《Love You Lots! Vento Aureo x reader》33- Feral Dog Man


"What?!" You yelled in a panic, swerving the car while trying not to flip the car.

"Above us! It's a helicopter!" Bruno shouted as he braced himself against the door while the tires screeched, "He dropped some mold on us!"

"Wh-What the hell just happened?!" Mista yelled as being tossed around the back of the car woke him up.

"Y/N, we're descending! This road goes downhill!" Giorno yelled while the car spun down the road, "The mold is going to get us!"

The car flipped over and stared skidding down the hill.

"Grab onto me!" Bruno said as he unzipped the roof of the car.

Using Sticky Fingers' zippers, Bruno grabbed onto the wall and successfully pulled everyone out of the car as it continued down the hill.

"Climb up! Climb up, even just a little bit!" Bruno ordered.

Everyone managed to get on solid ground safely, but your main focus was on the helicopter above you.

"Subconscious..." Giorno muttered as he looked up at the helicopter, "In a way, Stand abilities are the user's subconscious abilities... If there's any guilt in their heart, they might subconsciously hit the breaks..."

"Whoever this is," You spat as you glared at a rotting,, mold infested corpse, "deeply enjoys this kind of cruelty. It's sickening."

"The person who's stand this is lives for this." Giorno continued, "That's how his ability became this. This guy doesn't have any brakes at all!"

"Hey, what's wrong?!" A man, who you could assume was the father of the little girl he was holding, frantically said before getting up, "I-I'll go get a doctor right away!"

"Hey, don't!" Mista yelled as the man started to run downhill, "Don't go down that way!"

"I'll bring a doctor here right away!" the man was to blinded by fear that he did not heed the gunslinger's words.

The man was quickly dissolved by the mold, along with someone on a motorcycle. You watched as civilians were dying left and right due to the mold, it was absolutely disgusting and it made your blood boil with rage.

"The mold..." Giorno's eyebrow twitched, "It's spreading instantaneously!"

"That's impossible. There are three million people living in Rome." Bruno stated, "This is nothing like that fishing village! And there are members of the organization in Rome."

"This would be a hit to the boss too." You continued Bruno's sentence.

"This guy doesn't care." Giorno seethed, "He's enjoying this! At this rate, everyone in Rome will die! No, this guy's not going to stop, even if it spreads further than that!"

"There's something else!" Bruno exclaimed, "At this rate, the mold's killing range will reach the Colosseum faster than we can get there."

"Mista!" Bruno said to the gunslinger, "Is that helicopter within your gun's range? It doesn't matter! We have to hit it, no matter what! Make sure you take it down!"


"Got it! I won't let you get away!" Mista aimed his gun at the helicopter, "Go, Sex Pistols!"

Mista fired all six shots at the helicopter, the pistol's letting out a ferocious war cry of 'yee-haw'.

You all gasped as the bullets were deflected effortlessly by the strange man from earlier, who dived into the ground from the helicopter.

"The guy in the helicopter wanted me to shoot at ..." Mista growled (f E r A l), "So that the guy who can move around underground could safely get to us!"

You could feel your feet sink into the ground.

"Shit!" You exclaimed, "That bastard it coming down the hill towards us! and we can't go back down!"

You watch Mista frantically, but skillfully reloaded his pistol.

"Mista, just hurry up and focus on the helicopter!" Bruno ordered the hat wearing man, "We can't let it escape!"

" I'll deal with this guy, you three focus on the guy causing the mold!" You said as you watched the ground ahead of you bubble up.

"I-It's no use! It's already too far away!" Mista yelled, "I won't be able to hit the fuel tank or propellers from here!"

"No, Mista." Giorno said calmly, "You never know until you try!"

Giorno suddenly grabbed Mista's waist and hand that was holding his gun.

'Wait how'd he get right there? Wasn't he like six feet away??? Also the way he grabbed Mista's waist, damn- not the time for horny thought's Y/N!' You shook your head to try and focus back in on what was happening.

Giorno and Mista fired four shots.

"It's no use! They won't reach!" Mista yelled. "I know the Pistol's range better than anyone."

All four bullets hit a nearby building instead of the helicopter.

"The helicopter got away!" Mista yelled, "The guy underground is coming for us!"

"The bullets hit their target, Mista." Giorno said confidently, "Now the three of us are going to go take care of the man in the helicopter.

"Go after it? The helicopter?" Mista asked.

The helicopter stopped moving, which drew Mista and Bruno's attention, a tree had grabbed onto the helicopter.

