《Love You Lots! Vento Aureo x reader》2- Where Things are Explained (Partially)
Being a bit shocked with whatever the hell just happened Giorno lead you to his dorm room so he could explain what is going on and why he's joining a gang.
You had kinda spaced out as you sat on the taller male's bed, despite him being two years younger than you he was around three inches taller. (Sorry to all tall people)You watched as Giorno sat the lighter in a piece of bread surrounded by books.
"Ok so explain." You managed to compile your thoughts enough to lean forward with your arms resting on your knees.
"Which part do you want me to explain first?" He said as he pulled up a chair and sat in front of you.
"The gang part," You started, "explain that first."
"I have a dream," The blond teen started, "A dream to become a gang star and prevent the spread of drugs to women and children. To that I have to actually join a gang."
"Ah...that makes sense. Now, please explain...everything...everything else." The thought of your favorite underclassmen made you feel sick at first, you absolutely hate crime and people who hurt others for their own gain, though after hearing his reasoning you didn't blame him. He wasn't joining for his own personal gain, but to help others. It made you almost want to help him.
"Well, for starters stands. I'm not quite sure what stands are myself, but they seem to be part of us. I mean us as in you now probably have one too." He said as you nodded, "Meaning you're probably not safe anymore, the best plan of action would be to come with me."
"Come with you?" You said in almost disbelief, "And join a gang? Giorno you do know why I'm in school right?"
"I'm well aware Y/N, you're going to become a police office, you don't want to be one of the corrupt one's either. But you see, we have the same goal. Joining me would only be temporary, until I'm able to take over the organization and ensure your safety." The blond teen said with dead seriousness.
"...Fine, but only until then." You sighed and leaned your head back, running a hand through your H/L H/C locks.
"Ok, come by the prison around noon tomorrow."
It was a little after noon the next day, you were wearing the same thing as yesterday since you have like three sets of the same outfit, minus the shoes, jacket, and aviator sunglasses.
You saw Giorno walk out of the prison, straight faced as usual.
"Ah, Giorno!" You said with a wave.
"Y/N, I see you're here." Giorno said as he walked up to you, he held out a closed fist to you. You put your hand under it as he handed you a golden pin, the pin of passione. As he pulled his hand back you scowled at the pin before showing Giorno a smile.
"I guess we're in this together huh?" You said.
The next day.
You had followed Giorno to wherever he was taking you, now you stood in front of a man in a white and black suit that was adorned in golden zippers. Giorno was now holding out his own pin while you tired to look anywhere but the man in front of you. Despite agreeing to join passione along with Giorno, you still hated gangs with all your heart.
"Good, but I have one question before we continue, who is your companion?" The man asked skeptically.
"This is my friend Y/N L/N, who unfortunately has gotten roped into this. She just happened to see the flame relit and become a stand user. I trust her with my life Bucciarati, and to keep her safe I suggested she join me." Giorno explained as the man nodded.
"This man is not your typical gangster Y/N, he shares the same goal as me, you can trust him." Giorno leaned over and whispered to you. You skeptically looked at the man before nodding.
"It's a pleasure to meet you signore. As Giorno said, my name is Y/N L/N." You gave the man a small polite smile as you held out your hand to shake.
"Bruno Bucciarati, I'm terribly sorry you had to be roped into this." He shook your hand with true sincerity in his eyes, you trusted him a bit more than before, "Now, Come with me Giorno Giovanna, Y/N L/N."
The two of you followed after the man you now know as Bruno Bucciarati. You had your hands in the pockets of your yellow jacket, wondering what's going to happen to your life after this.
After a bit of walking Giorno asked a very important question.
"So... where are we going?" He asked.
"I'll introduce you two to my team, they're all stand users." Bucciarati stated as you continued walking.
'Well I'm going to to be stuck with these people for a while, might as well be friendly. Even if they are gangsters, if they're like Bucciarati then I might be able to trust them a little.' You thought as you walked next to Giorno.
