《The Darkest Souls》07


"I like your eyes" I blurted but immediately covered my mouth and whispered a 'sorry'

"it's alright, your eyes are nice too" he said "and sorry about that" he said ruffling his black hair making me notice the tattoo that covered his arm

I felt Savannah nudge, I turned to look at her and she had this warning face

"I'm sorry about that too" I apologized ignoring her looks

"Let me offer you a drink as an apology" he said as I looked back to Savannah who shook her head

"Um I don't know about that" I said

I don't drink and probably never will

"Stranger danger right!" He said with a laugh "then stay here, I'll grab you one" he said before disappearing into the crowd

"What the hell Mel! Do you know who he is!" She said


"Stefan McCall!" She exclaimed "he used to go to our school and we heard he was expelled by Axel's father. Fights between him and the 3 boys happened a lot, he's a player Mel"

Stefan cleared his throat and stood infront of us giving me a smile

"I'll leave you guys alone" Savannah said before getting closer to me and whispering "yell my name, if anything happens, I'll be watching you from there"

"Don't worry" I said before she left

"Here a very special drink for a very special girl" he said

"Thanks" I said taking the drink from him and before I can drink it, the glass was taken away from me by force

"What the hell!"

Axel stood there laughing "that was by mistake"

"Axel Russo" Stefan said his face changing into anger

"Stefan McCall" Axel said "can your bitch leave us alone for a second, I have some words to share"

"Excuse me!" I said with wide eyes looking at Axel

"Just a second pretty face" he said as he and axel walked away

What the fuck just happened

I turned to look for Savannah but she wasn't anywhere around

Guess I'll find her in the bathroom

I was searching when A hand was intertwined with mine and I was pulled


"fucking idiot, you should've have moved!" He scolded while pulling me

"What the fuck are you doing! Leave me alone!" I yelled Trying to pull my hand out of his grip

"Amelia it's not your time now!" He yelled pulling me out of the house "We need to leave!"

"I don't want to go with you anywhere!! Then go on spreading rumors that I had sex with you! When you're the one pulling me!"

"If you try to pull your hands away. I will have to pick you up!" He yelled before stopping and looking around before pulling me towards a car

What's wrong with this douche!

suddenly, police sirens were heard from a distance

"GET IN THE CAR NOW!" He yelled and I did as he said, we both got into the car and he pulled away from the parking before I could even close the door

"What's happening!" I said all confused But he ignored me "Axel what is happening!"

"Not your concern" he said his voice filled with anger

"It is ! All of the sudden you pull me from the party and you say it's not my concern?!"

I took my phone out and started taking a video

"Guys look the Axel Russo is kidnapping me right now! He's the one trying to have sex with me and he says I'm the one" I said before he snatched the phone from my hands

"GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK YOU ASSHOLE!" I yelled trying to take it from him


Idiot, no one is going to hear you

Axel's phone rang and 'Theo''s name appeared on the car screen and he answered

"Are you guys out ?! The police are already there" Theo said

Police at the party?

How did they know about it?

"We're out" Axel replied

"Police?! Savannah! Savannah and Marcus are there!!" I said suddenly feeling all worried

"They're with Lucas" Theo said

"Thank god!"

"Luke's house" Theo said before Axel closed the phone call

"Why were the police there?"

no answer, again


I stayed silent, because I know I wouldn't get any answers

After some time, Axel parked his car and we both got down

Savannah's car was parked, she's here

Lucas's house was all fancy, Axel walked till we reached the back of the house,

Does he enter people's houses like this?

There was an extension on the corner of the house, Axel opened the door and entered

All of them were seated on a large couch as soon as they saw us, they all stood up

"Theo, Lucas" Axel said before they followed him

"You're here!" Savannah said jumping out of the couch and hugging me

"What the fuck happened there!"

"Where did you disappear to you asshole!"

"I was with Theo, you both should've left! I was scared that something could've happened!" Marcus said

"What happened!" Savannah asked

"Uh...you hea-" Marcus stopped when we heard yells coming from outside



"But she didn't, nothing happened" I heard Lucas say

"And that asshole is getting what he deserves" Theo said


I opened the door and stepped out facing Axel

"Because I can be wherever I want to be" I yelled

"No you can't! You fucking can't" he yelled "what were you thinking getting all close with Steve!! Are you out of your mind!!"

"Yes I'm out of my mind!" I yelled

"You accepted a drink from HIM! Do you what wouldn't happen if you took that drink!"

"Wait what?" I said confusedly

"You're fucking naive and dumb!" He yelled before storming off

"Axel just stop insulting her!" Theo yelled

"What does he mean?" I asked

"He kinda saved you tonight" Marcus said

"What do you mean, how?"

"He puts some type of drug in the drinks he offers to girls, and you know what happens next, he uses them and that drink might've had a drug"

"why would he do that?!" I exclaimed

"Typical Stefan, I'm glad nothing happened" Lucas said

"Why did police arrive there?" Savannah asked

"I'm sure you heard last year, after Stefan was kicked out, Axe hosted a party and he was the one to bring drugs to the party.." Lucas said

"Yeah I remember but what does that have to do with this?" Savannah said

"Wait then what happened?" I asked

"Then that asshole called the police and they took almost everyone from the party, a problem occurred with his family. Things got worse and it wasn't Axel's fault"

"And now Axel did the same, brought drugs and called the police?" I asked

"No, just called the police, drugs already his"

"That motherfucker!" Savannah said as we all widened our eyes looking at her

"I didn't mean that" she whispered before we laughed

"thank you guys" I said

"I guess he's the one you should thank" Marcus said as he wrapped an arm around me "and I'm sorry for insisting that you both come to the party"

"It's alright Marcus, we agreed to it" Sav said as she hugged him

"I'll go talk to that asshole" I said

"Do you want me to drop you to your house?" Theo asked looking at Savannah

"I came with my car" she said

"I can send someone to drop the car to your house tomorrow" Theo said

Something here smells fishy

"Yeah come with us" Marcus said

You just ruined a moment MARCUS!

"Yeah sure" she said smiling at Theo

I searched for Axel around the house but ended up finding him sitting in his car, his back resting on the seat and his eyes closed

I walked to the passenger seat and got in

He opened his eyes, and opened the car before starting to drive as if he was waiting for me

"I'm sorry" I said after sometime my eyes focused on the dark streets infront of us

"thank you for what you did" I completed

He didn't say anything, I wasn't even waiting for anything to be said

I just caught him give me a faint nod

Maybe he does have a heart after all

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