《Love Changes (Love series: book 1) ✓》Chapter 1.


"MOMMY! MOMMY!" I heard the voice of my four-and-a-half-year daughter shout towards my bedroom. Feeling a smile on my face, as I pull on my last shoe.

The day Remi was born was the best day of my life, because she's my whole world, I've never felt so much love until she was born.

After Scott left me, I made the choice to move back to San Diego. I told my mom about my pregnancy, and I told her that Scott left me without any knowledge that I was carrying his child.

At first, I thought that she would be mad at me because mom she always wanted something more for me than what she ever had.

I mean my mom gave birth to me when she was eighteen years old, and my so-called dad pretty much didn't stick around long enough to know me.

So, when I broke the news that I was pregnant at nineteen, I expected her to yell at me, be mad at me, or even disown me.

But instead, she just pulled me in for a hug and told me that everything was going to be okay. And she was right it was okay because, in the end, I became a mom to a beautiful baby girl.

And it was hard raising her all by myself, but I did it, actually, I'm still doing it by myself and I wouldn't change it for anything.

In the last few years, I've finished college, I run my own yet exceedingly small but successful business as an event planner that has incredibly good clients.

When I was starting up my business, I decided to move to Los Angeles to do that. And even though San Diego is only an hour or so away, my mom knew that I would need help with Remi, so she moved with me.

And it was a fresh start that we both needed I think, after a while as Remi got older and could go to day-care and pre-school, mom branched out and just did all the things she put on hold for years, so she could raise me. Now she co-owns a day-care, she's always loved kids and taking care of them, and she's good at it.

I might have made a name for myself, but I've always kept Remi out of it. Nobody knows that I have a daughter apart from the people I trust to know that information.

And I don't flaunt the money I earn; I own a small but nice house with a big back garden.

I have a nice car, and Remi gets what she needs. But we don't eat at expensive restaurants every night, we prefer Chinese takeout or cooking a meal. And we shop at decent price shops, not expensive clothing stores.

The money I earn I pay my bills with, I make sure Remi has things, that my mom is looked after, and I buy the things we need. Apart from that, every penny I earn is in a savings account for Remi, for when she's older.

Pulling out of my thoughts and grabbed my phone, while walking into our open kitchen.

Letting my eyes land on Remi who was sat at the dinner table, with her pink princess plate all set out ready for breakfast, just like she does every morning, my daughter is very independent, she hates it if I do something that she would rather do herself, because she knows that she can.


"And what would princess Remi like for breakfast?" I asked my daughter; Remi looks at me with the cute goofy smile that she has.

"Chocolate-Chip cookies and milk" She answers loudly with a happy tone. Throwing my eyes at her with a smile.

"Nice try. Try again though" I replied walking over to the fridge, to get her some orange juice.

"Pancakes!" She shouts with a smile, nodding my head with a laugh. And walked over to her, placing her orange juice next to her.

"Pancakes, it is then," I say, and headed back over to the kitchen area.

"Blueberry or chocolate chip?" I asked her, Remi looks over at me.

"Chocolate-Chip, mommy!" Nodding my head at her with a smile and started to make the pancakes. Glancing up at Remi, she looks so much like Scott every day.

With her blonde locks, the shape of her face, she's the spitting image of him. Apart from her green eyes, those she gets from me, just like I got from my mother.

I'm glad that the Vaughan's don't know anything about her. Scott, always treated me the right way, even though we were worlds apart. But his parents hated me, especially his mom.

But his brother Oliver was kind, he was just like Scott, never treated me any different, because I didn't come from money or a known status.

Scott's parents always used their money and their family name, to get what they wanted and to bully people into things. I didn't want that for my daughter, and that's why I'm glad that nobody I don't trust knows about Remi.

Because my name is known, Scott's name is known in the public. I don't want our history being dragged along, with the knowledge of Remi.

I don't keep her a secret because I'm ashamed of her, but I can't afford to have her out in the spotlight either, I want to protect her from the truth about her father, protect her from the Vaughan's family name.

She's only four and half years old, she deserves to be a normal child whose name is not known to the press and the media.

Snapping out of my thoughts and placed a plate of crown-shaped pancakes, in-front of Remi and took a seat facing my daughter, with my own pancakes and a cup of coffee.

