《The Darkest Souls》18


I woke up this morning with a smile on my face but that smile disappeared when I heard that Axel wasn't anywhere to be found

I tried calling him but ends up that his phone was in his room

I called Lucas and Theo to come here and waited with Savannah

"he should've taken he's phone at least" Savannah said

"I'll kill him when I see him" I said

"Hey everything alright?" Lucas asked as soon as they entered the house

"Do you know where is axel? He left his phone here and he's been gone since I don't know but it's been hours" I said

"uh..I don't know where he is specifically but he's okay" Theo said

"What's happening?" Savannah asked

"I can't tell you that, it's just today isn't a day he'll be around" theo said

"But he is okay so don't worry about him" Lucas said

"Why? Did something happen?" I asked

"Not now, I can't explain This, I guess he won't be back till tonight so don't wait for him" he said

"Wait so you're not worried that your best-friend isn't anywhere you know to be in and that he left his phone at his room?" Savannah asked as she crossed her arms

"We know that he is okay, he just needs some time alone" Theo said

"wait- is this related to Renne too? Because I saw her crying earlier in the morning before going"

"Yeah with their whole family" Lucas said

"I hope he's okay, he could've just said anything" I said

"He'll be okay Mel" Savannah said putting a hand on my shoulder

we all took a seat in the living room waiting for anything to happen but nothing did

and by now, Marcus was also at the house with us all

"do you think there's a way I can talk to him?" I asked

"he's all alone, I'm not sure you can" Lucas said

"We're worried about him too, but he wanted to be alone and he told us that he'll be okay" Theo said

The door opened as we all stood up thinking that axel was here but it wasn't

"hey children" Renee said trying to put on a wide smile but failed, she looked tired, her under eyes where black

"he's not back?" Antonio said appearing behind her while looking at Theo and Lucas who shook their heads and I saw him clench his fists before he disappeared from our sigh

"should I make you some dinner?" Renee asked

"No Renee, thank you" Lucas said


"You look tired, you should rest" Theo said

it's heart warming that they care about her just like she's their mother

"No Ofcourse not! What would you like to eat?" She insisted

"Renne" i stood up and approached her "Go rest, we'll make dinner by ourselves"

"and I'm here to help and Marcus knows how to cooks if that helps" Savannah said

"Are you sure?" She looked at all of us as we nodded

"We're sure renne" I said

"Okay then, I'll just head to sleep since Valerie is staying at my friends" she said "if you need anything don't hesitate to wake me up"

"Okay" we all said before she disappeared

"She seems tired" Marcus said

"I'm just a bit curious on what made them all like this, I mean like axel disappearing and wanting to be alone. At least take your phone!" Savannah said

"is she worried about Axel?" Theo asked with a smile on his face

"I think so" I said

"I'm not! I mean maybe, just a bit" Savannah said

"He should know that" Lucas said

"you know what, I'll go and look for him" I said

"What no where will you be going?!" Marcus said

"You don't even know what happened Mel, don't, you won't find him" Lucas said

"But you guys know him well! You should know" I said

"I swear, if I knew I would've let you go and see him because I'm sure he needs someone there and specifically you Mel" Theo said

"But you know the places he goes to, we can look" I said

"Mel, you're not understanding me" Theo said but Lucas stopped him

"She's just worried bro, don't be hard on her"

"Sorry" Theo said

"I sent you the address" someone said as we all turned to look at Antonio

"Just go alone, he needs someone" he said as I sent him a thankful smile before I turned to Lucas and Theo

"um..- one of you can go" I said

they looked at each other before shaking their heads

"No, we know how worried you are. Plus it's not like I can do something if I went but it's different with you" Theo said

"You sure?" I asked as they nodded

"Thank you guys, I'll text you when I reach him" I said

"We'll be waiting" Marcus said before I got into the drivers car and I gave him the location

around just 12 minutes later, the car stopped and I looked at the surrounding. The only tying that surrounded us was trees, wait there is a cabin over there


"It is over there miss Moore, should I come with you?" The driver asked but I shook my head

"No it's fine, you can go, thank you" I said as I got down before walking slowly into the forest

What was he doing here?

