《All or Nothing / DNF Enemies to Lovers》Chapter 1


September 7th, 2021 (fake date)

*Beep Beep, Beep Beep*

"Ugh" I sigh. I rub my eyes and look over to my obnoxious alarm clock. It reads 6:30 am. I slowly start to process what's going on.

Oh right.. It's the first day of 12th grade. I finally turn my alarm off and decide to lie there for a couple of more minutes.

Well, so I thought. I ended up falling back to sleep instantly and waking up to my mom screaming. What a great way to start my first day back.

"George honey! You are going to be late!" She screams from downstairs.

I quickly look back at my clock which now reads 7:45 am. How the fuck did I fall back asleep? I could of sworn I had just closed my eyes.

My school starts at 8:00 am so I rush out of bed and run to my washroom. I start brushing my teeth having no time to fix my hair like I usually do. Wow, I'm sure going to look fantastic on my first day back. I run back to my bedroom and throw on the first things I see. A black hoodie and some black jogging pants. Oh well, who am I trying to impress? Oh right, maybe Braden. But who cares we have been dating for the whole summer now so I don't mind dressing casual anymore.

I start getting my school supplies ready and run towards my kitchen to grab an apple. I usually don't have much for breakfast anyways so this isn't a big deal for me.

"George. You should have breakfast, I made eggs and toast!" My mom says proudly.

Don't get me wrong, I love my mom a lot. She's very supportive of me being gay and has always been kind to me, however, she's never really around. She is a very successful business woman who is in charge of one of the biggest companies in our country. She's always on business trips and never really home, so when she is, she tries her best to do small things for me like making me breakfast.

"Sorry mom I'm gonna be late for school, go ahead and eat it if you want it" I say appreciatively.

"Okay fine, have a great first day" She smiles while pulling me into an embrace. "And don't get into to much trouble"

I hug her back and let out a small laugh, "When do I ever get in trouble mom?" I say smugly.

She lets go and gives me a deadpan look. "Whatever George, now go!" She says shooing me away.

If I'm gonna be honest, I was a bit of a troublemaker. But not as bad as some of the guys at my school. I don't have any siblings and my dad left when I was young, so it is just my mom and I. And since she is barely around, I usually have the house to myself. Saying I'm rich is a bit of an understatement. Everyone in the city knows who my mom is and how successful her business is. So when I'm alone in this house which is way too big for two people, I tend to get lonely.


Which is why I'm known for throwing the best parties.

It is now 8:00 and I'm only just peeling out of my driveway. I have my own all black Porsche that my mom bought me for my 18th birthday. I'm in love with my car. It was one of the best gifts I have ever received and I am so grateful for it. You might think I'm some spoiled rich kid that gets money thrown their way all the time, but I am quite responsible. Since I'm usually alone, I have to clean the whole house myself, make my own food, and keep up my grades. I'm always on top of my school work and have maintained a 90% average for the past four years. I guess you could say I'm the perfect child.

No? Okay damn tough crowd.

As I'm about to park in my parking slot at school, I see a dumb shiny new tesla parked there.

"What the fuck" I say to myself.

Everyone knows this is the spot I always park in so why is someone else's car here? I sigh. Frustrated I park in the spot next to it.

I take out my phone to check the time. It's now 8:15.

My first day and I'm late. So much for not getting in trouble.

I get out and walk into school going to my locker and start putting all my school supplies inside. As I'm doing so, I feel a pair of hands snake around my waist.

I jump at the contact and turn around to see Braden staring down at me with a cute smile on his face. I melt into the touch.

"Look who finally decided to show up" He says grinning.

"Yeah yeah whatever my alarm didn't go off" I lie.

"Sure George, let me see your class schedule" He lets go off me and reaches into my locker to grab a thin piece of paper.

"Why aren't you in class?" I ask teasingly.

He keeps his eyes on the paper, "I came looking for you, I got bored" He shrugs.

"Bored? Its been fifteen minutes, you are so clingy" I say jokingly.

He shoots me a look. I almost immediately stop laughing.

Braden and I used to be friends until one day we became something more. He would always sleep over at my house and then one thing turned to another, he asked me out and we started dating. Everyone at school sees us as the perfect couple. Which I thought as well.. At the beginning.

We are far from it.

"Sorry..." I say apologetically.

