《The Darkest Souls》27


"YOU'RE FUCKING KIDDING ME" Marcus said as soon as he saw us approach them

"Hey" Isabelle smiled

"You're the girl!" Savannah gasped, looking at her in shock

"Woah Marcus, you made me feel like I'm famous" Isabelle said making us laugh

"what are you doing here?" Marcus asked her before pulling her into a hug

"Axel was at our house then the three of them came and I suggested that we come here" she said

"What were you guys doing there? Not inviting us? Huh babe?" Savannah asked as she looked at Theo

"We'll talk about it later, just few stuff happened" Theo said and they both understood that we can't talk about it right now

Isabelle and Lucas placed a blanket on the ground before Theo threw some snacks on it that Isabelle got from her house

"Foood!" Savannah said happily "I like you already Isabelle! Marcus just date her already"

"Shut up" Marcus nudged her as we laughed

"C'mere" I heard Theo say as Sav sat between his legs and rested her back on his chest

They looked the cutest together, I saw the way Theo was looking at her and I knew that he was madly deeply in love with her

I hope I get to feel one day the same way they do

We sat in silence just the sound of the ocean waves heard, the wind hitting us

"Did you forgive him?" Savannah whispered nudging me

I shrugged in response making her roll her eyes

I didn't forgive him but he's going through something right now

"It's beautiful" Lucas said in a low voice

I couldn't help the butterflies exploding when Axel layed down and rested his head on my thighs, his eyes met mine and he sent me a small smile before looking back to the ocean

I ran my fingers through his beautiful messy hair that I couldn't resist touching

Marcus nudged my slowly before his eyes moved to Axel who was lost in his thoughts

"later" I mouthed as he nodded slightly

"if you take me here everyday I'll love you more than anything" Savannah whispered

"Oh so you don't love me more than anything now?" Theo asked

"Hmm let me think about that" she said as Theo started tickling her making her laugh loudly

"You're ruining everything shut up!" Marcus said to Theo and Savannah

"That's called being in love" Isabelle said

"But she doesn't love me" Theo pouted

"Who said I don't" she pinched his cheek before they both kissed

"You guys are disgusting" Lucas said in disgust before pushing Savannah From Theo "come baby let me kiss you" he said to Theo as we laughed

"Excuse me!" Savannah said "that's my boyfriend!"

"He's my best friend and I've known him since kindergarten! So go fuck yourself" Lucas stick his tongue out

"Are you both kids?!" Marcus scolded

"Are you a parent?" Theo asked raising a brow

"Oh we both know I could just lie to your mom and she's just take you and fly you back to Canada" Marcus said as we all laughed

"I hate you! Babe look he's bullying me" Theo said

"Babe look!" Lucas and Marcus mimicked

"I fucking hate you all" Theo said


"Me too?" Savannah pouted

"Literally ew I'm not down for seeing you both kiss again" Marcus said

"It's not like they don't kiss every time she's at your house" Lucas said making Marcus hit him

My eyes moved to Axel who haven't said a word till now, I slowly poked him making him look at me

I brought my face close to him "you okay?" I whispered


I shook my head "axel speak to me, you're keeping everything in"

"I just needed to think for a bit" he said before he looked up to the sky

He doesn't want to talk

"Do you want to go for a walk?" I asked as he nodded before he stood up and started walking like he was waiting for me to ask

I understood that he didn't want to talk so I let him have some time

"We'll just take a walk" I said to the rest as they nodded

"I've never seen him like this" Lucas said

"He'll be okay" I assured before I followed Axel

He felt my presence so he just wrapped an arm around me, still looking straight while we both walked at the side of the shore, the waves hitting our legs

"what happens if they divorce?" he suddenly asked in a whisper

"What" I was taken back by the question

"like what will happen? Where are we going to live? Will we be moving away? Valerie?And you? I don't want to leave you" he said softly his voice cracking making my heart slowly shatter

I stopped walking before looking at him and cupping his cheeks "I don't know about your parents but I'm not going anywhere Axe, I don't even have anywhere else to be in, I'm here"


"I promise axe, C'mere" I hugged him and he did the same immediately

"thank you for being here" he whispered softly

"I'll always be here Axe" he smiled before intertwining our hands

"hey come on I'll tell you a secret" he said as he put his face beside my ear


and then suddenly I was picked up by him Making a shriek escape my mouth

"What the heck! Put me down!" I yelled

"sorry" he said before I was thrown into the water

fuck fuck fuck fuck

it's cold

"FUCK YOU!" I yelled as I heard laughters


"Sorry" he grinned

I smirked when I saw Marcus standing behind Axel, he then pushed him making him fall into the water as we all laughed loudly

"fuck you" axel yelled as soon as he stood up, water dripping from his hair

"pay back bitch!" Marcus said before he jumped into the water

"I'm going in!!" Savannah said before she was followed in with Luke and Isabelle

"Fuck thats cold" Isabelle said

"Babe come in!" Savannah said as Theo shook his head

"What?! Why?!" She pouted

"It's cold out here and I'm sure it's more cold in" he said

"Stop acting like a baby!" Marcus yelled

"I'm not"

"You're ruining the fun" Isabelle said before she and Lucas got out and started pulling Theo

"Leave me alone!"

"I don't want to go in!"