"Passione is a pretty big gang organization. First, there are groups of six to ten underlings, like my team. Then there are capos like Polpo, who command those teams. They reign over a particular area, making it their turf. These teams include specialty teams, such as an assassination team and a drug team. Despite being in the same gang, I don't really want to involve myself with those teams or their capos. And the one who stands at the top is the boss. The boss only has contact with the trusted subordinate he considers his right hand, and we have no way of knowing who or where he is." Through Bucciarati's explanation you had grown respect for the man even if he was a gangster.
"Gang members in this city hate standing out," You heard Bucciarati continue.
'Wait they don't want to stand out? Has he looked at himself or Giorno?' you thought
"as it can lead to their assassination." He continued, "So even the capos dress normally to blend in with the crowd, and some even have cover jobs. That goes double for our boss. He won't reveal his identity to anyone. If we go snooping around, we're found out immediately. I know plenty of guys this happened to." Bucciarati turned around to us, "So Giorno, Y/N, in order for us to get close to our mysterious boss, we need to be acknowledged. We can't defeat the boss unless we earn the acknowledgement, and the trust of someone close to the boss. So first, we're going to get stronger. We have to climb up to the position of capo. Of course, the three of us can't do that alone. A team we can trust... That's what we'll need to defeat the boss."
As Bucciarati finished his speech you stepped forwards, both of the male's looked at you wondering what you were doing.
"It was never my plan to join a gang, from a young age I've hated gangs. But, from what you said you've earned my respect Bucciarati. I'll give my all to help you two on your goal." Bucciartati nodded as Giorno had a small smile on his face.
We soon arrived at a restaurant, when we entered we saw a boy with a bleeding cheek whip out a knife and hold it to the neck of a teen with a suit that looked like swiss cheese. There were two more people who were sitting by as this happened.
"What the hell are you guys doing?!" Bucciarati yelled at them, "I could hear you all the way from the entrance! You're bothering the other customers!" Giorno and I walked behind Bucciarati as he made his way to the table.
"These are the new members I told you about yesterday-" Bucciarati was cut off by the guy in a crop top sweater.
"But Bucciarati, you only mentioned one new member yesterday, not two." He stated.
"It must of slipped my mind, I apologize." Bucciarati continued, "Let me introduce you. This is Giorno Giovanna and Y/N L/N."
You kinda just stared at each other for a moment before Giorno stepped forwards.
"I am Giorno Giovanna." You then stepped forwards.
"I'm Y/N L/N." You said with a smile while you placed one hand on your hip and pointed one of your thumbs at your chest.
"It's a pleasure to meet you." You both said as you bowed. Everything was silent before everything went back to normal.
"I'm sorry Fugo." The boy with the headband said.
"No, I should apologize. Please forgive me Narancia." The swiss cheese boy said.
"I'll study even harder, so teach me again." The black-haired male said.
The only one paying attention to either of you was the guy with the crop-top sweater, but he was just kinda looking at you.
'Well we both have crop-tops, maybe we can be crop-top buddies.' You thought.
From the corner of your eye you could Bucciarati about to loose his cool.
"Hey! I'm the one who brought them here, so be respectful!" Bucciarati yelled at the group, The black haired teen along with the swiss cheese guy turned to him.
"Mr. Bucciarati." A waiter called.
"What is it?" he responded.
"There's a phone call for you." The waiter answered.
"All right, thanks." Bucciarati responded, "Make sure you guys properly greet Giorno and Y/N! Got it? Giorno, Y/N, I'll be right back. Take some time to get to know these guys."
"All right." Giorno said as you nodded.
"Giorno, Y/N, was it?" A guy with light purple hair and headphones called out, "Why don't you both have a seat? Let's have some tea and chat."
You watched as the man poured you and Giorno each an oddly colored cup of tea.
"Well, drink up." He said, you were getting pretty bad vibes from the dude so you cautiously moved the tea cup to in front of you. You looked around at the other people around the table, every one of their expressions showed complete shock.
"How old are you two?" The man asked.
"Fifteen." Giorno said.
"Seventeen." You answered.
"What! You're the same age as me? You don't look seventeen." The black haired teen said as you chuckled.
"I get that a lot." You said.
"And you, fifteen? Ha, you're two years younger than me." The teen continued.
"Thank you for the tea." Giorno said.
"Yeah, thank you." You said as you raised the teacup to your nose. When you could smell it, you realized this wasn't 'tea'. Giorno seemed to notice the same thing and paused.
