《All or Nothing / DNF Enemies to Lovers》Chapter 2


That class felt like forever holy shit.

I had just finished second period which was my math class. Honestly the first day is always so boring because all you do is sit around and listen to the teacher introduce themselves and then we always do some dumb exercise to get to know each other better. Like I have gone to this school since 9th grade, I think we all know each others names by now!

But hey, it's better than doing any school work I guess.

In that class I had a few other friends, Will, Karl and Luke. They saved me a spot, of course. And for the whole class they kept teasing me about the football match that was bound to happen at lunch, all spewing reasons why I should pick them for my team.

It was pretty funny, but after awhile I got tired of the topic.

It was now lunch and everyone was starting to head for the field. I made my way to the changerooms. I haven't been back on the field since my knee injury and honestly I'm feeling pretty nervous about the whole thing. It's been about 6 months since I got hurt and I've been clear to play for awhile now I'm just scared something like that will happen again.

I walk up to the sink and look at myself in the mirror.

Why did Nick have to come up with this dumb idea? I start splashing cold water on my face. When I look up at the mirror again, I see someone standing behind me.

I jump.

"Holy shit! You fucking scared me you idiot" I scream turning to face the mysterious person.

I see him. Leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, smirking at me.


Clay is about 6'3, he's a few inches taller than Braden. He has dirty blonde wavy hair that parts in the middle that he tucks behind his ears, freckles spread across his nose and green eyes. Well, maybe people are lying to me since I'm colourblind, but they tell me they are green so I stick with that.

"Didn't mean to startle you" he laughs, "what are you doing in here? Everyone is waiting" He says walking towards me.

Fuck what do I say? I can't tell him I'm nervous, he's the last person I would want to find out.

"Just thinking there should be a prize for winning this, don't you think?" I say confidently.

Over the years, I've perfected the ability to mask how I'm feeling with false confidence and sarcasm. If I wanted to stay on top, I couldn't have others thinking I'm weak.

He keeps walking towards me, I try to stand my ground but he keeps getting closer.

He's looming over me.

"That's a great idea! The first time I've ever agreed with you George" He pats my shoulder.

"How about, if I win..." He pauses and thinks, getting impossibly closer. I falter and start taking steps backwards.

He seems to notice this which boosts his ego even more if that's possible.

I hit the sink and I have no where else to go. I'm cornered by him. It's pissing me off how I have to look up at him, I don't want to break the eye contact because then I'll look scared, but looking up at him like he's some superior to me is really getting to me.


Finally, he continues. "I get to throw a party at your house"

"Are you serious?" I ask.

"Yup" he pops the P. "I mean it will be great, I'll say it's my party but you'll be the one that has to set everything up! All I have to do is show up" He smiles proud of his idea.

I furrow my eyebrows.

"What do I get if I win?"

"Well.. I mean that won't happen so we don't even need to discuss it" He jokes.

"Very funny" I pause to think. "If I win you have to do my homework for 2 weeks"

He chuckles still looking down at me. "Well George if you were struggling with school all you had to do was ask" He smirks.

How the hell does he always have something sarcastic to say to each of my replies.

"You know I'm not struggling Clay. I have the highest grades in the grade" I state cockiness spitting off my tongue.

"Not for long George, you may have beat me last year by one percent.." He brushes hair behind my ear and whispers, "But this is a whole new year, and every year I get closer and closer to taking that crown off your head"

My stomach starts doing flips. I hate this guy with all my guts. Who gave him permission to touch my hair? This has been twice in the same day. I'm over his stupid overly confident self. Thinking he is so much better than me.

Okay but how is he so good at everything?

"Yet you still haven't" I respond while pushing him back slightly. "Now do you agree to the deal or not? We need to go" I stick out my hand for him to shake.

"Sounds like a fair deal" He smiles and shakes my hand.


We both start heading out of the bathroom. He holds the door for me and I just roll my eyes and give him the finger. Fuck this guy. I can hold a door you piece of shit.

The nerves start hitting me again. I start fidgeting and playing with the hem of my sweater. Clay is walking beside me and I try my best to act like my confident self. I keep my gaze forward as we walk onto the field.

"Don't be nervous George, no ones gonna hurt you" He whispers so the others wouldn't hear. "I wouldn't let it happen"

Fuck he noticed I'm nervous. I mean he was nice about it but still I really did not want people to know that.

"Please, if anyone should be nervous it's you" I clap back.

"Always so hostile George, I was just trying to be nice." He chuckles. "That injury looked painful last year, would be a shame if that happened again" As he says that he walks off.

Is this motherfucker really threatening me right now? What the fuck I thought for once in his life he was being genuine, but of course it was just to get under my skin. I sigh and walk over to the group of guys waiting for me. A bunch of them start waving and yelling things like "finally" and "hurry up". I laugh at them. I love these idiots.