"I hate you!"

"Stop!" Theo yelled as we laughed him before he was pushed in with Isabelle and Lucas

"FUCKING HELL!" He yelled as he fell into the water making us all laugh

I splashed water on Savannah making her yell "you bitch it's fucking cold!"

"You bitch you're already in" I said as she laughed before splashing me

"I fucking hate you all!" Theo said before he pushed me down underwater and I felt weigh on my shoulder

"You jerk! Tell me before you do that!" I yelled as soon as I got out

"You wouldn't let me so I did it" Theo laughed as I held his legs

"You're heavy" I said

"She's calling you fat!" Lucas yelled

"Are you calling me fat?!" Theo yelled

"I never said that!" I said "Sav take your boyfriend off me" I pushed his legs away making him fall as everyone laughed

"That fucking hurt!" He yelled as we laughed before I swam away from them

"I hate you" I whispered to Axel as I saw him reaching me

"Eh not sure about that" he smirked

"what makes you think I don't" I asked before he connected our lips taking me by surprise

I kissed them immediately loving the feeling of his soft lips against mine, he wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer

"dammmmmn" I heard someone say making me pull out slowly, we rested our foreheads on each other, a smile plastered on our faces

"you would've not kissed me back if you hated me" he whispered making me push him as he laughed


"You could've just eaten each's others lips" Theo Said as Sav smacked him

"Tell that to your self babe" Lucas said making us all laugh

"You both are the cutest" Isabelle said

"Axel will you please just date her, I'm tired" Savannah said

"I need quite a time to think about that but I'm sure I'll be changing my mind when I see the disadvantages of dating Amelia Moore" he said making everyone erupt into laughter but making me frown

"it's not like I want to date a heartless jerk like you!" I said while crossing my arm

"So we're insulting now huh?" He asked raising a brow "I would've insulted you but I don't do that to girls"

"You started it you bitch!"

"okay I guess we all understand now that axel is cute and sweet only with Amelia" Savannah said

"Sweet? Cute? Who's that?" I said making Axel frown this time

He rose his middle finger showing it to all of us before rolling his pretty eyes "I'm not in the mood to start a fight"

"Hey" Savannah said in a whisper infront of axel

wait what

"hi?" Axel said politely

"I think I owe you a sorry?" She whispered making a smile appear on my face

"I think I owe you one too" he whispered

"sorry" she whispered

"I'm sorry too" he laughed before he pulled her into a hug "I know that I'm wrong, I'm sorry, you're only scared for your bestfriend"

"I am but I shouldn't have yelled"

"It's alright"

"WAIT! You all are not getting in my car!" Marcus said

"What?! But I came with you!" Savannah said

"Their house is near, we could walk" Theo said

"But it's cold!" Savannah pouted

"I'll warm you" Theo said making me gag


"I'll warm you" the boys mimicked

"Can you stop attacking us??" Theo yelled

"First stop acting like this infront of us!" Lucas said

"How I'm supposed to act? Fist fight her? Or how I act with you guys?" Theo frowned as we all laughed at him

"don't listen to them baby" Savannah said to him,

We all then got out of the water, waiting till our clothes dry but it was freezing

"I wouldn't want to cut the fun but it's getting late, I think I'll go home" Isabelle said

"do you want me to walk with you?" Marcus asked

"If you want to" she smiled "thanks guys, it was nice meeting you"

"It was nice meeting you too" Theo said

She waved before she started walking And Marcus followed her

"Wait your car?" Lucas said before Marcus glared at Lucas and gave him a middle finger making us all laugh

"let them have sometime alone" Savannah said

"You're driving, He's your cousin" Lucas said throwing the key to Theo

"He's your friend?" Theo said before he threw it back to Lucas

"Stop fighting, I'll drive" axel said taking the keys from Lucas "are you guys walking?"

"Nah too tired" Savannah said before all of us got into the car

It didn't take us 5 minutes to arrive to the house and find Marcus standing my the house

"my boooy" Lucas said sending him a wink as Marcus laughed

"You'll be staying here?" Theo asked axel as he nodded

"Just until everything is figured out" axel said before he looked at me "do you want to stay here?"

"no no, i just don't want like I just met them and now I'll be sleeping here, no it's weird and wrong" I said

"you don't have to stay there alone" he said

"nothing's going to happen" I said

"you can stay at my house" Lucas offered

"It's alright guys, I'll just stay at t-" I was stopped my Axel

"It's either here or with Lucas" axel said

I sighed "Lucas"

I knew he wasn't going to stop

"okay then, watch her please, make sure she doesn't sneak out" axel said as they laughed

"I'm not 5 axel"

"But you do act like them" he said while laughing before I smacked his arm

"Good night guys" Marcus said as everyone said their goodnight

"If you need anything, text me. And I want you to know that I'm not going anywhere so whenever you need me, I'll be there" I said before he grinned and kissed my cheek

"Thank you" he whispered

"Good night Axe" I said as I walked to the car

"Good night Mel" he smiled before I got inside the car with a smile on my face

"simp" Lucas said as I rolled my eyes "and wait did you all act like nothing happened in the diner?"


"I didn't, it's all for him. he's going through a lot and I need to be there for him" I said as Lucas smiled

"He's pretty lucky to have you" he said before he drove off

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