《The Darkest Souls》08


I entered the house to hear yelling from upstairs

Axel was sitting on the sofa, Valerie in his lap as she held back her tears

"It's okay Val, its nothing" Axel said trying to soothe her Before he muttered something I couldn't hear

"Hi" I whispered as Axel looked up his eyes meeting my worried- confused ones

"I don't think it's the right time for you to be here, please leave" Axel said with no emotion

I ignored his looks and put all my focus on the child on his lap

"Val baby, come here" I said taking her from Axel's lap slowly and placing her into my lap

Poor kid, she's witnessing her parents fighting but why are they?

"It's okay Val, I'm here baby" I said rubbing my palm against her back softly

"Mommy Daddy fighting" she said letting a tear slip her eye

*heart shattering*

"They're not baby, I don't think they are, you don't have to worry about it" I said trying to convince her

"Really?" She asked as she pulled away from my neck and looked up to me, her Face brightening up

"Yeah Val, they're not" I said kissing her cheek

The yelling of Antonio and Renee increased and I could see Val looking at me then looked at the stairs

"Val how about we go to the park?" I asked as she nodded excitedly


"Wait! Can Axy come!" She asked


"Yeah" I said as I put her shoes in and walked out as I held her while Axel followed

"Axel can we get icecweam!" She asked looking at Axel who was lost in his thought

"Axel" I said as he looked at me "Val is asking you if she can get ice cream later" I said

"Yeah Ofcourse, c'mere" he said while smiling then picking her up and kissing her cheeks

Axel may be a bitch but he's completely another person with Valerie

we reached the park and as soon as she saw the swings, she ran to them

"Pick me up! Pick me up" she said to Axel as he obeyed her orders "now push me"

I laughed at how cute she was being, I let them alone and went to take a seat on one of the benches watching them together


minutes later, Axel walked over to me and sat next to me

I wish I could just punch him right now for everything he said but I guess he's going through a lot

We sat in an uncomfortable silence before i decided to speak

"Does it always happen?" I asked as he nodded

"we're not perfect in the way you think" he said

"No one is perfect" I said

"what you saw today doesn't change anything, I still don't like you" he said

"I was wondering when Axel the asshole will come back" I said laughing making a smile appear on his face "and hey, The feeling is mutual, I just don't like you, I hate you"

"Good to know" he said rolling his eyes


After having ice cream, I couldn't let Valerie alone so I took her into my room and decided to watch a movie with her

time passed, I looked at Val and she was ready sleeping, I smiled at the sight before closing the laptop and covering her

a knock on the door was heard before Axel appeared by the doorway

"Val?" He asked looking at me then searching for her in the room

"Um.. yeah she's sleeping" I said pointing at the petite human that was all cuddled up between pillows

"Oh okay" he said making his way to the bed before placing a kiss to her forehead then taking a seat on the bed and staring at her

We sat in silence for a minute before he spoke

"I wish she didn't see this"

"Yeah she doesn't deserve this" I said agreeing with him and looking at her

"Although I'm a bitch towards you but Thank you Amelia, I appreciate what you did for Val today" he said

"I'd do it any other time, I've been through it and I know how much it hurts" i said "did you try talking to them?"

"no, I don't want to" he said shaking his head "I'm gonna go sleep" he stood up as if he was trying to hide something but I've already seen his glossy eyes

"Axel" I said but he shook his head

"We'll talk tomorrow" he said opening the door and I don't know why but I took hold of his arm making him stop and pulling him to face me


"Amelia" he said in a warning tone but something inside me didn't care about it at all

I opened my arms and wrapped my arms around him pulling him into a hug

What the fuck am I doing!!!!

I just couldn't help seeing the tears in his eyes

"Amelia.." he said again trying to pull away but I tightened my grasp around him making him give up before he slowly wrapped his arms around me

I knew that he needed that from anyone

"everything will be okay" I whispered to him before we both pulled out and he left the room door


I entered the cafe after having a tiring math class

I looked around at our table but didn't find them

Where were they?

"New girl! Over here" Lucas said as my eyes made it to their table and saw them all sitting together including Marcus and Savannah

"Me?" I asked confused

"Yeah you!" Lucas said

"Sav? Marcus?" I asked confused

"Theo is blackmailing me" Marcus confessed as Theo laughed

"I'm not sitting here with this jerk" i said crossing my arms

"And I'm not too" Axel said standing up

"Axel Russo, take a fucking seat now!" Theo scolded as Axel sat

"Savannah and Marcus, I'll sit on our usual table if you wanna sit" I said As Theo and Lucas stood up

"Then we're all sitting at your table" Theo said

"Are you serious?" Axel said

"I think I'll head to the library" I said

"Well then get up guys, we're going to the library" Lucas said

"Can you please stop?" I asked

"Nope" Theo said

"not until you sit down with us" Lucas said

"Just take a seat, he won't eat you, I'm here to protect you" Marcus said as Axel rolled his eyes

I looked at Savannah and she nodded "it's not like I want to sit here but just take a seat"

I sighed before sitting next to Savannah

"Can I ask, why I'm sitting here again?" I asked

"Because you're our friend?" Theo said

"Yeah but that doesn't mean that I have to sit here" I said "plus my enemy is sitting right infront of me, did you forget what he said or did?"

"Well no one wants you here" Axel said

"Axel!" Theo said smacking his head

"I want her here!" Lucas said "and we didn't forget anything"

"Same with me, I'm not sitting without her" Savannah said

"They're my friends so count me out" Marcus said

"No one is leaving the table and that is it!" Theo said

"Look who we have here today" Brianna said and I Immediately rolled my eyes

"What do you want Brianna?" Luke asked

"Oh so you're friends with her now?" She asked

"Yes she is our friend" Theo said and I felt myself smile abit

"that's so low of you to be friends with a skinny ugly freak" she said


"Brianna!" Marcus said "shut up"

"And poor you, your dead father couldn't buy you another hoodie?" As soon as these words left her mouth I flinched

"That's enough" Axel said

"And where is your mother?" She asked,

I closed my eyes shut immediately, afraid that anything more could be said

"BRIANNA I SAID THATS ENOUGH!" Axel yelled slamming his hands on the table

"why are you yelling?" She asked him

"Just fucking leave" Lucas growled

"Im... I'm- gonna use the toilet" I mumbled opening my eyes, but avoiding their looks

I stood up and walked away but a hand pulled me back

"Let's get out of here, everyone is looking" Axel said as he pulled me behind him into a class with all of my friends following us

"I'm sorry baby" Savannah said pulling me into a comforting hug which made tears fill my eyes

"you know better than listening to her Mel, we're here for you" Marcus said hugging me

"New girl, don't cry" Luke said

"Stop calling me that" I said erasing the tear that fell

"nope that's the best nickname for you new girl" he said

"you okay?" Theo asked as I nodded

"She didn't have to say that infront of everyone!" Savannah said

"That's because she's bitch" Luke said

My eyes moved to meet Axel's eyes which lingered in mine

Did he just stand up for me?

did he just do this because of the hug yesterday?

And what's with him saving me for the past few days??

"thank you" I said but it came in a whisper, he just gave me a smile and a small nod

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