《The Darkest Souls》41


"I haven't seen axel, can you tell him that we love him" Renee said as she fixed my graduation cap

"I will"

"good luck!" Antonio said

"Thanks Antonio" I smiled

"I'm gonna cheer so loud for you" Bryce said

"I know you will" I poked his nose

"Best of luck Amelia" Bryce's foster mom said

"Thanks Zoe, thank you for bringing Bryce"

"Anytime" she smiled

"I'll go now, bye" I waved as I walked down the court of the stadium that the graduation was held in

"Hey" I said when I spotted The two pairs of couples sitting while Axel and Luke standing up in front of them

"Stunning" Isabelle said as soon as she saw me

"You look amazing!" Savannah jumped off Theo's lap and hugged me

"You both look amazing" I said to Izzy and Sav before turning to the guys "my guys looking handsome as ever huh?"

"excuse me, we're always handsome" Luke said

"only you, just because you got no girlfriend" I said as he frowned

"You're mean" Luke said

"I was joking! You're the most handsome and the hottest human alive" I said before I felt a hand wrap around my waist

"someone forgot that they have a boyfriend" axel whispered huskily

"someone's jealous" Marcus laughed

"hi" I whispered making axel chuckle

"you look pretty today love" he said

"thanks, you don't look bad yourself" I said

"Wait so she calls her friend handsome and hot but she doesn't call her boyfriend that?" Theo said

"shut up! You jealous your girlfriend don't call you that?" Luke asked

"Why would I be! You're the one without a girlfriend" Theo said

"You're not supposed to be mean to me today" Luke said

"Poor Luke" Isabelle said

"y'all need to stop being assholes!" I said as Marcus and Theo laughed

"Kids you need to take your seats, the ceremony is started" one of the teachers said as we all nodded

axel intertwined our hands and pulled me to sit next to him, before wrapping and arm around me again

the ceremony started and the place fell into silence


"your family says good luck and that they love you" I whispered

"I love them too" axel whispered back

"Do you ever tell them that?" I asked as he shook his head in response

"they know" he said before shrugging

"but it's different when they hear it from your I said "I'm nervous, what if I fall"

"You won't"

"How can you be so sure? I think I'll fall as soon as I arrive on stage"

"you won't baby, you won't" he said before he shushed me

"Let's welcome the student Marcus Miller, the head body of the student council" the principle spoke as everyone clapped while a Marcus walked to the stage

"thank you mr. alberts" Marcus said "teachers, members of the school, parents, honored guests, and fellow graduates, it is truly an honor to speak to you today on behalf of my fellow friends"

"Can I please have you raise your hand if at any point someone doubted that you would graduate?" Marcus said as people looked at each other and started raising their hands.

I mean I should, years ago I never knew if I would be able to be in a school

I raised my hand and I saw Axel chuckle

"Keep your hand raised if the person that doubted you at some point was yourself.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the reality of many of these students lives. I want to congratulate every single one of you for completing high school and defeating all stereotypes and prejudice that others had of you. Some thought you would drop out, others thought you would be working 12 hours a day, but here we are proving that we made it and no one can take that away from us!" Marcus said as people cheered as he completed his speech

"never let anyone else define you. No one has the authority in your life to tell you what you can and can't do. Nobody knows what the future holds for you and who you may influence along the way. Every last one of us is unique and that means we will take on different paths, lifestyles, and obstacles to reach success. I'm here to tell you it doesn't matter how long it takes or what order you do it as long as you get it done for yourself. Yes you are going to have failures along the way but that is just pointing you in a new direction to accomplish your goals."


damn marcus, you're gonna make me emotional now

"Thank you everyone" Marcus said as everyone stood and cheered for him

"GO MARCUS!" I cheered while clapping

"That was some touching words, thank you Marcus" the principle said

moments later, our names were called one by one to receive our diploma and to take pictures

"Graduates, may I have you all standing up"

I stood up and looked at Savannah excitedly

"YOU DID IT! CONGRATULATIONS" And that's when our caps flew up high and without realizing I was picked up my axel as he hugged me

I grinned "congrats baby"

"congratulations love" he attached our lips together,

it like as soon as his lips touched mine, we were in our small little world

I ignored everything around us, all the sounds. All the cheering and sadly that moment was ruined when Lucas pulled me down from Axel to hug him making me frown

"WE DID IT BRO!!" Lucas said

"Who would've thought" axel said while laughing as he hugged luke

"congratulations babes" Savannah said as she pulled me and Izzy together in a hug

we then walked to were our families were and everyone was tackled by hugs

"congratulations sis!" Bryce said handing me a bouquet of flowers

"Thanks Baby" I said in awe

"Congratulations Amelia" Zoe said

"Thank you Zoe" I smiled

"My children! Congratulations I'm so proud of you both!" Renee said pulling me and Axel in a hug together

"I'm proud of you son" Antonio said and I saw the surprised look on Axel's face

it was nice for me to hear his father saying this for the first time, then how would he be feeling

"I know I never say that but I am proud of you" Antonio said before Axel grinned and hugged his father while me and Renee watched in Awe

"Axy dad no!" Valerie pouted

"She's jealous" Bryce laughed

"Come here baby girl" Antonio said picking her up from her stroller

"thank you dad" axel said quietly trying to hide his smile

"and you," Antonio turned to look at me

"Me?" I said confusedly

"i am proud of you, Bryce Is proud of you, Renne, Axel and your friends are too but I know someone who's much proud than all of us" Antonio

"Stop lying dad, No one is proud of her more than me" axel said making us laugh

"thank you for ruining the moment axe" Renee laughed

"your dad is very proud of you Amelia, I know that for sure" Antonio said and an unknown feeling rushed in

I felt tears fill my eyes and I tried to avoid them from falling

"Antonio... oh god—- I don't know what to say" I said avoiding looking at them "I— thank you, I really needed to hear that from a while" I said

"come here" Antonio pulled me into a hug and I wrapped my arms around him hugging him back

"you're welcome darling. I know that he loves you and he's looking at you now proudly" he said

I pulled away and smiled as Axel wrapped his arms around me

"Kids Congratulations!!" Renee said as my friends approached us

"Thank you!" Theo said

"We need to celebrate!" Marcus said

"You guys up to spend the next days in Switzerland?" Antonio asked as we all looked at each other confusedly

"We talked to your parents, and they said you're okay to go. Antonio has planned the whole trip for you all as a graduation gift" Renee said

"Really?!" Isabelle said in shock

"Oh my god are you guys serious?" Savannah gaped

I ignored the conversation and looked at axel who surprisingly was looking at me

"I love you more than anything" he whispered pressing a peck to my nose

"I love you too baby" I smiled

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