Braden goes through mood swings all the time over the dumbest shit and I don't know why.

"It's fine George whatever here take your schedule" He hands me the paper back.

"Thanks" I mumble. "Do we have any classes together?"

"Just one, last period" He smiles.

Okay I think he's calmed down again. I don't ever know what I said that was so wrong? Maybe that he was clingy? I mean I didn't mean it in a bad way I thought it was cute.


"Can't wait!" I say trying to lighten the mood.

I turn around to close my locker and head to my first period, now being even more late then I was before. I start walking down the hall until I feel a hand wrap around my wrist and pull me back.

Braden looks down at me. He's about 6'1 and I'm 5'8, however I like to tell everyone I'm at least 5'9.

So, he is now towering over me.

"Yeah?" I ask shyly.

I'm usually someone who radiates confidence, but around him he makes me nervous. And not in the good way. You might be thinking, why are you still with him then? Well this whole summer he has been the only one really there for me when my mom isn't around, I feel like I owe it to him to stay with him.

"Where's my goodbye kiss?" He grins.

"Too bad you don't get one!" I say sarcastically.

He did not take it in that way.

"Enough with the talking back George." His hold on me tightens as he leans in.

I kiss him back.

"Bye" I say trying my best to smile up at him.

He smiles and drops my arm.

I wince looking down at my wrist. Ow. Whatever I can't even say I'm surprised, he's done a lot worse.

I just didn't expect it to continue at school.

I finally reach my class and apologize to the teacher telling her some bullshit excuse about how my dog died this morning.

I've never owned a dog in my life.

She bought my story and I look around for any empty seats. As doing so, I spot some of the guys from my friend group.

I see Nick and Alex waving at me to come sit near them at the back. I smile and walk over. At least I have some friends in this class. As I'm about to take my seat I notice him.

Great. He's in this class.

We make eye contact and he gives me a devilish smile. I slowly take my seat beside him.

"Dog died huh? Last time I remember you throwing a party I didn't see a dog" He says sarcastically.

"Shut up Clay." I spit back.

"Hi George we missed you!" The two others greet me with contagious smiles.

"Hi guys, missed you too" I smile.

We fall into a conversation about how our summers went. Nick goes on about how he traveled across Europe with his family and Alex tells me about how he's been training his hardest to try and get onto the football team this year.

"Don't worry Alex, you'll make it this year. I am the captain after all." Clay interrupts.

Alex starts cheering.

Clay and I have had this type of rivalry ever since we started high school. Always wanting to one up each other. I hate him. Every time I do something, he somehow finds a way to do it ten times better.

Our friend group is very popular. We are the ones that always throw the parties and have the most money. Everyone in school looks up to us. So Clay and I always fight for the leading position. But, everyone knows it's me.

I think...

"You're only captain because I got injured" I snap.

"You we're gonna get cut anyway George" He reaches over and ruffles up my hair. "You're too short to play with us anyway, that's why you ended up getting hurt"

I hit his hand away.

"I was still better than you" I reply. He really knows how to get under my skin.

"I could easily beat you" He laughs.

"Oh yeah? Lets prove it! At lunch lets have a football game, George and Clay will be the captains of each team. Let's see who wins" Nick pitches.

Alex nods.

"That's not fair, my team could be worse" I challenge.

"What, are you scared Georgie?" Clay smirks at me confidently.

I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.

"I'm not scared." I sigh. "Fine whatever I'm in."

Nick and Alex pull out their phones almost immediately. They start spamming our group chat informing the rest of the guys what will be going down at lunch.

"By the way, is there a new kid?" I ask.

Everyone looks at each other and shakes their head.

"Not that I know of, why?" Alex asks.

"Oh I don't know, I showed up to school and there was this nice ass tesla in my parking spot." I respond confused.

I hear Clay chuckle.

"What's so funny?" I turn to face him.

"You think my cars nice? Wow first time you've ever complimented me"

Are you serious? Of course when I get a car he just has to get one. Always trying to prove he is better than me.

"Why the hell are you parked in my parking spot?" I ask furious.

"I mean you were late, that's on you" He smiles.

"Don't do it again." I say strictly.

He holds his hands up innocently.

"Whatever you say Georgie"

"Don't call me that." I spit.

"Someone's having a bad day" He replies seeming unbothered.

This was going to be a long day.

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