《Sayonee》chapter 19


And suddenly,

You became the most precious person my heart could hold......


A word which holds a huge meaning behind it. Trust can make you the queen of a king or a maid of owner.

Trust will really leaves a huge impact on a person. It can affect a person mentally and physically.

Trust can turn a happy person in sad one, a living person in a lifeless one, it can burn a person and convert in cold person, it can make a beating heart in cold stone hearted one.

May we all be safe from all bad people who can break our trust and stab us on back. May Allah always keep our heart happy with no loneliness and emptiness. Ameen!

Ainam picked alveera in her arms and walked further in to the huge house which once was hers. She saw her mother and father standing with concern on doorsteps.

"Alveera meet my ammijaan and babajaan. This alveera." Ainam Introduced them alveera greeted the old couple with a smile and kissed sana on her cheek.

"Ammijaan is there something to eat? We are hungry...."Ainam told which bought a small smile on sana's lips.

"Yes I made pulao let me heat it and bring wait!" Sana walked to the kitchen leaving sabeer, ainam and alveera.

Sabeer gazed the little girl and ainam. There was something he was missing, ainam would always had a bitter sweet relationship with kids. She like them and hate at the same time.

This little held something that ainam called sabeer and informed that they are arriving in an hour that when ainam had a visit to in-law. Something is there that ainam is not saying.

"Babajaan will you stop staring me!" Ainam whined making sabeer shook his head.

"What are you hiding bache?" Ainam numbed on the question. She have to say now right? She won't.


"What?" Ainam acted clueless

"Who is she to you?"Ainam glanced alveera who was playing with her niqab. Ainam had warned alveera not to say anything when they reach and whisper in her ears if she want something..

"A kid babajaan. " Ainam giggled answering him

"Since when-"

"Mano here...."The plates were kept making alveera jump and start eating but ainam was full so she just sat deep in thought.

"Mano have some bache" Sana told

"I am full."

"How was your visit bache?"

"Good they all were really welcoming and are sweet, aunty was so sweet she made all desi food starting from breakfast to dinner she was just like you ammijaam. Sweet, soft and pure of motherhood. I just loved her among them all." Ainam told with excitement.

"How is ehan with you....?" Ainam sighed with a smile.

"Good, really helps me and always tries to give sometime to me and always caring never complaining and accepting but work alot." Ainam chuckle at last.

"You are happy Mano?" Ainam sighed knowing where this was leading

"Ammi can't I really come at night? Should I leave?"

"No bache it's your first time here after nikkah, I just can't believe my eyes that my daughter is here."

Ainam pinched the bridge of her nose, she came here empty hand when she bought so many things for them.

Tears welled in her eyes she really wanted to bang that ehan's head on the wall so hard that it never stops bleeding and he go all mad that she throw him in mental hospital.

"Ammi I had enough, I really wanted to come here with all the things I bought for you all but here am without anything but exhausted me. Sorry I disturb you both."

"If you are sleepy, than your room is all cleaned go and sleep there."


"Nahi babajaan I will go. How is everything the business and ayaan bhai. I hope tayijaan and tayajaan are cool with safa and everyone."

"Safa is continuing her job bhaijaan has threw that man out and ayaan is cool,comes and meet your ammijaan, everything is just not like before everyone miss you so much that one day tayajaan called your name loudly but when you didn't come he had tears in his eyes as if he remembered."

Ainam chuckle glancing alveera who was having her last morsal and sipped the orange juice.

"Ammijaan this alveera, you know she is so sweet always help me and we pray together,at first few days when I was adjusting myself this cutiee helped me alot and never leave me alone we did our work together, cook together." Alveera grinned and the three elders chuckle when alveera bobbed her head with much energy her hairs moving with her.

"So, alveera you like her or she troubles you?" Sana ask in lovely voice

"She is pretty and helps alot with everything I ask her for. She is the best!" Ainam smiled while sana and sabeer looked her.

"She reminds me of you mano.....you were the same just eyes and nose are little different."

"Mano these ladies missed you so much that they sat with all your photos and cried remembering the memories and you for almost a week" Sabeer complaint laughing and earned a glare from sana.

"The albums which were up in store? You never took those when I asked you to."Ainam complain pulling alveera in her laps who kept her head over ainam's chest and dozed off.

"Tayijaan was so hard to handle Allah" sana told rolling her eyes making sabeer and ainam laugh.

"You people should sleep now and take care of yourself. Eat,sleep on time and miss me as much as you want to." Ainam stood with alveera was deep in sleep.

"Me too."Alveera told in sleepy voice everyone laughed at the cute girl.

"Ammijaan do you talk to aunty?"

"No, we tried but I think they are still cold with what happened. It's okay I really am fine with it now that I don't have to speak with someone daily like my mother use to do."

"Babajaan! Don't trouble my ammijaan and call me no! I will call you okay now go to your room. Allahafiz."

Ainam walked out not before hugging her parents. She walked to her car and buckle alveera in seat who was sleeping and ran to her parents hugging tightly.

"I will miss hugging you both." Ainam whined sabeer smiled patting her head and ainam wore her niqab while walking to her car.

Soon the car was on roads ainam played the recitation and drive slowly as alveera was sleeping.

Ainam smiled, she was so happy to meet her parents it was so peaceful when she hugged her mother and father.

Now she knows that something bad can have something good too.

"Now let's see if that men are still in there or not." Ainam drove to the almost empty roads and in an hour she took her car in parking lot.

Picking alveera in her arms she walked to elevator and than to the penthouse.

She can hear some faint voices but was tired to focus on them. She changed alveera's clothes than hers.

Laying over the bed ainam sleeped with hope that she will never talk to that jerk.

To be continue.......

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