《Love Changes (Love series: book 1) ✓》Chapter 19.


It's been a couple of weeks since I first met Remi, since then I have spent every spare moment I could with her and Ella. I mean it hasn't always been the easiest especially when Ella's mom Gail has been around, but we've come to an understanding, and I can't blame Gail for hating me because I hurt her daughter once.

Now that I'm a dad I understand that hate so much more, because the thought of someone breaking my child's heart is already unbearable and she's only four and half, but lucky enough I don't have to worry about little douchy boys breaking her heart until she's at least thirty, when she's allowed a boyfriend... if not ever.

But seriously though I love spending time with her, she's always bubbly and happy. The amazing thing now is that I know her, I know that she loves the color pink.

I know that she hates eating carrots, but Ella told her that if she eats her carrots... that same night she will dream of bunnies, because they eat carrots too and Remi loves that.

I also know that she loves chocolate chip cookies, and her favorite ice cream is strawberry because it's pink. And I don't even mind the tea parties and watching the Disney Princess movies because I get to spend time with my daughter.

I wouldn't want to be anywhere else on this earth, then with Remi and Ella.

But unfortunately, today I have to spend the evening with my family, it's Thanksgiving and mom is demanding we spend it together as a family. My parents, me, Ollie, and Amanda.

I would have preferred going over to Ella's for dinner, as she also invited me to spend the holiday with her and Remi. there's just no way I could explain that to my mom, and I don't want to tell her about Ella or Remi yet, it's a rabbit hole I think nobody wants to go down.

I mean I would love for my parents to know about their granddaughter, I really would but I know that it isn't what Ella wants and she has ever reason, to not want them to know about Remi, I just don't know how or when to tell them but I also know I can't keep Remi a secret for long.

"So, Oliver, Amanda have you chosen a wedding date yet?" My mother's firm voice snaps me out of my own thoughts. I looked over to them,

Ollie looks at me for help, but all I can do is shrug my shoulders, I know from facts that they haven't picked a date yet, but I also know that they want Ella to help plan the wedding, and I can only imagine how that is going to go down with my mother.

"No, we haven't yet mom" I hear his voice reply to our mom.

"Well you must at once, we have to get things in motion and hire a wedding planner" She exclaimed loudly, shaking my head, and sighed......

because here we go!

"Actually Valerie we already have a wedding planner" Amanda spoke up.

I know for a fact that Amanda won't let my mother bully her, so if she wants Ella to plan her wedding, my mother doesn't stand a chance, yet my mom, she won't go down with a fight either.

"excellent, you will have to tell me the company you've gone with and I can make sure, they are good enough to make this wedding the best"


"We went with the same company that did our engagement party. Ella is our wedding planner" Amanda said firmly with a tight smile.

letting my eyes travel back to my mother, who was staring at Amanda like she had three heads, then all we hear is the sound of her fork bouncing off the good china plate in front of her.

"Have you lost your minds? There is no way I'm letting that girl anywhere near this family again" Mother yelled, shaking my head, and let my own fork drop. There's go my appetite.

"If I do respect Valerie. We loved the party Ella threw for us, she's our friend-;" Amanda cut off, grabbing her wine to take a sip, and then looked back at mom.

"Oh, and it's our wedding, so you don't get a say" She added, then got up and walked out of the dining hall, Oliver throws us an apologetic look before following the woman he loves, leaving just me and my parents.

"Ella Snow really! I mean what are they thinking, that girl is nothing but trouble" Mom mumbled, I can't take much more of this, I don't understand what she hates so much about Ella, because Ella is an amazing woman, I don't get it.

"Mom, Ella is amazing at her job. And her and Amanda they've become good friends, just leave it alone would you" I sighed, tired off all of this and her.

"And look now that girl has you wrapped around her finger once again, I told you not to get stuck back in, if you only know what I do" She mumbled the last part, throwing my eyes to hers, firmly locking my gaze on her.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask her, she looks at me and shakes her head like she knows nothing, but her eyes and her little smirk say something else.

"Mother start talking right now" I added with a raised voice this time, mom sighs before taking a moment and begins talking.

"Okay fine, I know that you told me to drop it. But I couldn't... not when that little tart is involved, so I hired someone to look into her-;"

Cutting of my mother and slammed my hands down on the table, then looked at my father who just looked defeated and miserable, with that I know that he knew nothing about this. Turning my anger back towards her.

"I told you to leave Ella alone, she's done nothing to you or me. And she doesn't deserve an angry bitter woman, digging into her life. How dare you" I shouted, pushing back my chair in anger and stood up.

"But she has done something to you. did you know that she has a child? -;" Mom shouted back,

Standing up herself now and my eyes dart to her as she mentions Remi, but I don't say anything. Mom looks at me and laughs bitterly like she's about to prove me wrong in some way.