"What's wrong?" The guy with the headphone's asked, "You both just thanked me for the tea that i so generously poured for you. Since you already thanked me, you'll just have to drink it. Or do you not want to drink it because it's not very hot?"
"You don't have to drink it signora, but maybe he doesn't want to be one of us?" The guy with the crop-top sweater said.
"No, No, he poured it for me. It would be impolite of me not to drink it." You smiled nervously.
"What the hell are you guys doing?!" Bucciarati asked as he walked back to the table.
"It's nothing" Giorno said as he smiled at him, "He went through the trouble of pouring this tea for us." Giorno put the cup to his lips.
Oh how you wished you could do that thing where everything slowed down. As if by your command it did.
A sudden idea struck you of how to get rid of the 'tea' you were given. You quickly stood up and dumped the 'tea' back into the teapot, after you quickly sat back down in the exact position as before.
As time resumed back to normal you lifted the teacup to your lips, everyone around the table looked on with awe, you lifted it to your lips and pretended to drink. You then slammed the empty teacup back on the table. Soon after Giorno placed his teacup, empty, back on the table.
"No freaking way!" The boy with the orange headband exclaimed.
"What did you guys do?" Bucciarati asked, he kinda seemed like a mother to you.
"Gross! They both actually drank it!" The black-haired boy yelled.
"D-Dude, you're hilarious. Did you seriously drink it? And I didn't expect a girl to drink it either!" The guy with the sweater leaned on the table and pointed at us.
"No. There's no way they could have!" Swiss cheese guy said, "Hey how'd you two do it? where'd you hide it?"
"Hey, come on. Just tell me! Okay?" Crop-top dude said. You just smiled cheekily at the group and chuckled.
"Who knows?" Giorno started and tilted his head, "You're all keeping your abilities secret, too, aren't you?"
The air around the table suddenly became very shocked as you both just smiled at them.
"Open your mouths, there's no hole in there, is there?" One of them said.
"is one of yours the ability to move things or something?" Another said.
"You guys actually drank it, for real?!" The teen with the black hair said, "Was that your favorite or something?"
"If you guys tell us about your powers, we might tell you about ours." Giorno said.
Bucciarati looked over at Giorno and you,you looked back at him and gave him a smile.
"You're both cautious, I respect that." You turned to the swiss cheese boy.
"Does Bucciarati know?" Sweater guy asked.
"Well he knows mine, but we're not quite sure what Y/N's is." Giorno answered.
"Quit screwing around. We're going out." Bucciarati said to the group.
"Huh? Where?" The teen with the orange headband asked.
"Follow me and you'll find out. Hurry it up." Bucciarati said as he started to leave. Everyone just looked at each other in confusion, but Giorno started at Bucciarati before getting up and leaving.
As you walked down the street, several people greeted him. You figured maybe, maybe, that not all gangsters were bad. You were standing in the back next to the guy with the orange headband, he seemed about an inch taller than you.
'Dang, I guess I'm the shortest here.' You thought before clearing your throat. He looked over at you and raised an eyebrow.
"Are you ok? Do you have something stuck in your throat or something?" He asked.
"No, I'm fine it's just you guys know my name, but I don't know any of yours. Well, except for Giorno." You said as you rubbed the back of your neck a bit sheepishly.
"Oh! That makes sense, we never really introduced ourselves did we? Well I'm Narancia." He pointed to himself.
"That's Fugo." He pointed to the boy you previously referred to as 'swiss cheese'.
"The guy with the weird hat is Mista."
"The goth looking guy is Abbacchio, and I'm sure you already know Bucciarati." Narancia looked back to you as he finished introducing the gang.
"Well thanks Narancia! As a little bit extra how about I tell you how I dealt with the piss." You whispered the last part just loud enough for Narancia to hear.
"Woah really?!" He said loudly.
"Sh! Sh! You gotta be quiet!" You whispered as you waved off the stares of the others with a smile.
"Oh sorry," He whispered back, "How'd you do it?"
"Well I'm not too sure myself. I either slowed down time or I went really fast, but I simply poured the piss back in the teapot." You whispered with a shrug.
