《Love Changes (Love series: book 1) ✓》Chapter 4.



I have spent all weekend talking myself in and out of taking on this event for Amanda and Oliver. And I have come to decide that even though I like Amanda, she seems really nice and I hate that I have to let her down, at her party but I can't risk it.

It's way too close to the Vaughan family and it's way too close to Scott. And now that Remi has almost broken up for the Summer-Holiday's she's going to be spending more time with me at the office, and that's an even bigger risk.

This is why I now find myself in San Diego waking into Oliver's office building, which ironically is own by the Vaughan's. I want to officially tell him that I can't do this event and that I am sorry, and could he tell Amanda for me.

Walking up to the receptionist's desk and smiled at the woman sitting behind it.

"Hello, I was wondering if I could speak to Oliver Vaughan please?" I say politely to her, she looks me up and down for a moment before sighing.

"Do you have an appointment? Because he just doesn't talk to any random girl." She asked me with a voice full of attitude.

"No but you can just tell him, it's Ella Snow, and believe me, he will see me" I snapped. She looks at me and shrugs before making a call and then turns back to me.

"Mr. Vaughan will see you, take the elevator up to level eight and you will find his office," She said to me with a scowl, shaking my head, and rolled my eyes, before making my way towards the elevator and got into it. Seriously what is wrong with that woman? Bitch is a word I don't use often but she was definitely one.

Waiting for the elevator to get to the eighth floor, as I stood there thinking. I always liked Oliver, he was kind and he was nice to me. He didn't care about my background and he knew that I wasn't the type of person, to use another person for money or a name. He treated me like a normal person, more than what his mother did.

And after Scott left me, he came around to the apartment I and Scott were living in at the time. I think Scott forget to mention to anyone what he was planning when I told Ollie that he left me and that he didn't want to be with me now, that his football career was taking off. I think that was the first time I saw Ollie angry at his little brother.

Then when I moved back to San Diego Ollie, tried to get in contact a few times because I was back home but back then I had a lot going on especially with my pregnancy, trying to keep it a secret because I knew that it only took one person to see me with a baby bump, and it would get back to someone in Scott's family and I couldn't have that. it was also hard because every time it just reminded me of Scott.


Pulling out of my thoughts as the elevator doors opened and I made my way towards Oliver's glass office doors. Knocking gently just as his eyes met mine and he waves me into his office, taking a deep breath, and walked in.

"Ella hi... please have a seat," Oliver said comfortably to me like we're friends here for a catch-up. Shaking my head and took a seat facing him and then looked at him.

"I'm really sorry to have to tell you this, but I don't think I will be able to plan your engagement party" I announced without any hesitation, Ollie looks at me a little taken back for a moment.

"And why not? Is this because of Scott? Or your daughter?" Oliver stated, throwing my eyes to him with a firm look.

"My daughter is none of your concern, and no it's not about Scott-;" I said and looked at him,

" It's just I will have to spend a lot of time with you and Amanda and more than likely your families. And given my history with yours. I just don't think it's a good idea" I surmised everything that I could think of why I shouldn't plan this party.

"You want to know why I think you don't want to do this party?" He asked me,

"No not really" I argued, he looks at me and shakes his head with a smile.

"Tough! I think five years ago you found out you were pregnant with Scott's baby, and you never told him because you probably didn't want anyone thinking you trapped him. And now I think you're afraid that if you plan this party, you're going to have to face not only Scott but the issues of your daughter and why you kept her a secret.......How close am I?" He said to me.

Shaking my head and looked at him with a glare.

He has no right because this is none of his business. And he has no idea what the hell he is talking about. Fine I will admit it I don't want to see the only guy I've ever loved again after five years. The guy who broke my heart and made me fear loving someone again.

And it's not just Scott, there's Valerie Vaughan to face that which made my life hell. I mean every time I had dinner with Scott and his parents, she would make horrible remarks about me and my mom.

And she never hid the fact that she thought I was beneath her, and that I was trash. So why on earth would I want to spend hours in the same room as that woman ever again.

"Miles away actually." I snorted before carrying on,

"Look Oliver as fun as it would be to see your lovely family again. I just can't okay" I said faking the 'lovely' part.