"Yeah, the child is almost five, which means she must have been conceived when you and Ella were still together... I know that you are not stupid enough, to let a gold-digger like that trap you with a baby, so don't you see Scott...my darling. the girl was cheating on, and like the low-class trash she is, she got impregnated-;" She looked at me smugly

"Now she's a single mother, with a child out of wedlock who she probably sees as a mistake no less. I'm only glad you had the sense to leave that trash behind you" She added like she was proud of herself, shaking my head and took a step back.


I'm not letting her call Ella trash, because she's far from that. She's a beautiful, kind-hearted soul and she's pretty much the best thing that ever happened to me.

And I know that she doesn't want my mother to know about Remi, but she doesn't get to call my child a mistake because she's not. Remi is a blessing to me and to Ella.

"Shut-up! You have no idea what the hell your talking about if anyone is trash is you and your mouth-;" I broke off for a moment and looked at my father for some help, but nothing he just lowers his head in disgrace like always when it comes to my mother.

"And for the record, I did know that Ella has a daughter... because she's my daughter too. - "I heard my mother gasps as she heard my words.

"Yes that's right mother, I was stupid enough to get Ella pregnant years ago, but you want to know something it was the best thing ever to happen because we got a beautiful daughter and she's everything to me and so is her mother" I yelled and then stormed away from her, not before stopping and turning back around to face my mother.

"If you don't let go of this hate for Ella, you going to lose me. So, it's your choice mom" I said and with that I walked away from my family.

Knocking on Ella's door with a smile on my face and waited for her to open up. After leaving my parents' house, I found myself here, because here's the only place I want to be, it's thanksgiving and I'm thankful for Remi and Ella.

"Hey, I thought you were at your parent's place?" I hear her voice, before I even lift my eyes up to see her. Locking my eyes on Ella with a smile.

"It's a long story, can I come in?" I answered, Ella, nods her head and smiles too.

"Of course, you never have to ask that, you're always welcome here Scott" Nodding my head, waking inside of her house. Just as I hear tiny feet running, towards me.

"Daddy, you came" I hear Remi's voice say in excitement, feeling the smile on my face grow ten times bigger as I see our daughter, picking her up as she runs into my arms.

"Of course, I came, it's the best invitation I've ever got. To have pumpkin pie with you and your mom" I say to her and place her back on her feet.

Remi looks at me with a smile and claps her hands, before wandering back off somewhere in the house, shaking my head and smiled before taking a seat on the couch and sighed.

"I take it dinner with the family, didn't go as planned" I heard Ella ask me, as she takes a seat next to me on the couch, pulling her feet up to get comfy, instantly without thinking I grab her feet and place them over my lap, like old times. Ella doesn't pull away; her eyes just stay glazed on me.

"You could say that-;" I broke off and took a moment to just look at Ella,

"I have to tell you something" I added; Ella stiffens up a little.

"What is it?" She asks me, letting out a tired sigh.

"My mom knows about Remi...I'm sorry" I confess, she looks at me for a moment, but she doesn't say anything or does she look mad, she just simply nods.

"It was inevitable, your mom was always going to find out eventually," Ella said,

"I wasn't even thinking when I told her, she hired someone to look into you. And knew you had a child, she tried to make it out that Remi wasn't mine, that she was a mistake even...." I trailed off and kept my eyes on her,

" I wasn't having that, she doesn't get to label you a cheater and she certainly doesn't get to call our beautiful child a mistake, when she's far from that" I added, Ella grabs my hand and looks at me sadly.

"Thank you for defending us, I appreciate it. I just hate that you have to fight with your mom" She sadly replies, squeezing her hand gently.

"You never have to thank me for defending you and Remi. You two are my family, and I won't let my mother ruin that" I firmly say to her, with the truth.

I love my mother and I appreciate all the things that she has done for me, but Ella and Remi are my life and she needs to accept that because I will choose them over her in a heartbeat.

"You're our family too Scott"

Keeping our hands in an inlocked and gently rub my thumb along hers. It's weird how comfortable things are with Ella again, sometimes when we've been together this last few weeks, it's like the last five or so years never even happened, like we were never apart.

"Mommy can we have pie now and watch the little mermaid" We hear Remi say as she bounces in-between us, breaking our hands apart but we both smile at Remi as she settles in-between us, now that Ella has moved her legs from my lap.

"Anything for Remi-;" Ella says to her and then gets up from her spot on the sofa and turns to look at me.

"Are you staying for pie and the little mermaid?" She asks me with a smile, returning her smile and nodded my head.

"Yeah, there's nowhere else I would rather be than watching the little mermaid, with my two favorite girls" I replied and smile down at Remi, while Ella just shakes her head and smirks before wandering off to get the pie.

"Me and mommy like it when you're here" Remi whispers to me, lowering my head down to her, and smiled.

"Do you want to know a secret?" I say to her; she nods her head smiles at me.

"I like when I'm here with you and mommy too," I said to her; Remi just smiles bigger.

Pulling my eyes from a smiling Remi, just as Ella comes back in with three plates and a full pie and retakes her seat on the sofa.

"Family movie night it is then" She announces as we all smile and wait for the little mermaid to start playing, and it's the best Thanksgiving I've ever had.

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