"Woah that's really cool!" Narancia whisper yelled
"I know right?!" You chuckled softly.
Unbeknownst to you the person closest to the two of you, Fugo, had heard your entire conversation.
"Hey, what are we going to do about a car?" Someone asked.
"We'll get a loaner." Bucciarati said
"Since a certain someone destroyed ours last year." Fugo commented.
"Hey, I told you that wasn't my fault!" Narancia fought back. You just chuckled at the two's bickering.
"We're going cruising on a yacht? That's awesome!" Narancia exclaimed.
"When did you get a yacht?" Abbacchio asked Bucciarati.
"We're going to rent one." He answered simply.
"Huh?" Said Abbacchio.
"Aw, it's just a rental." Narancia seemed kinda bummed out.
You were kind of excited since you'd never been on a yacht before, but you couldn't shake the feeling that everything was about to change.
"Say Bucciarati..." Mista started, "Whatever you do, please don't rent that one with the number four. It'll sink I know it."
"Oh come on...If that were the case, it wouldn't be floating right now." Fugo pointed out.
"Well, they do say four is bad luck." You pointed out, not really adding anything to the conversation.
"See! She understands!" Mista exclaimed, "If you're fine wish it, you can ride on that one!" He pointed to the one with the four on it.
You had made it inside the rental place, you stood next to Giorno since you had really only talked to him, Bucciarati, and Narancia. These men had not yet earned your trust.
"We'd like to rent a yacht." Bucciarati said to the man at the counter, you could see Narancia grabbing snacks from the corner of your eye. If he had gone to your school you would've been great friends with him.
You then observed the others around you, they didn't look much older or younger than you. You were sure they would have been living peaceful lives if fate hadn't done something to drive them here.
You must have spaced out on the entire conversation, because the next thing you hear is Narancia.
"Ring me up, pops!" Narancia said as carried chips, drinks, and other assorted snacks.
You sat on the yacht as it sailed out of the harbor, staring up at the sky and admiring it's beauty. Sometimes you have to stop and enjoy the small things because you'll never know when things will turn for the worst.
As you sailed out into the water you sat down by Narancia and Mista in the back of the boat since Narancia has snacks, and food is life.
"This feels nice." Someone said, you weren't really paying attention because you were looking up at the birds in the sky.
'Black-tailed gulls...' you thought, 'Mom always liked to tell me about birds when I was younger...I miss her.' A remorseful smile found it's way onto your face.
"Hey, Narancia...Hey!" Mista said snapping you out of your thoughts. You looked over at him then over to Narancia who was listening to music loudly.
"Huh?" Narancia asked as he removed one of the headphone's from his ear.
"Well, uh, you know...You bought drinks didn't you? Would you sell me one?" Mista asked.
"What? You always say that, but you never pay!" Narancia shot back.
"Oh, who cares? Gimme one! Come on, hurry! Gimme!" Mista said demandingly. In the past few hours you've known them, you've questioned how old are these boys really are several times. Well, you couldn't really complain, it was quite amusing.
"You're so helpless." Narancia sighed as he reached over to the cooler.
"Hey Narancia, could you get me one? I can pay you though." You smiled and held out a few bills, not really knowing how much he paid for the drink, as he turned back to you.
"Huh? Oh I'll get you one." Narancia said as he took the bills and went back over to the cooler, "Do you guys want Cola or Sparite?"
"I'll take a co- Actually I'll have a Sparite since it's clear." Mista said.
"I'll have a Cola please!" You smiled.
"Here you go." Narancia said as he sat down in front of you holding out the Cola to you and the Sparite to Mista.
"Thanks!" You said as you took the drink from him.
"Thanks, could you hold this magazine for me?" Mista said as you opened your drink and took a sip. The cold drink felt nice on a sunny day such as today. Narancia took the magazine and looked at it while Mista opened his drink.
Thanks, and thanks again..." Mista said as he took his magazine from The black-haired boy. You has simultaneously took another sip from your drink, so you didn't see Mista pour his drink right onto Narancia's radio. You did however see the radio spark and Narancia make a shocked expression.
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my art
My art and pls don't steal any thin from it also if you want to use some thing ask me first
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