"Ella, I know how hard it was for you when Scott hurt you, and I know how horrible my mother was to you. But this is important to Amanda.... please" He pleads to me, he clearly loves Amanda I know that, and I know she wants me to plan this party, but I'm not sure if I can.


But I am also tired of holding it all in because Oliver is right about everything.

"I really wish I could help you, but I can't" I sighed sadly, he looks at me angrily.

"Why? If Remi isn't Scott's child, then you should have no issues with this"

"Why don't you just stop lying and tell me the truth" He argued loudly,

"I am telling you the truth, she isn't his and I shouldn't have to explain myself to you" I snapped back, Oliver lets out a bitter laugh.

"I don't believe you, seriously Ella! Just tell me what is holding you back, it's just planning a bloody party that's all" Oliver said, shaking my head and lost my temper.

"Fine! Your right she's Scott's daughter" I yelled at him, just as the room goes silent, and I can feel his gaze on me.

"I can't risk him or your parents knowing that information, because we both know how ruthless your mother is and how cruel she is. I don't want her around my child" I finally admitted the truth about my daughter, and the fact his brother is her father.

Oliver looks at me for a moment and stays quiet, before getting lost in his own thoughts for a few seconds. Before he looked back up to me.

"What if I agreed to keep your secret?" Oliver said all of a sudden, throwing my eyes to him with a wary look on my face.

"Why would you do that? Scott is your brother, and I know how close you guys are. Why risk that bond and keep my secret?" I challenged; I don't understand why Ollie would agree not to tell Scott about his daughter.

They've always been close, always tuck together, and never kept anything from one another. So why would he keep something so huge and life-changing for him now?

"I would do it because for one, I know first-handed how hard it is being a Vaughan. And also, I know the way my mother treated you, and your right she's ruthless, I honestly don't know what she would do if she found out about Remi" he said, keeping my gaze on him, so trying to figure out if I believe him.

"She would try and take her; you and I both know that she would. I'm scared that once she or Scott finds out, I could lose my daughter and I can't lose her...Ollie, I just can't" I cried with raw emotion in my voice, because I know for a fact that Valerie would do everything in her power to make me look like a bad mother.

And she will get lawyers involved and she would try and take Remi away from me because that's just who she is. An evil- horrible woman and I would rather spend my life in hiding and run away than let that woman anywhere near my child.

"I promise you, Ella, I won't allow anyone to take Remi away from you. You and she are family, and this time around I won't let my family destroy you. You have my word; Amanda and I won't say anything to anyone about Remi" He said before cutting off and looked at me for a second, "I do have one condition though?" He added, looking at him with a raised eyebrow and worry.

"What is it?" I asked in a whisper.

"That I and Amanda can get to know our niece," Ollie says to me with a hopeful smile.

I'm not sure if it's the right decision or not to let Oliver meet Remi before her own father does, but what choice do I have? I mean he's willing to risk his whole relationship with his brother, by keeping my secret the least I can do is let him meet Remi.

"I think Remi would love that" I replied and began getting up from my chair and looked back to Ollie.

"How about you and Amanda come over for dinner tomorrow night? You guys can officially meet Remi and we can bounce ideas around for your party" I say with a smile, Oliver looks at me also smiling widely now, and nodded his head.

"That would be great, thank you Ella I truly do mean that," He said to me gently.

"I know, dinner is at seven okay," I said before nodding my head and walked out of his office and back to the elevator.

I don't know if letting Oliver get to know Remi is a good thing or not. And I'm not sure if telling Remi about her father and who Ollie is, is a good idea either. But in all the time that I had known Oliver he's never once broken a promise, he made to anyone.

It's what makes him a nice guy, and I know Amanda is not the type of person to gossip. I guess it's weird that a member of the Vaughan family, knows about Remi. I think it's because I've always made sure that she was kept away from that toxic environment.

And now we're stepping foot back into their world, and I know that it's just Oliver but eventually, Scott and his parents are going to find out that I had a child, and that lingering fact that Scott is her father is going to be brought up.

It's just a matter of time because secrets don't stay hidden, maybe for a few years they do, but the truth is they always come out sooner than later. And I have a feeling that my secret is going to come out way faster than I would like it to.

And once it does, I won't have any idea what to do about it.

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