《Bonded | Kylo Ren x Reader |》~Tardiness Is Not Tolerated~


Over the next three weeks, you made progress with Kylo. It wasn't much and it was very slow paced, but you weren't expecting to make a big change so soon, considering how closed-off he was. The most progress you saw was a tighter bond during training and him allowing you to call him by his first name. That was something you only did when the two of you were alone. You were slowly but surely getting to know your new master, along with getting accustomed to life in the First Order itself. You familiarize yourself with the Finalizer you were living on and with the daily schedules of the people who affected your life.

Although you were making progress, you knew deep down that Kylo was one of the greatest mysteries you had come across. He sheltered his emotions most of the time and hardly ever talked about his past. It was clearly something that was off-limits in a conversation. He was also peculiar when it came to his desires. Every time he was done pounding further into his bed, he would say it was the last time. It never was. He always came back for more, whether it be hate-fucking you or just fulfilling his 'needs.' In all the times he had stripped you bare, you still hadn't seen his face. Your curiosity was at its peak and you knew that one day, it was going to be impossible to ignore. His body was certainly in perfect condition, but you couldn't help but wonder if his face was the same.

There was something else about him... something that just seemed off about Kylo Ren. You knew it was ridiculous, but it felt as though you had known him before. You had been scoffing at the thought for a while now, but your curiosity truly was getting the better of you. It sounded strange, but when he had kissed you for the first time, his lips felt so familiar. That was odd considering you had only had two serious relationships so far and both of those men were dead. The rest of the men you had kissed before were mostly meaningless and you couldn't even remember more than half of them. You usually liked having a bond with men you dated and kisses like the one you and Kylo had shared were never that passionate unless you were in a relationship. You could try slipping into his quarters now that you knew the passcode, but you knew where that would end up. Spoilers: with you getting pounded into the mattress. You hoped that one day the day came when you would see his face, but until then you would just have to keep imagining.


You push your hair back in a pathetic attempt to contain it as you scurry towards the training room. Late again, you think with a groan, old habits die hard I suppose. At least Kylo wouldn't have you scrubbing any steps. Manual labor wasn't his style as far as punishments went. With a loud huff, you burst into the room and throw your stuff onto the bench haphazardly. You make it onto the springy mat just as you finish tying back your hair.

Kylo crosses his muscular arms over his chest and looks down at you. You could practically feel the annoyance seeping through his mask. "You're late. Again. That's the third time this week."

"I'm sorry," you sigh. "I keep missing my alarm."

He uncrosses his arms. "If this doesn't change, I'll have a Stormtrooper drag you out of bed by your hair every morning." As you nod reluctantly, you notice his little change in attire. He was still wearing his mask, but there was no cloak and no padded armor. Instead, it had been replaced by a black wife-beater and his usual leather pants and boots. He notices your confusion. "I'm going to be training with you today. It's going to become a regular thing, so get used to it."

"I'm going to fight you?" You echo incredulously.

"Do you not think you've been making excellent progress?" Kylo scoffs. "Or has my training been lacking?"

"No, no! Of course not." You shake your head, watching as he pulls on his leather gloves. You extend your hand toward the weapons rack and a training saber flies into your palm. This was one of the abilities you had mastered in the short time with Kylo, which was rather impressive, considering how long you hadn't been training for.

He nods stiffly and pulls his own saber to him, taking a moment to inspect the thick plastic blade. Without warning, the saber comes flying at your midsection, sending you sprawling flat on your back.

"W-What the hell?" You sputter as you rise to your feet.

"Never let your guard down," he sounded like he was smirking. "Strike me."


You do exactly that. With a small grunt of determination, you step and take a swing toward his knees in an attempt to knock him down. Kylo deflects the hit with ease and pushes your blade aside. He twirls his saber impressively and manages to get yet another hit on her shoulder this time.

"Your thoughts are too loud!" He snaps. "I can hear your every intent. Stay focused and try to lock me out of your mind and-"

You don't wait for him to finish. You cut him off by jabbing the plastic blade into his chest. He knocks it aside and pivots swiftly on his feet. His elbow connects with your ribs and you wince. You take a swing, but it is immediately halted when he thrusts his hand out and uses the Force to hold it in place. Managing to rip it free, your weapon barely misses the side of his head. He strikes you. He hits your thigh a second time. A third. A fourth. A fifth. Now you were pissed.

Gritting your teeth harshly, you hit him with all of your might, satisfied when he snatches his hand back as your blade connects with it. At first, you were giddy about being able to hurt him. Then you realized you had fucked up. He goes on the offensive with three times more aggression than before. With a man of his size and his years of training coming at you in such a way, you didn't stand a chance. Yet. You gasp in pain as his elbow connects with your mouth. The coppery taste of blood touches your tongue as you hit the floor. Hard. This time, you couldn't find the strength to get back up. He had busted your lip open badly and it was now dripping blood onto your chin. Your ankle was throbbing from the way you had come down on it. It might have been sprained, twisted, or jammed. You couldn't tell.

"Get up!" Kylo orders angrily. "Get up now."

"No." You give him the dirtiest look you could muster. "You could have killed me if I hadn't taken that hit."

"That's the idea." He spits. Kylo kneels by your side, leaning in with his mask nearly touching your face. "I don't tolerate tardiness, pet. Believe me when I tell you that if it happens again, you won't be able to walk or sit for a week."

You manage to scoff, "you don't intimidate me." You ignore the rapid beating of your heart rattling in your chest. He must have heard it. Correction. He most definitely heard it. "You're nothing but a coward in a mask."

Big mistake. Kylo's hand shoots out and grips your jaw tightly. "I could break this pretty jaw so you wouldn't be able to talk anymore, but I would much rather hear you suffer. You don't want to test me."

"Is that a threat or a promise?" You purr, wanting to see his reaction. "Look at you. The big bad Kylo Ren around my little finger." You drag your tongue across your lower lip, spreading some of the blood.

Underneath his helmet, Kylo Ren's eye was twitching. His fingers tighten on your jaw. "Careful now, pet. One wouldn't want to think you're actually enjoying what I do to you. Someone might think you're a whore."

"Excuse me?!" You exclaim furiously. "You motherfu-"

He clamps your mouth shut forcefully. "Such a naughty mouth on such a pretty thing. I'll have to teach it a lesson next time. Come to my quarters tomorrow night."

"And if I don't?" You were walking on thin ice at this point.

"Then you are going to have a very rough month, my pet." Kylo releases your mouth and stands up.

Asshole, you think grouchily.

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