"We have to take care of him before the mold's killing spree reaches the colosseum!" Golden boy said before turning to you, "Y/N, we can leave he guy beneath the ground to you, right?"

You nodded confidently as the man emerged from the ground behind you.

"Go you guys!" You yelled, "I got this!"

You turned to the man as your friends ran up the hill towards the helicopter.

"Either way," The man croaked as he emerged from the ground more, "I'm taking care of you first...Y/....N..."

"Alright bring it dog man." You smirked down confidently at the man.


"Y/N? That's what they called you, right? How dare you ambush me back at that village... I'm never falling for that again." The man growled at you.

'Is this guy a dog or something?' You were going to say that out loud but you thought otherwise.

"How dare you do something so cleaver?!" The man yelled, making you slightly confused, "No, wait... something so lever... no wait."

You were this close to bursting out laughing as the man crouched down, distracted by his word predicament.

"Something so beaver... wait, or was it sever? Griever?" The man scratched his chin.

"I think the word you're looking for is clever." You said with a hand on your hip.

The man made angry feral noises at you as he pointed, still crouched down.

"I knew that, damnit! What are you, a language teacher?!" The man made some weird feral panting noises, "Y-Y-You bitch!"

"Oh ok no need to be rude dog man." You glared at him, but he didn't hear you.

"Oh, yeah. I need to record a video." you wondered why you hadn't just attacked him right there and then as rummaged in his pockets, "It shouldn't take me too long to take care of you. Let's see."

You stared curiously at the man as he messed with the camera.

"Don't Stop Me Now!" You yelled as you gave up on waiting on him, calling out your stand.

Your stand made several mechanical whirrs as it went to swipe a bladed wrist guard at the man. What you weren't expecting to happen is for him to dodge it.

You suddenly felt a very sharp, intense pain to your jack as a powerful kick was landed under your chin.

'Shit! He's fast and I can't exactly use part of my stand due to how fast my body is decomposing! Using Don't Stop Me Now's abilities right now would probably kill me!' You thought as blood spurted from you mouth while you flew backwards from the force.

"i-If we're doing this one-one one..." The man said as he pointed his video camera at you.

Your back hit the ground, but you couldn't really feel it,

"I don't even need to dive into the ground." The man continued as he threw the camera up in the air.

You sat up, wondering where he went.

You were on edge, but it was almost too late as he launched a fist at your head. Learning from Bruno, you quickly used your stand's arms as your own, redirecting the hit to just next to your head. The bar he hit seemed to melt, you were lucky that wasn't your face. Unfortunately, it did affect part of your shoulder,.

'Sh-Shit. This ability far surpasses my Don't Stop Me Now's ability when I could use it! ' You cursed in your head

Another punch was quickly thrown your way, and you dodged just in time.

'It's recoil!' You thought as your stand was struggling to match his punches, 'He's bouncing his elbows off the ground! The elasticity is making it so he can easily throw powerful, fast hits! That's why he's so fast!'

You could tell your stand wasn't holding up the best, not being as fast or strong as others like Sticky Fingers, but it was pushing through.

'Just like a boxer using the ring ropes to increase the power of his punches!'

"Oasis!" The man yelled as he got closer, causing you to have to match his punches with only your stand's fists on your own.

You suddenly coughed up blood as the man landed a powerful kick to your gut. You forgot this guy could kick you too.

Stunned by it, you fell to the ground.

"Take this! I'm out of time!" The man yelled as he threw another punch your way.

For a second you noticed the world come to an almost screeching halt. You weren't able to process what happened as your stand threw you over the railing against your own will. The world quickly sped up, not even the normal minute length had passed. The man looked confused as he struck the ground. He looked around before spotting you on the level below the area you were on.

You both silently glared at each other, though his seemed a bit more twisted as the video camera fell into his hand.

"As I thought...There's no mold growing on you," He focused the camera on you, "even though you fell. Cioccolata's Green Day will kill any living creature. What the hell's going on with your body?"

A gash appeared on his foot, which you could assume your stand made in the few seconds it had.

"I mean, I guess I'll just have to pulverize every last inch of your body until you can't move anymore... w-w-with my Oasis!" The man stared down at you. It was weird to see him moving like an animal, but it was much creepier to see him standing like a normal person.

"Alright, bet." You smirked and flipped him off.


You were leaning against a pole for support as you panted. The underground guy just kinda ran off so you decided to run towards the Colosseum. Despite being on the track team and currently having roller blades, your stamina was low due to your body shutting down.

"This should be far enough." You said to yourself, "I think I lost that underground guy for now..."

You hadn't noticed that your feet started to sink into the ground, you were still trying to catch your breath.

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