《Love You Lots! Vento Aureo x reader》32-Cat's Out of The Bag, Golden Boy


"Wh-What?!" Mista yelled as you fell.

"So you're just going to track us down no matter where we go?" You said coolly, addressing the strange man from earlier, "What a terrifying ability. But do you have any Idea where I'm headed?"

You watched as the ground opened up, revealing the ground-travelling stand user, ,who's eyes widened at the sight of you at the entrance.

"Apparently you didn't huh? You had no idea where we were." You stated as half of the man's body stuck out of the hole.

You quickly summoned your stand, it slashing at the enemy with it's blade like wrist guards.

"Len, len, len, len..." Your stand's mechanical voice shouted, it sounded as if it was coming from an internal speaker of some sort.

"Troppo Lento!" Don't Stop Me Now yelled as it landed one final slash against the enemy's cheek.

As the man was pushed back against the wall, a pole came flying towards you, which your stand promptly cut in half. The man retreated back into the wall as you kept falling.


You had managed to get back up on the wall, and were now driving a car out of the village. Bruno was in the seat next to you, Giorno next to Mista in the back.

"I totally though... that you had plummeted." Mista said while Giorno was healing him, "You scared me, Y/N. Did your stand grab onto the wall or slow your fall or something?"

"I guess it might've been a close call." Mista said when you didn't respond, "It doesn't look like the mold got you at all.

"Mista, rest for a bit." Bruno said when you didn't respond.

"Bucciarati's right. I closed your wounds, but if you move now, they'll start bleeding again." Giorno agreed, "Bucciarati and I will keep a look out for any cars that might be following us."


"Right..." Mista said as he leaned against the window, promptly falling asleep.

While this entire conversation was happening, you hadn't heard a thing, your vision was getting foggy and you knew you didn't have much time left.

Giorno looked up front and noticed a bloody gash on your wrist.

"Y/N, your wrist... Did you hurt it?" Giorno asked, "Please, let me see it."

When you didn't answer once again, Bruno turned to you with increasing concern.

"Y/N... Are you listening?" The capo asked.

"If the mold got to you, you're in danger." Giorno stated, "Please let me see it."

Giorno's eyes widened as you shifted gears.

"that's..." Giorno choked as he reached for your neck, "Th-That's impossible... your skin is so cold..."

"A-And your pulse..." Giorno said, shaking.

He didn't notice Bruno looking away, biting his lip with a scowl on your face.

"Hm?" You said as you looked up. Giorno removed his hand from your neck.

"I'm sorry, did you say something to me Giorno?" You slightly turned to him, keeping your eyes on the road, "I... I couldn't hear you."

You saw Giorno in the mirror furrow his eyebrows and grit his teeth in what you could assume was confusion. You then looked at your wrist, the bone was exposed and there was little to no blood coming out.

"Huh, apparently I hurt myself." You said in a sad tone, "I guess I was right, there isn't much time left."

You looked over to Bruno, who nodded for you to continue your explanation.

"I'm losing more and more feeling in my skin..." You said remorsefully, "Or... Maybe I never had any to begin with.

"That's impossible! Don't tell me back then... when you saved Trish from the boss in Venice... " Giorno said, getting more and more frantic as he leaned up close to your seat, "Y/N, don't tell me that... back then..."


"It's strange." You stated somberly, "I've personally accepted it as fate. Just a tiny bit of fate, of chance, that Heaven had granted me."

You looked up at the stars, taking your eyes off the road.

"When you healed my wounds in Venice, it appears your life force gave me a little more time to remain here." You said, oddly calm.

"Why... Why didn't you say anything?" Giorno asked, clearly distressed, "My Golden Experience completely healed your wounds back then! I'm sure it can fix whatever you're going through right now too!"

"Giorno." Bucciarati spoke up, a pained and sad expression on his face, "I'm sure your Golden Experience knows more about that than anyone else. Nothing can be done for those who's lives have already ended."

Giorno looked mortified at Bruno's statement, but you continued anyways.

"By that time, my life..." You stared ahead as the streetlights illuminated your face, "had already ended."

Giorno trembled in the back seat of the car. He just couldn't believe you were going to die.

"But Y/N! Your dreams! What about becoming a police officer?! What about helping those in need-"

"Giorno!" Bruno yelled, cutting him off. It was upsetting enough to know that one of the people he cared for, who he had fallen in love with, was going to die. But for him to hear what she was planning to do with her life, things that she would never get the opportunity to do, it hurt.

"It's alright Bruno." You said as you entered another town, "I've come to terms with that Giorno, but if I'm able to help you and everyone else, I think it's worth it."

Everything was silent and the air was tense.

"You won't tell the others, right GioGio?" You gave him a sad smile, "I don't want them to worry."

"That's impossible... But that's impossible Y/N!" Giorno yelled, still in disbelief that someone he came to admire, and even maybe had feelings for, would no longer be on the earth shortly, "Y-You're-"

"Quiet Giorno!" You said, "Listen. What's that sound? Am I hearing things?" You asked.

"You're right I hear it too!" Bruno piped in as Giorno looked around.

"There's no cars following us."Giorno said.

"I can hear it, it's getting closer." You said, looking around yourself, "It's getting really close!"

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