《The Darkest Souls》15


"Thank you for coming" I said to Sav when I got into her car

Axel wasn't around in the morning, he didn't wait for me or even come check on me

"anytime baby" she said as she started driving to school

"Did you talk to him?"


"I guess you fought?"

"Yeah, he's an asshole, everything his fault and he didn't even bother to apologize! And even after the fight, I thought he'd come and see me but he didn't Sav"

"are you disappointed?" she raised a brow

"I'm not! I just thought he will!"

"he's the Axel Russo, Mel. You shouldn't wait from him something"

"but Sav-"

"No Mel. Get him out of your mind, he's a bitch"

"But Sav, He was great with me-" I was stopped when she gasped

"Wait wait wait! Are you crushing on him??"

"What?! No!"

"Oh my god! You are!!"

"Sav no, you're being ridiculous!"

"Don't you have at least this a bit a crush on him?" She ask pointing with her hands

"No I always hated him"

"Liar! Tell me!!"

"Okay I did"

"Oh my god! So you don't hate him!"

"I do"


"Okay I never did!"

"I think I might pass out!"

"Shut up! Never talk about this again or I might kill you"

"Okay I won't" she said zipping her mouth before we started laughing

"I just can't believe it"

"You said you won't talk about it Sav. And what the point of this all, he told everyone something that shouldn't have been said"

"I'm sorry" she pouted

"It's his fucking fault!" I said pointing at him from the car, he was standing with Theo and Lucas,

Me and Sav got down and met with Marcus who was waiting for us


"My girls, how are we doing today?" Marcus said as he pulled us into hugs


"Been better"

We turned to walk into the school when we saw Luke and Theo wave in our way

I send them a smile avoiding to look at axel while Sav waved back

"So we're unfriending them now?" Savannah asked

"No! The only good thing Axel did is giving me these two" I said "but I'm not sitting with him today"

"As long as you're comfortable" Marcus said

the bell rang and each one of use went to their class


I took a seat alone of the side avoiding the looks that I was gaining from everyone

"are you okay?" I heard someone from behind ask, I turned and found Mike

I nodded "Yeah"

"Do you want me to talk to them" he asked but I shook my head and stayed quiet

"that's the pills girl"

"No wonder why she wears these hoodies"

"Guys I feel bad for her"

"I don't get what axel, Theo and Lucas sees in her"

"She's dumb"

"No father and no mother poor child"

"Yo pills girl!" Someone from behind shouted and the room erupted in laughters

I closed my eyes trying to avoid any tear that my escape my eye

And that's when Theo appeared rushing to him before pushing him against the wall and holding him

"Watch your mouth asshole" he yelled "all of you! I swear if I heard any other thing about her, you'll all regret living"

"Theo no" I said making him turn to have a look at me

"You heard me" he yelled looking at all of them before leaving the guy and approaching me

"Ignore them, nothing is true about what they are saying" Theo said as he took a seat beside me and squeezed my arm sympathetically


I am, believe me I'm trying to

"Thank you" I said barely in a whisper

"What are we friends for?"

the teacher entered the class and everyone acted like nothing happened second ago

she started explaining the lesson,

I heard her Theo sigh "I don't think it was axel" he whispered

Not again

"He's the only one who knew about it"

"If it was him then he would've told us first"

"But he didn't say that it wasn't him and he's the only one who knows"

"Yeah but I'm sure it's not him"

"Yeah okay"

"He's acting different today, like the same old axel"

"He never changed"

"He did"


"What we had the few past weeks was a way different axel than what we used to have or have now" Theo whispered "you know after you came, he let you in and let Savannah and Marcus in and that never happened before. Never"

"Maybe he changed"

"Because of you"

"No Theo stop making everything about me, he hates Me"

"No Mel, he doesn't"

"yeah okay"

"Mel im serious"

"And I'm serious too Theo"

"Okay fine I'll just shut up"

"Okay" I said as he rolled his eyes and nudged me


I entered the cafeteria with Lucas when my eyes went straight to their table

Axel drinking water, Theo was doing something on his phone ignoring his surrounding

and Brianna was sitting there with the other Emma, Ryan and some other guy I always see with them

They were laughing about something together

"Not again, where's Marcus and Sav?" Lucas asked

"We're sitting there" I pointed at Sav and Marcus

"You're not sitting with us?"

"No, and Ofcourse it's a big NO since she's sitting there" I said as I approached our table

"So you're gonna leave me and Theo alone?" He said as he crossed his arms and looked at Savannah and Marcus

"You're sitting with your bestfriend" Savannah said

"But we didn't agree on that!" Lucas said

"Yeah and we didn't agree on your asshole friend telling everyone about his Amelia!"

"Stop being a cry baby and go there and sit" Marcus said

"Okay fine! I don't know why I'm friends with you"

"Honestly I don't know how you're friends with that asshole!" Savannah said as Lucas rolled his eyes and went to sit there

"you could've ate him Sav" i said

"His friend is annoying"

"Yeah everyone is to you" Marcus said as we laughed

"Can we guys grab food later?" Savannah asked

"Yeah definitely I'm down" I said

"I'm in Ofcourse" Marcus said "but you're driving"

"Hell no! You are"

"You're the guy, you should"

"Wait just because I'm a guy then I should drive? Nice thing to know, I guess its time where I find new male friends" Marcus said

"Shut up you love us" I said

"Pills girl" I heard someone say almost in a yell from behind me as they were passing

Okay ouch

"What the fuck" Savannah said turning to look at the person who was the third one of Brianna's friend "fucking bitch!"

"Sav no! No no no! Marcus don't even think about it! Both of you!" I said holding their hands afraid that something might happen

I looked around to see many people looking at us

Lucas was shaking his head, Theo was cursing some things and my eyes met with Axel's

It had that mixture of regret and sympathy in it, but I sent him a glare and avoiding looking at him

And of course that bitch beside him had the biggest bitch smirk on her face

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