《All or Nothing / DNF Enemies to Lovers》Chapter 25
We are all outside huddled up before the big game and I can feel the nerves creeping up on me. I try not to look around because there are so many people in the stands. It feels like the whole of the two schools is here plus parents and scouts. This is probably the biggest game I have ever played and I have to put on my best show.
My mom had texted me whilst I was in the changeroom getting ready telling me how she wished she could be there but she wishes me luck. I mean I was sad but I expected it. At least she had remembered and sent me a text, that was more than I thought she would do.
It was a pretty chilly day out, I could see people's breath's cloud up when they were speaking. I love playing in weather like this, its not too hot that you'll be dying with all your equipment on but its not too cold that your muscles are too stiff to move.
"George, earth to George!" I hear someone yelling my name which pulls me back out of my thoughts and to the people around me. I look up to face him and its Clay trying to get my attention. "Did you hear anything I said?" He questions frustrated.
I nod pretending I had heard.
"Okay so repeat the play" he demands and I stiffen in my place. I remain silent my mouth falling open but no words coming out. When my mouth shuts close again he shakes his head and clenches his jaw. "Seriously Davidson get your head in the game, we can't have our best runner not paying attention." He scolds me menacingly and instead of barking back I sit there and nod. I know he's right and this isn't the time for bickering, this is just a captain telling their player to focus, nothing personal.
He did call me the best player though, which I will definitely be bringing up in the future.
Nonetheless I let him explain the drill once again to the team and this time I make sure I am focusing. He goes on to tell us which players to be more cautious about and where openings usually happen, saying coach made him watch one of their games and take notes.
Yeah this stuff is no joke. They take it very seriously.
At the end of Clay's huge speech he gives us some words of encouragement to get the boys to lighten up and be less tense. No one had been speaking the whole time which makes me feel better that everyone else is equally as nervous as I am, and I'm sure Clay is too but he needs to step up as captain. We do our cheer and all disperse, getting our final sips of water.
"You good?" Clay says approaching me as I drink out of my Gatorade bottle.
"Yeah" I reply shortly. He takes his water and sprays it all over his face and hair. Water droplets slowly start dripping down his neck and I can't seem to pull my gaze away from them. They fall down to his Adams apple and I gulp. He's so hot. I lift my eyes back to his and I can see him watching me, knowing that I was staring.
He knew what he was doing, and I can tell by his dumb smirk. I place my water bottle down and go to grab my helmet. As I start putting it on he steps closer to me and keeps his voice low to make sure I would be the only one to hear what he says next, "you better play good for me today Davidson, don't let me down" he taps the top of my helmet and backs away, running off to do the coin toss before I can come up with some sort of reply. I'm glad my helmet is on to shield the blush I have right now.
Good for him? God now I just want to do the opposite but of course I can't. I have to play my heart out, but its not for him. Its for myself, and my team and my future.
Anyone and everyone but him.
I shake off the thought, or try my best to. The nervous butterflies returning when I step onto the field. This has been my first big game back. Yeah I have played a few season games but not against real competition, those teams were kind of ass.
This team however, is second in the league, us being first.
I like football because I have a helmet on so people in the stands can't really see my facial expressions. We win the coin toss which means we start with the ball. I huff and try my best to get my head in the game.
I finally look around and see the cheerleaders dancing beautifully on the side lines, as I continue glaring around the stadium I see where the scouts are seated with clipboards out.
We take our positions on each side of the field and as we wait for the whistle the starting line up huddles up. "Okay guys we got this, remember not to underestimate them and just do your best, don't let the crowd get in your head" Clay instructs. "You guys all know the plan, George make sure to do what you do best" he turns to me and winks. I know I'm the one that's supposed to receive the ball but holy shit I'm freaking out. My hands feel so shaky. What if I drop the first big catch of the game?
"You look nervous Georgie, your first big game back, hopefully you don't get injured again" Braden says tauntingly right before the ref tells us to get back in position. That was the last thing I needed to hear right now, I think back to the time I got injured and how painful it had been. I don't want that to happen again.
Its fine, he is just trying to get in my head.
I see Clay give him the dirtiest look before the game starts.
The other team kicks the ball in our direction. Here we go, I have to catch this.
Oh God this seems higher than I am used to. Has the ball always been kicked this high?
I feel out of breath and I haven't even done anything yet.
The ball starts falling and I position myself under it.
I'm shaking, I know I'm gonna drop it.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
I caught it.
"RUN DAVIDSON!" I hear Clay yell after me.
Oh right, I have been standing here for like 10 seconds and the other team is so much closer than before. I start bolting down the field, using my speed and agility to my advantage.
