《Sayonee》chapter 18


And suddenly,

You became the most precious person my heart could hold......

Every thing comes to an end, days, nights, life, studies, weather but only one thing will never perish and that is true pure love. It stays till our last breath and again meets in after life.

The day came to an end with ainam and ehan visiting ehan's home and ainam teasing and roasting her husband with his family on her side.

They were seated in room with ainam and butool discussing about the upcoming dawat on eid which still has a month but excitement of ladies.

Zaid glanced ehan who was stealing glances to ainam and had a ghost smile.

Sohail and Zaid strode to where ehan was seated and sat on either sides of him.

Ehan smelled a thing and tried to be calm acting busy in his phone. Zaid cleared his throat gaining everyone's attention.

"Bhabhi, you know what mommy use to call ehan bhai?"Ainam raised her brows,glance ehan who shook his head In negative saying it's nothing serious and glared Zaid who grined.

"What....? "

"Boldiya jaien ya jaane diya jaien?" Zaid leaned and asked Sohail who nodded his head.

"What is it Zaid say it!"

"It was......." Zaid trailed off glancing the brother who glared him

"Ainam it was nothing he is just saying to tease you you can carry on." Ehan glared Zaid and said ainam who now wanted to know the name she was just curious cat.

"No! There is something, Zaid!" Ainam warned using her lecturer voice Zaid cleared his voice and said it loud.

"Hani....."And in next second everyone laughed loudly. Ainam walked to Zaid and gave a high five,laughing tears were visible but she couldn't stop herself.

"And what about you Zaid? Was it zoo or first aid?" Now ehan laughed with Sohail and ainam giving high five to ehan with Zaid sitting there with a pout. Even owaise chuckle seeing Zaid.


"Dekhliya! Don't ever say a bad word about ehan from next time Or you will get this replies....."Sohail said after getting sober.

Ainam walked back to where she was seated with a smile and again they all were back to thier conversation.

"Bhabhi why don't we go and have look at bro's ex room?" Sohail suggested ainam got excited

"Why not let's go." They all stood but ehan announced making environment thick with farewell.

"We need to go....." Ehan glancee his mother who had a face which told that she is done with him

"You can stay right now that-"

"Ammi we had our day here please don't do this now."

"Yeah.... He even made us a cup of chai inshallah next time we will stay." Ainam told with smile. Butool sighed standing and than they bid farewell to each other and the couple walked to the car.

"You really enjoyed ainam..."Ehan said while driving on road with ainam who smiled and nodded.

"It was really nice to meet aunty she was so caring and sweet unlike you and your brothers."

"Now we are not ladies so we have to different from ammi and be like our father."

"Whatever helps you."Ainam sighed and car fell in silence with slow music playing in car.

"You like songs ainam?" Ehan again asked

"Yes who doesn't?"

"Say one and I will play it." Ainam went in deep thoughts. She really is obsessed with songs so it was really hard for her.

"Chand sifarish from fanna" and in next minute song was echoed in car with ainam listening to song and ehan driving.

Ehan glanced ainam when certain lyrics were played. She blushed inside that niqab. Her eyes held shyness and shined in shy


🎶hain jo iraaden bata doon tumko sharma hi jaaogi tum

dhadakanen jo suna doon tumko ghabraa hi jaaogi tum

hamko aata nahi hain chhupana hona hain tujhmein fanaa

chaand sifarish jo karta hamari deta woh tumko bata

sharm-o-haya pe parde gira ke karni hain hamko khata

zidd hain ab toh hain khud ko mitana hona hain tujhmein fanaa🎶

The song come to end with them reaching driving in parking lot. Ainam climbed out and rushed to the elevator ehan follow.

On reaching near the door they both heard a loud cry. Ehan hurried and they rushed in to see which shocked ehan and fueled ainam with anger.

There sat few men with alveera who was seated in laps of a man,on TV some surgical things playing,couch pillows thrown everywhere,the table was grossed with chips packed and some files. What angered ainam was the man was teasing alveera.

He was not allowing alveera to have some biscuit and pulling it when she was trying to eat from his hands. They all were grinning.

"Mama!!" Ainam strode to alveera and pulled her in her arms glaring the man who stood along other men too.

"Is this how you gonna behave with a child?!"

"Is this what you are being thought?!"

"Don't you know how you should be around a child, huh?!"

"Are you blind that you couldn't see that she was crying?!"

"How dare you laughed when she was crying?!"

Ainam lashed out over the man who stood baffled, alveera hide her face in ainam's neck sniffing and crying

silently. Ainam was glaring the man who had the guts to stand in front of her even after bringing tears in her eyes.

She Caressed alveers's back and walked out but stopped on hearing ehan.

"You are not supposed to speak that way."Ainam can say that ehan was beyond angry. His deep forest voice was stern and jaw clenched.

"Yes...... I know I shouldn't have speak that way, I shouldn't have even said a word. I simply just slapped him across his face so he remember his mistake and think before doing the same act again."

Ainam glared ehan who matched her gaze, but ehan saw hurt and anger mixture with a tear in her eyes.

"Mama I am hungry...."Alveera told near ainam's ear. Ainam exhaled and closed her eyes to calm her nerve. She can't yell at ehan.

She patted alveera on head and walked to ehan who looked down in her eyes.

The whole room echoed with ainam's heel clicking and in a minute they heard a loud bang which made one man snicker glancing up to the men who faced the storm of anger.

Ainam walked to her car and sat in car with alveera on passenger seat. Alveera was sniffing. While ainam drived silently.

"Mama.... I am sorry, those uncles were very nice to me and they came to meet me because I was alone. I didn't know that you will get angry. Sorry I won't repeat sorry mama...." Ainam silently drove on road.

How can ehan side a man over his own daughter? Alveera was crying there but ehan support that man. Ainam really was disappointed on him.

Ainam dialled the number which can calm and help her.

"Aslamulaikum mano....."She heard

To be continue.....

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