《Sayonee》chapter 13


Sharaab ankhein

Gulaab ankhein

Yahi toh hain lajawab ankhein

Hazaaro inse qatl hue hain

Khuda ki bandi sambhaal ankhein!!

When you are under pressure there are many ways to calm yourself and ainam had her way. Dance!

Swaying while cooking breakfast other time she would dance in her room but now she is Hungary and alveera was asleep.

She was bored and thought to prepare a cup of coffee for her and maybe ehan that jerk is working in his study.

He never gets tired! Like since when ainam stepped in home he hadn't slept a blink.

Even she slept for five hours and three hours but he never. Always in his study doing something or anything. No wonder his mother wanted him to marry.

He always smiles in front of alveera and play with her like a father does. But from every angle he don't look like her father. And even he is but ainam never heard a word from him about the girl.

His eyes always held sadness, grief or pain he never smiles with eyes. Ainam saw how he always stays in his study or in his bedroom.

Is he not happy with her, he always keeps a distance from her since they got married. It's been twenty days and still it's always ainam trying to make conversation.

Ehan went and came from whatever he had work with but he never spare a glance to ainam which somehow saddened her.

But his daughter always cheers her like a friend does. Yes alveera is very easy going girl,no tantrums,no drama, no crying,always being happy with whatever she have.

She doesn't even ask for toys or new clothes. Like she is just like her father with feeling.

Three days ago alveera and ainam went for shopping ainam had to force alveera to get herself something.

She doesn't even said a word. Like she is normal but not normal this family was eating her but she still craves for more between them.

Even her university wasn't helping her,so many papers to correct and sleepless night with paper instead of a husband but thank Allah ehan allows ainam in his study to work.

Ainam sighed and poured coffee in cups and walked to the study to see ehan stiil working in what does he do in there?

"Are you spying someone?" Ainam asked keeping the cup on table.

"Why would I do that?" Ehan replied in husky and busy deep forest voice which shivered ainam.

"Finding your lost love than?" Ainam asked sipping her coffee. She is best at making coffee. But never likes this one she has heart for chai but lazy to make one.

Ehan glanced up to her,ainam raised her brows as if asking 'what'

"No wonder sohail behavior is getting worse..."Ainam gaped him with disbelief.

"Don't you say a word about my students." Ainam narrowed her eyes at him who hide his smile behind the cup

"I was complementing your abilities ainam." Ainam nodded thinking ways to kill his attitude.

"Can I ask something doctor?x Ehan sighed 'humming'.

"Is everything okay?" Ainam asked settling on front chair ehan glanced her.


"No. Have many patients making me busy."ainam rolled her eyes at the reply.

"Why alveera behave different?" Ainam asked sipping her coffee.

"Matlab....."ainam felt something on hearing urdu from him but ehan's concentration shifted to what ainam wanted to say.

"I have noticed this she never asks anything when we were shopping I had to force her to get something. Even she got you a shirts but none for her." Ehan chuckle and nodded ainam got confused.

"That's because she goes to shopping with me and may be she was scared to ask anything from you. She might act bubbly but sometimes she gets really shy with these things it's normal for this group of age kids to behave that way."

Ainam blinked profusely and nodded sipping her coffee. Thank Allah nothing is serious.

"What about her father?" Ainam found herself asking. Ehan looked up in surprise.

"No I mean why hard work when you can do smart work right keep your cup in kitchen after you are done." Ainam turned and was walked out the room.

She really need to stop blurting out. It can cause problems for them both.

She washed her cup and entered the room to see alveera sleeping. All sprawled over bed with a bun over head and pout on lips. Ainam smiled and laid beside her and stared all over her face.

Ainam remembered her mother's word.

'Joh aap chahte hain woh zindagi nahi hoti joh aap jeete hain woh zindagi hoti hain.'

Ainam didn't got what she wanted but having a best in her life and she couldn't ask for more now.

Ainam leaned and kissed alveera's cheek and smiled when alveera frowned and shook her head in cute way.

"Veera... Get up it's time for school right wake up" Ainam shook the tiny body.

"Five minutes" Alveera showed her two finger making ainam chuckle.

"You wake up every day now I guess you don't wanna go hmm?"

Alveera open her eyes staring at ainam as if she was caught red handed.

"Why?"ainam pulled alveera in her laps asking.

"I didn't studied for a small test mama....." Alveera told with guilt laced in voice

"What you know go and write that, wake up." Ainam told but alveera shook her head.

"Mama I am not good mama please...." Alveera pleaded.

"What's wrong veera you are strong girl na....." Ainam frowned and told

"I don't know I am not feeling like going to school today." Alveera told to which ainam sighed. The struggle is real.

"Say me what problem is?" Ainam again asked.

"I have not studied today mama" Alveera told playing with her shirt.

"What is test?" Ainam asked kissing her head

"To solve all addition problems"

"That easy na you did and showed me" Ainam told but alveera huffed

"I did but I am finding it hard I don't think I can do it." Ainam nodded thinking of way to help the kid.

"No problem about that anything else...." Ainam asked again

"No" Alveera pouted and smiled.

"Go brush you teeth and come I will help you go." Ainam kept alveera's tiny legs on the floor.


"Mama...." Alveera turned and whined.

