《My unsent poems》the first week after our breakup


Where am I?

standing at the edge

where the bottom can't be seen

Searching for whatever air that's left

days after you sucked it out of me

Holding my head high so I won't fall

you knew how scared I was

but still watched the ground crumble under my feet

You wanted her to have me, didn't you?

My heart is beating and wants to rip me apart

Feast is about to start

And at her sight I cry for freedom,

I don't move or look around

And not too loud cause then I fall

My head held high to still get air

I beg of you to untie the ropes

I whisper so the fall won't know

That I'm about to drop

And she's about to eat

I whisper too so I won't hear

that what's happening is real

my head held high to fool you that I'm fine

To fool you that your heart will be the first one who'll be eating you alive

I don't look down cause maybe then,

the bottom will dissolve

I lie to myself

That everything is fine and wait for your hand holding a knife to cut the ropes and fly away with me again

You told me you would save me

So I looked down

but when I tried to kiss you you pulled back

and then my body turned heavy

And I'm finally letting go

And I know the fall is long

My heart; She's beating and she knows

That she ll be feasting first after all

I fooled you and fooled myself

I close my eyes

I let her feast on the ruins of my body

Hungry for the love you ripped away

I let you feast too

If I am to be gone

I want you to consume me

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