《The Darkest Souls》14


Axel pulled out of the house and I sent him some suspicious looks

He caught me looks and shook his head "what?"

"Aren't you gonna throw me out of the car today?"

"Good thing you reminded me" he said as I slapped him arm

"I hate you.. I guess I'll see if Mike can pick me up since your house is on his way" I said

"Mike? Mike Mike? The Mike we were with in the beach house?" He asked

"Yeah Mike Mike" I said

"That was fast, you getting his number and being friends" he said

"at least he's not an asshole like you!"

"Ouch okay thank you"

"welcome asshole"

"Aren't you gonna stop?" I asked when I saw him pass the place where he always drops me off

He shook his head

"But they're going to see us together, I don't want any problem to happen"

"I don't care" he said

"But Axel-" he stopped me by shaking his head "okay then"

Ofcourse as I expected, as soon as I made my way out of Axel's car. Whispers were heard almost everywhere

I looked down trying to avoid them, I was in the center of the attention and I hated it

"Avoid them, nothing is going to happen" he said

"That's a new one" Theo said as he approached us

"What?" Axel asked him

"Nothing" he said

"Good morning new girl" Lucas said

"Stop! My name is Amelia!" I said as he shook his head then laughed

"New girl suits you better"

"Have you seen my friends?" I asked as we walked in together

"My friends? Excuse me aren't we your friends??" Lucas gasped

"Shhh stop yelling everyone is already looking at us! And yes you are but I have 2 other friends who are my best friends" I said

"Ah, still new to this all? You'll get used to it" Theo said

"Me used to this attention. No thank you" I said as I saw my friends and ran to them

"She is going to kill me! I'm going to be dead by tonight" I said making the three guys behind me chuckle

"did you just walk in with these three" Savannah said rubbing her eyes trying to see if everything was true

"Don't ask, don't even ask" I said "hey Marcus" I said pulling him into a side hug

"Hey buds" he said wrapping his arms around me

"What the fuck does she think she's doing?!" I heard Brianna yell

"Yeah okay she's dead" Savannah said

"No one is gonna be dead or anything. Lucas is at your service to kill her anytime, anywhere"

"Thanks Lucas" I said before I looked at Axel who haven't said a word


He caught me looking at him so he mouthed "just ignore everyone"

"Okay" I mouthed back

The bell rang before, each one of us got to their classes,

Hours later..

I got out of a class with Marcus and we were heading to the cafe to meet up with everyone else

"I'm tired" he said

"Same here, I can't wait to go back and sleep" I said

I saw people looking at me, some laughing and some whispering

I furrowed my eyebrows then looked to Marcus who shrugged

"Crybaby" someone said while passing

"What did you just say?!" Marcus said stopping her and pulling her back

"What the fuck did you just say to her!" He yelled at her

"Nothing, Sorry" she stuttered

"Why would you say something like that!"

"I don't know!" She said before pulling away and running away

"What's wrong with them today?" I asked

"I honestly don't know" he said

Another pair of friends were staring at us and whispering

"Is something wrong going one?" Marcus stopped and asked

"We heard that she takes sleeping pills because she has nightmares, is it true?"

That's when I felt my world stop and started suffocating

"What?" I breathed out

"What the fuck? Who told you that?" Marcus said no knowing whether to believe or not


I need to find Axel!

That son of a Bitch

I rushed trying to find Axel while hearing Marcus yell my name

I ran to the table watching almost Everyone look at us

"Why the fuck would you do that!" I yelled Axel before all of them looked at me confusedly

"Do.. what?" Axel asked as he stood up confusedly

"Why did you tell everyone! You fucking promised me!" I yelled letting the tears fall down (like the showers that are British🤩iykyw)

"About what?" He asked

"Mel what's wrong?" Savannah asked

"About what? You're asking me this? You've told everyone about the nightmares and sleeping pills!" I yelled at him hitting his chest

"What?!" Lucas Theo and Savannah exclaimed

"Amelia calm down I didn-" he said but I stopped

"I fucking hate you Axel! I thought we truly were friends!" I yelled at him before storming away

"Mel!" He called but I was already gone

I fucking hate you Axel Russo


I don't know for how long I was sitting in the park before I saw the car I was waiting for pull up

I've had almost 50 missed called and countless messages but never answered one

"I'm so sorry baby" Savannah said as soon as she pulled me into a hug

"I'm glad you're okay" Marcus said

"I'm sorry for not answering your texts and calls"