"Veera never give up be strong if anything goes wrong no problem it's just a small test. Go now." Ainam shooed her and grabbed her uniform with her clothes too.

"If I go will you make lasagne for lunch?" Alveera asked

"We both will make whatever you want to have." Ainam smiled at the cute bribe.

Alveera went in and brushed her teeth while ainam walked to have a shower.

They both got ready for the day where ainam was wearing a matching dress with alveera's uniform to motivate her.

At breakfast table ehan wasn't present so ainam showed alveera some questions which will help her write test properly. Might be sleeping.

"We are getting late mama!"Alveera whined when ainam was wearing her abhaya.

Ainam rushed out and they both entered the elevator. Alveera glanced up to ainam who blinked her eyes looking at her.

"You look so pretty mama." Alveera complimeted making ainam chuckle.

"That's what you father should do but thank you veera."Ainam muttered but said loud for alveera at last.

"Do best in test no need to worry you will do best I know okay?" Ainam again motivated her daughter.

They both drive out of the building and on roads. While talking and complaining about teachers.


It's been a routine for ainam to drop alveera and pick her up by one during her lunch while ehan couldn't get time for her but during dinner they catch up to all day and play at last alveera sleeps in her father's arm.

Ainam dialled her father who picked on second ring and the car echoed with his salam. Ainam chuckle and greeted back.

"How are you babajaan?" Ainam chirped

"Best but your mother never let me be in peace" Sabeer complain

"Now that's what you bought her to your life for nai?" Ainam and sabeer laughed when they heard an 'ayii'

"So when will you visit us ainam?" Ayaan voice hit ainam's ear.

"Well after somedays."

"That's the same thing you say every time I ask you ainam"

"Than change the question bhai...." Ainam told taking a turn and smiled when ayaan shook his head

"Okay where is safa and everyone everyone is dead silent over there...." Ainam asked with a frown

"Well everyone are sleeping while I am here to have some words with your parents." Ayaan told with a smirk.

"Kya ladki ke baare mein bhai?" Ainam teased.

"Chupp kar!" She laughed and stopped the car.

"Okay I will call you back during lunch okay allahafiz!"

Ainam parked the car and climbed down to see a crowd near the corridor. Ainam sighed and walked to the crowd.

"Your parents are paying for this?!" Ainam yelled stopping the fight.

"What's going on here?" Ainam asked glancing everyone.

"Nothing just some people having fun bhabhi jaan!"Sohail was about to punch again on the boy's face but his friends held him back.

"What's going on here?" Ainam asked again glaring everyone.

"They were badmouthing you ma'am." Sohail glared

"Who started the fight and with whom?" Sohail and the boy exchange a look.

"Everyone in my cabin now!" Saying this ainam walked whereas everyone whined following her.

"Sohail and saad come here....." Ainam asked standing in front of students leaning over her table.

"Maam I was just teasing him" Saad reason out

"Saying what I ask" Ainam asked again

"It's not worth listening maam." Sohail told glaring saad.

"By saying that 'tere bhai ne toh acha maal mara hain.' A boy from behind yelled. Ainam sighed controlling her laughter.

"Who hit whom first?" Ainam sighed inquiring.

"Sohail to saad first." Again a boy replied from behind.

"Saad commenting is good...... Sohail which gym?" Ainam asked with sarcasm.

"You both think these some social media or gym to fight over or show your power. Shall we dial your parents?" Ainam asked in low stern voice.

"Be careful both of you last warning! Leave everyone except you both." Ainam told aloud everyone walked out leaving the three in cabin

"What is your problem saad?" Ainam asked glancing the boy he was really scared now.

Boys these day uff!

"Nothing ma'am." Saad told looking at his shoe

"Do I have take your permission to select my husband?" Ainam was done with kids

"No ma'am"

"Are you angry that I didn't invite you?" Ainam tilted her head

"No ma'am" Saad answer shaking his head embarrassed

"Are you smart enough to write your paper?"

"No ma'am." Saad didn't want to play with this ice which can freeze him with her cold act.

"And Sohail what's your problem? Are you on cloud nine that I-" Before ainam could say something Sohail looked up and stopped her.

"No ma'am"

"Than fighting over this shows that you both have something with my wedding. Is it?" Ainam walked to her table and removed her niqab.

"No ma'am" They both shook thier head and denied

"Than stop fighting and stay away from each other now out!"

They both walked out shooting daggers to each other. While ainam sighed and removed her abhaya. Ready to start with the day.

She sat in her cabin checking the papers once last time before giving them to students when her phone ring.

She picked up to hear heavy panting from other side. She frowned.

"Ainam...."A shiver run her spine upon hearing her name in his breath.

"Yes doctor?" Ainam frowed when she heard a low chuckle of ehan.

"I need to go to dubai for a week." Ehan informed.

"Oh when will you return?" Ainam asked with a heaviness in her heart

"A week later." Ehan told again.

"When You will be leaving?" Ainam asked biting her lower lip.

"I just reached in plane forgot to inform you."Something happen in her heart on hearing this.

"You need not inform me" Ainam comment which bought a smile on person who was on the other side of call

"Now I have to when I have a beautiful wife."With this he cut the call leaving her in daze.

To be continue.........

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