《Love Changes (Love series: book 1) ✓》Chapter 9.


Five weeks! Five long whole weeks. That's how long it's been since the accident. Since I wrecked my leg and ankle, I'm past the point of insane now. It's even worse because I still don't know, how much damaged the car accident did to my leg.

The doctors have reassured me that, once the physical therapy is over, they will have a clear image of how strong my leg is now.

Then I should have a clear picture of if I can still play football. I think the worst part of it all, is not knowing if my career is over.

There's something else too, I can't seem to get Ella out of my thoughts these last few weeks. I mean before the accident, I did think about her a lot, because she's always been at the back of my head, always been in my heart.

But after the accident, when I thought I heard her voice that day I woke up, she's constantly been there, and I don't know why. I sure as hell can't shake this feeling about her either.

"Hey bro, how are you feeling?" I heard someone ask me, snapping out of my own thoughts and sighed from my couch, as my brother walks into my lounge room.

Since the accident, he's been doing the drive to Los Angeles most days, which I am grateful for because without Oliver I will have gone mad within the first week out of the hospital, especially with mom fussing around me.

"I've had better days, staying indoors for weeks is driving me insane" I replied.

"Yeah, but didn't the doctor say your injuries are healing, as they should be, and isn't that a good thing?" He said to me with a raised eyebrow, shaking my head.

"Yeah, but it isn't going to mean shit if I can't play football anymore" I sighed.

"Don't think like that Scott, you have three more weeks in the cast and then physical therapy. One step at a time, isn't that the goal?" Oliver said trying to reassure me.

"Whatever....enough about my leg, how's the engagement party coming? Is mom still pouting because she hasn't been able to bully your event planner yet? Or actually, be involved in anything?" I asked with a follow laugh because I know how our mother gets and she's a hurricane when she can't get her way.

"Oh, she's past pouting now, she's in full attack mode. The thing is I don't want her anywhere near this, or our event planner for that matter" Oliver replied,

"Why?" I say with curiosity in my voice, Oliver has never been bothered about our mom forcing herself into our business or the events that concern us.


So, what's so different this time, that he's keeping mom miles away from it?

"Have you met our mother Scott; I love her but she's a nightmare to deal with. And the event planner doesn't need that" He argued with me, with a guilty tone.

"Yeah but mom has helped you plan lots of events over the years, with different event planners and it's never bothered you as it does now, so what gives?" I argued back, because there's something he's not telling me, and he better start talking.

"And do you remember how well that turned out! Half of them ran away screaming and changed profession, I just don't want that to happen this time around" He lied.

I know when he's lying, and at this moment, he's lying his ass off. I want to know why, especially with me being his brother, we talk, and we don't keep anything from one another.

"You're lying Ollie and I wanna know why" I raised my voice towards him. he looks at me and stands up from the chair he was sitting on, sighing before throwing his arms up in the air, annoyed at the fact that I'm accusing him of something.

"I'm not lying, but drop it, trust me this isn't something you want to get involved in," He said firmly to me with a hint of anger.

"Either you tell me or I'm calling mom. You and I both know she will find out whatever it is, your hiding" I warned, Oliver, who shakes his head at me pissed off now.

"You wouldn't do that" He snapped, calling my bluff, shaking my own head, and smirk before reaching for my phone.

"No! Stop Scott leave it because you have no clue what storm is brewing" He hisses through his teeth, looking at him and then back down to my phone.

"What the hell is your deal? You lying through your teeth, trying to keep mom away from the event planner and now you're warning me away from getting involved in your party when it has nothing to do with me, so I ask again what the hell are you hiding?" I shout at him.

Oliver rubs his temples and sighs before he looks back at me.

"It has more to do with you than you know" He mumbles, throwing my eyes to him in a flash and looked at him confused.

What the hell is talking about, it's his party to announce and celebrate his engagement to the woman he loves, how does that involve me? I was under the impression that all I had to do was show up in a suit and make small talk with people, who I barely know.


"Start talking ollie or I'm calling mom," I said grimly.

"The reason why I don't want mom involved in this party, and why I'm trying to keep her away from the event planner that Amanda hired is because-;" He broke off for a second, not making eye contact with me.

"Because what? And what does it have to do with me?" I demanded with anger in my own voice because he's making no sense and he's beating around the bush.

"Oliver I'm warning you, what's going on?" I yelled once again as my big bother stayed silent, after another moment of silence he looks up at me and begins talking.

"Because Scott.....the event planner, is Ella" He confessed, taking a moment to process that information, before turning back to him.

"Ella? ... As in my Ella?" I mumbled, Ollie takes a seat back down and nods.

"She's not yours anymore, but yes that Ella, and now do you understand why I'm keeping mom away? And also, she only agreed to take the job if I kept you and mom both away, also not telling you that she was involved" Oliver says to me,

"You should have told me from the start that you saw her. You shouldn't have kept this from me, especially when it involves Ella of all people"

"I know okay, but I promised her Scott. And it's the least I could do, especially with everything this family put her through over the years" He replied, throwing my eyes to his, as the guilt rushes back to me as he talks about the past and Ella and what I did, how I hurt her, how I left her.

"You mean what I put her through?" I mumbled and sighed,

"Yeah but also mom, you know how much she hated Ella. And I think it's not fair to her, to face her off against mom again" Nodding my head and sighed sadly.

I know what he means mom hated Ella probably still does if we're being honest. So I get Ollie's concern about mom knowing Ella is involved in this.

"How is she?" I ask sadly, not sure I want to know the answer in the case she's married and has kids by now, but I also want to know if she's happy, I guess.

"She's good Scott, she's made a life for herself and she's happy" He answered, nodding my head.

"I'm glad-;" I broke off and thought back to the day I woke up in the hospital and how I thought I heard her voice that day.

"The day I woke up from the accident, she was there wasn't she? I heard her voice before I woke up, but I just thought I imagine it" I added, he looks at me and nods his head.

"She was there, only briefly but she wanted to see if you were okay"

"Does she hate me? Because she should" Oliver shakes his head and sighs.

"I don't think she hates you, but I'm not sure she's truly forgiven you either," He says to me,

"Do you think she will see me?" I said with hope, I just want to talk to her. Maybe say I'm sorry and that she has every right to hate me, I just need her to know that I'm sorry and that I did love her, I always will.

"Honestly I don't know, look I need to go-;" He cut off and stood again.

"Maybe just give her some time when I see her next. I'll let her know that you know about her" He added and begin taking a few steps out of the living room.

"Hey, Oliver," I say just as he turns around to face me,

"can you just tell her that, when or if she's ever ready I'm here and I think we should talk" He nods his head and then leaves, leaving me alone with my own thoughts.

Taking a moment because I don't even know where my head is out right now. Ella is back, she's here in reach I guess I've always known she lived in LA, but it was different.... you know.

Now I know that she's seen me in the hospital, has been planning this party for Oliver for weeks, it pisses me off that he's kept it from me for so long, but then again, I sort of understand why he did. He's right I put her through so much, and mom was always a bitch to her, it's no wonder she didn't want us to know she was involved.

There's a lot of spiraling in my head right now, the main thing that my thoughts keep repeating is that she's so close to Ollie and Amanda but she is so out of my reach, which I deserve but I hope that someday soon we can talk.

Because she's Ella... my Ella... and she's here.

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