"We understand" Marcus said rubbing his hand against my back

"Do you go to my house, maybe eat something too, you haven't ate anything" he said

I nodded, I didn't want to see him or go anywhere near him

We were eating silently, when I decided to tell them about what happened today

They haven't ask me and I really do appreciate them giving me some time

"I'm sorry for not telling you earlier, I didn't want anyone to know. Yes I do take sleeping pills because if I don't I get these nightmares, it's like my past keeps haunting me and I hate it " I said

"I'm sorry" they both said

"I forgot to bring the pills with me to the beach house. And Axel heard me while I was having my nightmare" I closed my eyes avoiding to remember what happened "he came there and I swear for the first time in life. I felt like there wasn't anything to be scared of, I felt safe and comfortable. He promised me that he won't say anything but he fucking did"

"I can't believe him after what he did, he'd sell you out??" Savannah said

"Actually I don't think he did this, after you left he looked really hurt and confused then he skipped school and tried to look for you"

"I would love to believe that but he's the only one who knows Marcus. I wish he didn't! The thing is he was there for me and I thought we were friends, I really enjoyed being around him and now he does the only thing he promised he'd not?"

"It's okay baby, it's okay, everything will be okay" Savannah said standing up and pulling my head to her tummy

"We're here for you" Marcus said placing a hand on my shoulder

"Thank you guys"

"Oh my god! You're here!" We heard Thomas yell before he rushed to me and hugged me

"Do you know how many places we looked for you!"

"Hi" I said

"Hi? Hi? Just hi? You fucking scared us!" He said "and you! Why the hell didn't you tell us she was here? We came and she wasn't around here"

"Because I just called them" I said

"I need to tell Axel! He's worried about you!"

"NO!" Me and Savannah yelled

"Axel No!" I said


"No Theo!" I said

"Okay I'll tell Lucas, he's worried about you" Theo said then frowned "but Axel he's really worried, do you hear me? Axel is worried about YOU! Axel and worried NEVER but now he is because of YOU"

"I don't care, if he cared about me then he wouldn't have done that"

"Damn that poor child" Theo said while shaking head "well at least Lucas will know"

Theo called him before I took the phone "Any news?" Lucas asked

"Hi" I said

"Mel? OHMYGOD MEL! Where were you! Are you okay?!" He yelled

"Luke I'm okay! Why are you this worried? I was just in the park, it's not like I was kidnapped or something"

"Damn! The park! Axel told us to check but we didn't, it's all your fault Theo!"

"Mine? How?!" Theo yelled

"Guys stop it, I'm okay now and you didn't have to be this worried!"

"But you walked out while crying, you looked hurt, are you okay?" Luke asked and my heart warmed

"Yes I am Lucas, do you want me to come say hi so you know that I'm okay?"

"Yeah!" He said

"Okay then I'll see you soon" I said before he closed the call

"He's so cute" Savannah said

"I'm glad you're okay Mel, I really am" Theo said as I smiled

Yes that bitch told everyone but at least now I know that I gained two friends that I could trust with my life

'thanks Axel'


"Thanks guys for dropping me off" I said

"It's nothing new girl, we're glad you're okay"

"You guys got over scared,"

"Anything wouldn't happened Mel" Marcus said

"But nothing did"

"But it could've happened!" Savannah said

"But it didn't, anyways I'll go in, thanks guys again"

"Anytime" Theo said before they drove off

I stood infront of the small gate when the security saw me

"Ms. Moore, you're here" he said before opening the gate and taking his phone out

what is he doing

and that's when second later the house door opened and Axel rushed to my side

"Where the hell were you!" He said and I swear I caught the worry in his voice along with anger

"Why do you care?"

"Why do I care?? Do you know for how long I looked for you?! Do you fucking know?!"

"I never told you to look for me"

"Amelia! Why the fuck did you disappear like that! Where were you??!"

"I would've answered but it's not your business" I said

"Can we talk?"

"No you're the last person on earth I'd talk to"

"Amelia please"

"No fuck you axel! I fucking trusted you! For once I thought my life is getting better and now because of you! Everything got ruined! I hate you Axel Russo!" I yelled at him before walking past him and entering the house

as soon as I entered the room, I locked the door, knowing that he will try to get in

But the sad thing is that he didn't not that night or the day after

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