can't help but smile while looking at him. He looks so cute, content with finally getting his food and sitting their quietly just enjoying his own company. I feel someone nudge my shoulder. "Dude you're staring" Nick whispers mischievously.
I scoff, "I wasn't I was just looking at the food" I lie.
"Yeah sure Clay" he shakes his head with a dumb smirk on his face. I hate when he knows he's right.
Our coach ends up giving us some huge speech about playoffs and how we have a definite spot now. He goes on to say nice things about everyone which the boys laugh at him for being so sappy. Ultimately it was a great night.
I finally get my food when everyone is done.
"Here Clay since everyone is done I'll give you money and I'm going to pay for everyone else so we can get out of here" he pulls out his wallet and gives me 30 dollars.
"Thanks coach I appreciate it" I take the money graciously and pocket it. He wonders off to the front so he can pay.
George is talking to Alex and Will, clueless to the fact that everyone is getting ready to leave but he will be stuck here with me. Its quite amusing, seeing that he was the one that caused this and now he will regret it immensely.
"Alright everyone I paid and left money for Clay so he can finish up, I'll see you all on Monday!" Our coach says while putting on his coat.
He receives a bunch of 'goodbyes' and 'thanks' in return.
The rest of the team follow after him and start getting ready to leave. I look over at George whose huge grin starts to fall.
"Wait can you guys drive me home, I don't want to wait for this idiot" he says irritated by the situation he has put himself in.
"Uh no way George, you were the one that wouldn't text Nick my order so you're staying here with me till I'm done" I state sternly.
George looks at me furiously and turns back to a few of the guys, "come on please guys" he pouts. Will and Alex start contemplating on what to do, so I make it easier for them to come to a conclusion.
"Give him a ride and you'll be doing extra laps Monday" I threaten and give them a warning look.
"That's not fair! That's abuse of power, I will get you suspended!" He says firmly trying to seem intimidating. I just shrug and take another bite of my food.
Alex sighs before speaking up, "sorry Gogy but I'm not doing extra laps"
"Yeah me neither" Will continues.
They wave and say goodbye before exiting the restaurant.
George watches them leave and slouches back in his chair.
"You are so annoying" he whines as he stares up at the ceiling.
"This is your own doing George, if you had just ordered my food we wouldn't be here right now" I say taking my time to eat, savoring the moment.
"Seems to me like you just wanted to pretend like we are on a date or something" he says smugly.
I chuckle lowly, "you're awfully full of yourself today Davidson"
He crosses his arms over his chest, "yeah well I deserve to be, you seem to be wanting to spend a lot of time with me today" he continues to pester, trying to get under my skin.
"Keep this act up and I will be taking you to my house instead" I warn. I mean I wouldn't unless he expressed the same desire, but I put the offer on the table.
He cocks an eyebrow at me and smirks, "oh? So I was right" he snickers, "you do want to spend time with me"
I shrug in response, leaving my answer short and sweet to piss him off and show him how much his little games don't affect me.
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