Sure I'm not the strongest or tallest, but I'm very agile and nimble. My teammates help me get through the crowd of guys pushing them away from me and I dangle a few of the rest, hearing some cheers in my name from the stands. I have never had a better starting run in my life. I pass the 20, then the 30, then the 40, running like my life depended on it.
I reach the 70 yard line when I get tackled unexpectedly from the left, tumbling to the ground but making sure to keep the ball securely tucked in my embrace so I don't cause a fumble. My team runs over to me to help me up all patting me on the back.
I can feel my nerves being replaced with confidence, feeling in my element once again. I got this.
We huddle up and Clay explains the play he's gonna make us do. Once again I'm the one that's getting thrown the ball.
"Hut!" he screams out and we all make our runs down the field. I dodge my player but he's quick to catch up. With the little opening I have I turn to Clay so he knows I'm ready and throws it down to me. My player and I jump for it but I end up catching it.
I sprint the rest of the distance and score the first touchdown of the night. "Let's go!!" I cheer doing my signature celebration. The guys all run up to me cheering as well.
"Nice catch Davidson" Clay says patting my helmet.
"Nice throw Robinson" I compliment back with a smirk. We work well together on the field.
The rest of the game goes on and the other team decided to double mark me, getting frustrated that I was always getting the ball. However this didn't do much other than further embarrass them.
Their offence is good though. It's the last quarter and we are up by a touchdown. The score is 17-24.
We have the ball with only 2 minutes to spare, so if we lose it and they score it will go to overtime, if we score the game is basically over at this point.
"Alright guys we have been doing well this whole game, lets not lose our lead" Clay says through heavy breaths. Today he has really put a shift in. He has thrown some of his nicest passes.
I can tell the other team is getting frustrated. The ones who have been guarding me keep taunting me about how lucky I am getting. Luck my ass.
We get set up in our positions and wait for Clay to speak up.
"Hey number seven!" I turn when I hear my number being called by the other team. I face the guy in front of me. Oh my God they put the biggest person on the team against me.
Not only does he weight double me but he is like 6'5! What the fuck. I gulp nervously put pretend not to be fazed.
"You're not getting by me midget" he throws some lame overused insult at me that doesn't get to me.
"We'll see about that" I reply pretending to keep my cool, but deep down I'm shitting my pants. I turn to Clay and shake my head, trying to get him to understand that I do not want the ball throw in my direction but all he does is cock his eyebrow at me.
For fuck sake is he really that oblivious. The time starts ticking and eventually Clay finally says hut. The ball gets thrown to him and we all run. I try and lose my player but every time I do he catches up with his long ass legs.
When I turn to face Clay its pretty obvious I'm not open, and if he was actually smart and used his brain for once, he wouldn't have thought me looking at him was a signal to fucking throw the ball in my direction.
But we all know he's an imbecile.
So what does he do? Throw the ball in my fucking direction.
It gets launched in the air and my player gets in front of me. We are so screwed. He is way taller than me and if he intercepts this they could end up tying the game. I try to think fast but there's nothing I can do.
Fuck it I guess I have to foul him.
Sure its a dirty play but I need to make sure he doesn't catch the ball. I launch myself at him with all my force and we tumble to the ground. I hear the ref's whistle go off and the yellow flag hits the ground signaling a foul.
But the ball is on the ground and not in his hands. Thank God.
Suddenly I get pulled up by my collar off the ground, I guess he got up pretty quick. "What the fuck was that pussy? That was the dirtiest play I've ever seen" his grip tightens around my collar and I laugh in his face.
I'm shitting my pants. But he doesn't need to know that right.
"What's so funny? I'll beat the shit out of you right now" He practically growls at me. Ew. What is wrong with this guy.
Both our teams run over and everyone starts bickering. The refs can't even control the chaos going on right now. They are all trying to keep the peace but my team is defending me while the other team is defending their teammate saying how fucked of a play that was.
When I don't respond, he yells in my face and shakes me, "Answer me!"
"It's funny that I took you down with ease" I quip back and shrug in his grasp, keeping up my unbothered act that I know so well.
He then tackles me to the ground and pins me on the floor. Okay this is embarrassing, their are hundreds of people about to watch me get the absolute shit kicked out of me.
I squirm in his embrace, "let go of me you fat fuck!" I yell out.
"You got quite the mouth on you don't cha" he says, pinning both my hands down with only one of his and his other going to pull my helmet off, I presume so he can get the chance to punch me in my face.
When he successfully pulls my helmet off it feels like time is slowed. I'm so scared right now. Sure I've received plenty of blows to the face but I feel like Braden had some mercy. This guy gives no fucks, and he's like way stronger than Braden. "Sorry pretty boy" he smirks and as he reals his hand back I brace myself for impact. I close my eyes and pray this doesn't hurt as bad I think it will.