I reached the cabin, and the door was opened , I peeked in and saw axel who was laying on the bed with some photos surrounding him

he looked so broken

"axel?" I said as I entered making him flinch before he stoop up and wiped his eyes

"what the fuck are you doing here? He said as he collected the pictures quickly

"I was worried"

"How did you find this place?!" He said

"I asked people"

"I told everyone that I need to be alone now, what part of what I said is hard to understand?" He said

"axel I just wanted to check on you"

"I don't need anyone to check on me, I said I'm okay" he said coldly

"The people you're talking about are worried about you" I said

"Amelia will you please leave"

"Okay so now You're trying to push me away Axel" I said

"I just need to be alone today"

"give me a reason" I said

"there is a reason"

"I don't know what you're going through but you need someone to talk to, if not me then I'll call Lucas or maybe Theo" I said

"don't call anyone, just leave"

"Axel tell me"

"I don't want to"

"then how I'm supposed to go back to the house and not be worried about you"

"I said don't be"

"Axel give me a reason"

"you won't understand"

"I would tell me" I said

"You won't understand Amelia" he said shaking his head his voice raising a bit

"then tell me so I could understand"

"I SAID YOU WONT! HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHAT IM GOING THROUGH WHEN YOU HAVEN'T LOST A SISTER AND LOSING HER WAS ALL YOUR FAULT" he yelled before he threw himself to the floor, pulled his legs to his chest and let all the tears fall


I felt a wave of shock hit me

he lost his sister?

I walked over to him and wrapped my arm around him "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I whispered before kissing the top of his head "I'm sorry"

"let it all out, let it out" I said slowly as I ran on my hands on his back soothingly

I don't know for how long we stayed like this, but then axel pulled away slowly and wiped his eyes


"I'm sorry for yelling" he apologized avoiding to look at me

"I'm sorry for pressuring you, I should've just shut up"

"No I understand, you were worried"

"you got Savannah worried too" I said watching him look everywhere except my way

"Stefan was the reason" he said

"what? Stefan as in Stefan?" I asked

He nodded

"you don't have to tell me" I said

"No I want you to know" he said "you heard about the party right? when he brought drugs"

"yeah Theo said a bit"

"I had this 7 years old sister, Gianna" he smiled "she was one of the people that can be in a room and make all the people in it laugh and smile. She was really close to me" he said

"I never knew your mom was pregnant"

"The last time we met before we lost contact, she didn't know but like days later, she found out. We were this happy family, all together"

"A year ago, I hosted this party, I wish I didn't it ruined everything" he said as he sucked in a deep breath

"That mother fucker set me a trap and called the police. They came, i was taken to the station but the lawyer got me out"

"Dad never believed that I wasnt the one to bring the drugs. I fought with my parents and they wanted to ground me."

"I.. I got mad and ran out of the house... she followed me... and that's when a car appeared. It happened so fast, a second she was yelling behind me and the next she's on the floor. She didn't make it. It's all my fault, they blamed me too but it's actually my fault. I wish I never hosted that fucking party"

God damn, I felt my heart shattering just by looking at him

"I'm Sorry" I said taking his hands into mine "it not your fault you know. It's not"

"it is, you're saying this just because you feel sorry for me. And that's why I never tell anyone"

"Axel I swear it's not. Okay then it's Stefan and Antonio's fault too! That asshole shouldn't have brought drugs and your father should've believed you!" I said "and you didn't want that happen, you didn't know it was going to happen. She followed you. You never asked her to follow you Axel. So it's not"

"You just wouldn't understand" he said before we both sat in silence

"I actually know what it feels like" I spoke as he looked up in confusion

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