Nick finally speaks up, "Okay since the two captains finally decided to show up after having some jerk off session in the washroom, we will be playing 5v5!" Everyone starts bursting out laughing.


"Shut up Nick, we were just making a bet" Clay interrupts.

"What's the bet!" Karl asks enthusiastically.

"If I win, I get to throw an absolute banger at George's house this weekend" Everyone starts cheering. Just what I need, everyone is now on his side since they want to party. He thinks he's so smart. Fuck what do I do?! My end of the deal is so dumb and everyone is gonna want to try two times as hard if they're on Clay's team.

"But if George wins-"

"Then the party will be at Clay's and my team will get free drinks!" I finish his sentence.

Clay shoots me a deadly look. He seems pissed that I had caught on to his plan. Well not only did I catch on, but I offered something even better! The guys start to cheer even louder and seem way more into the game then they were about 2 minutes ago.

I smile back at him and mouth an "oops". He shakes his head. I had won that exchange for sure.

And I'm proud as hell.

"Alright alright everyone chill out" Nick says, "I'll flip a coin to see who gets first choice" He searches for one in his pocket and pulls it out.

"I want heads" I say quickly.

"George wants head? Where's Braden when you need him!" Clay fires back.

Everyone starts laughing, except me.

But speaking of which, where is Braden? I start looking around. He was on the football team as well so why wouldn't he be here? I would like to have him on my team. As much of an ass he can be at times, he's a really good player and bigger than a lot of the guys.

"Where is he George?" Clay continues as if he had just read my mind.

"Um, I don't know" I say quietly. He gives me a confused look. "What? You think I have a fucking tracker on him or something?"

Clay shrugs and decides to leave it. Thank God.

As if on queue, Braden walks onto the field.

"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late my teacher was being an ass so I had to stay back a bit" He tells the group.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. Okay at least I'll have him on my team. He comes up to me and hugs me from behind. I giggle and shoo him away. Some of the guys start yelling "awwww" and others start gagging jokingly.

Clay was one of the people gagging.

I shoot him a nasty look and finally Nick throws the stupid coin in the air.

"Tails." He smiles at Clay.

I sigh. Does anything ever go my way? Like seriously this guy gets anything and everything he wants.

"I pick..." He looks over to the group of guys tapping his chin.

"Braden" He smirks.

"What?! That's not fair Braden is on my team" I yell.

Why the fuck would he pick Braden? I've never seen them talk in my life. Sure they are in the same friend group but that's really it.

I guess he really wants to win this.

"It's okay Georgie I'll go easy on you" Braden winks at me.

Well, maybe he won't try then and I'll win, this could work out for me after all. I smile at him and nod.

The picks kept going until we now had two teams of five. On my team we have myself, Will, Luke, Alex and Nick. And out of all of us, one of us is over six foot. Which is Will. Everyone else is slightly taller than me and that's it.

On Clay's team, it was Clay, Braden, Karl, Sam and Joey. Clay, Braden and Sam were all jacked and over six foot. Karl was around 5'11 but he wasn't that good at football and Joey is still slightly taller than me. If you haven't noticed yet, yes I am the shortest in my friend group. Well I would argue Alex is shorter but whatever you get the point.

Holy shit I'm gonna lose to Clay.

Why didn't I pick the taller people? Well Clay had already picked Braden plus he had himself. So he already had two of the tallest people out here. Then I picked Will and he had gone with Sam. So that's pretty much all the tall people.

"So it's settled. Everyone head to their side of the field and get ready. Since Clay won the coin toss, they start with the ball" Nick says.

"What the hell Nick, you're on my team?" I whisper-yell to him.

"Yeah but Clay's my best friend dude" He shrugs.

"But don't you want free alcohol this weekend?" I refresh his memory.

He blinks like he had completely forgotten about that part.

"SHIT! WAIT CLAY WE START" He yells after him.

"Too bad Nick, you already said it" Clay laughs.

Nick looks at me apologetically. "Sorry George, I forgot..." He trails off. I shake my head.

"Whatever Nick, make it up to me by winning alright?" I smirk.

"Sounds good captain!" He salutes me and runs into position.

Here we go... I got this. I won't get injured again and everyone will remember why I used to be captain. Clay is a quarterback and I'm a wide receiver. Since I'm not big or don't really have the strength to throw the ball that far, I'm very quick on my feet and get by almost every defender I come across. I hold the record to this day at our school with the most touchdowns ever. I intend on reminding everyone here on what they seem to have forgotten. Braden said he'll go easy, that's funny to me. Of course he is good but I will forever be the best one at this school.

Stepping onto this field is all I needed to get my confidence back. I feel all the nerves disappearing as the ball gets kicked over to Clay's team and I start yelling commands instantly.

Clay's main flaw...

Is that he completely underestimates me.

There's a reason I'm always at the top. I guess people forgot over the summer. Time to refresh some memories.

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