"Hey idiot! Get the fuck off him" I hear a familiar voice order after the guy who is quite literally crushing every bone in my body. I feel the weight being lifted and I open my eyes to see Clay tackle the guy off of me. I start coughing immediately, I didn't even realize how much pressure he was putting on me till he got off. I turn to my side and see Clay now on top of him, punching the shit out of him.
How the tables have turned.
For some reason Clay is always the one that is there to look after me, and my stomach flutters at the realization. I quickly focus back on what's happening in front of me and see the refs finally breaking everything up, pulling Clay off of the guy. I look at Clay's bloody hands and rush over to him. "Are you okay?" I ask worry rushing through me as I grab his hand to inspect.
He chuckles softly, "don't worry about me George" he intertwines our hands and I let it happen. Looking up at his as our hands are stuck together held up in the air. "Are you hurt" he asks me right back, maintaining eye contact. I shake my head in response, "thanks to you" I quietly mutter. His eyebrows raise at my words. "What was that" he questions and squeezes my hand. In that moment I quickly realize that there are tons of people watching us and let go of his hand. "Actually I take it back, you're the dumbass that caused all this!" I snap, not actually being mad but just snapping myself out of that dumb trance I was in for a second there.
"What how was that my fault? You're the one that did that nasty foul, no one asked you to do that" he says defensively receiving a scoff from myself.
"Oh well excuseeee me for saving the game, I didn't think you would have been so stupid to throw the ball at me when I clearly wasn't open! If I hadn't done that then he would have intercepted it. So you're welcome for saving your ass in front of the scouts!" I yell back at him.
"Whatever George, its the last minute so don't do some dumb shit like that again" he rolls his eyes and walks away.
How could he possibly blame me for that? What a fucking idiot. He must know he's in the wrong.
The game finishes and we end up winning. Our whole school practically runs on the field to celebrate with us and I get lifted in the air by my teammates. I hear screams and chants in my name.
I mean I did score all the touchdowns tonight. I guess you could say the star playing is back. And the attention is boosting my ego.
I see a bunch of people crowding Clay as well, and I assume if he was as small as me they would also be lifting him in the air but I don't say that out loud of course.
After what feels like forever of celebrating I get approached by a scout on the way to the changerooms.
"Hello Mr. Davidson, could I speak to you for a moment?" he says sternly. He seems very intimidating.
"Of course!" I beam back and follow him around the corner to a more secluded area.
"I just wanted to firstly congrats you on the big win, I don't think your team could have done it without you" he starts with complimenting me to which makes me feel proud of myself.
"Thank you, yeah it was a pretty tough game" I reply, scared of saying something stupid.
"Yeah I saw your foul, in my opinion that was the right play or else you guys might have lost your lead to which you got them" he chuckles and I reciprocate it. I feel weird being showered with compliments.
"Anyway, my name is Jon Davies and I am the football coach at Arizona State University" He reaches out to shake my hand to which I gladly take.
"Nice to meet you Mr. Davies" I greet with a smile.
"Oh please call me Jon." He says while pulling back. Well he's not as intimidating as I thought. I nod once in response. "I would love to offer you a scholarship, maybe you could come around campus for a visit to see if you would like it there? No pressure of course but all expenses would be payed for." He continues.
Holy shit this is like my dream coming true. I try to stay calm even though my inner self is bouncing off the walls right now.
"I would love to visit" I say the excitement being evident in my voice. He grins back and pulls out his phone. "Great! Well be in touch, I'll email you if you can put it in my phone" he hands me his phone and I type in my email. "Thank you" I say gratefully when I hand him his phone back.
We chat a bit more about the game and then he lets me go to the changerooms. I walk in beaming with excitement. I can't believe I just got offered a scholarship! I can't wait to tell my mom about it. I know she'll be proud of me.
Our coach comes in to give us this big sappy speech to which we all make fun of him for. I love the relationship we have with him. He then finishes his speech by saying he's taking the whole team out for dinner tonight to celebrate on him.
The whole room erupts with cheers and people racing to get the first shower. I guess this means I have to shower here. I mentally face palm myself thinking about it. I hate taking showers with all these disgusting sweaty guys who swing their dicks around like its normal.
Today was a good day.
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Zhanyi ❤💚 Fanfiction 💛 ( Myanmar 🇲🇲 ) This story is my 1st story.📌So, you can criticize on this writing.✌🏻Although it is a *Zhanyi Fanfiction*, everything, including the characters in this story, is my own idea. 🤍✨Ep - 1 to 37 Final + Extra 💘Started Date - Nov 28,2020 SAT ✍🏻💛Final _ July 13,2021 TUE ✍🏻🖤Kroyalwhite💌💞🤍𝑲𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞🖤✨
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