"Mommy has to work late, so grandma is going to pick you from school. And watch you for a little bit" I say to her, Remi looks up from her half-eaten breakfast and smiles at me.

"Okay, mommy" She replies and goes back to eating her pancakes. Feeling a smile on my face, she really is the best thing in my life. After everything that happened with her father, she was the light in it all because my daughter is my world.

Have you ever wanted something so bad, that when it finally started to get close you picked what you wanted over everything else?

Well, I have! My whole life was about football and going Pro. My family was always about business and the high life, they had an international wine-making company that was their world.

And over time it eventually became my older brother's Oliver's world. But not mine, football was my world, that's what I was and it's what I wanted more than anything else. And for years I was good at it, I fought to be the best player I could be, so I could one day be in the NFL.


And for years all I cared about was football until I was fourteen years old. And then it all changed because I met Ella Snow, and she was so different from the other girls in high school. She was honest, kind, funny, caring, she was one in a million.

We became friends after months of stolen glances and lingering looks between us. But naturally, my parents or should I say my mother didn't approve, because she was being raised in a low-class neighborhood, by a single mom.

But I didn't care, because where she lived didn't define what kind of person she was, or what kind of person she could become.

I fell in love with Ella and she became my other half. After high school, I got into college playing football in Ohio and she didn't even blink an eyelid when I told her.

She just smiled and said she would follow me anywhere because she loved me and that our love was forever. And at that moment, I knew how lucky I was to have her, to be the one that she loved.

After a year of playing college football, I got drafted which was amazing. I mean it was rare for someone so young to be drafted, and I was over the moon. But that dream of the NFL came at a cost and that cost was Ella.

I was told by the man that was going to represent me that an uprising football star needed an image and having my high school sweetheart around wasn't the image he thought I needed.

And being young and stupid I listened to him, and I broke up with her and never looked back.

Now almost five years later, I am where I always dreamed, I would be. A celebrity pro football player, lots of parties, lots of women, and lots of fame. It should be everything that I've always wanted, but it's not and it never was.

I miss Ella every day even though I have no right to, and I regret my choice.

I mean at the beginning I didn't do as much. Because I was just starting out in the NFL, but as the years went on and I saw how well Ella had done for herself in the event planning business.

She's well known now; she's made a name for herself and I am proud of her, which again I have no right to be after what I did to her, and I know that she's happy and I'm glad that she is, but I can't help but be ashamed of how I treated her and how I went on to live my life afterwards.

I haven't been a saint these last few years; I will admit that. Between the fame, the parties, the one-night stands, and the booze and I haven't had the best stories written about me in the public eye.

But lately, I'm realizing that I have to grow up, I'm nearly twenty-five, and I've been acting like an idiot for years now and it has to stop.

So I'm finally getting my crap together, to try and be the person who I was before the fame, the person I was when I was with Ella, I guess even if it does sound stupid.

"Hey Scott, are you home?" I heard someone shout through the hallways of my house.

After a few years of playing for a team in settle, I got drafted to a team in Los Angeles, which I was happy about because it's only an hour or two from my parents and my brother Oliver back in San Diego.

Snapping out of my own thoughts and walked towards the sound of the voice. Just as my eyes land on my older brother Oliver, walking into my living room with a massive smile on his face.

"Is there a special reason, your smiling like that?" I asked him. Ollie looks at me still smiling and simply announces.

"I'm getting married. I asked Amanda last night, and she said yes"

Nodding my head with a true happy smirk on my face and looked at my brother.

"Congratulations Ollie, I'm genuinely happy for you both. Amanda is a good person" I reply to him. My brother and me we have a good relationship for the most part.

Over the last few years, there have been times when he's called me out on my behavior. Especially when I broke up with Ella and started sleeping around, mostly because Ollie always treated Ella with kindness and respect, unlike my parents.

And he cared about Ella like a little sister, so when I broke her heart, he pretty much called me, a selfish prick and threw a signed football at my head.

To be fair I had it coming, my parents were thrilled when they learned the news though, my mother got her wish, another regret of mine is that my mother got what she always wanted, Ell and I apart.

"Thanks, Scotty that means a lot, so what do you say about taking on the role, of my best man?" He says to me, throwing my eyes to him surprised.

"I'll be honored to" I replied with a smile, Ollie nods his head and smiles.

"So, when's the wedding?" he looks at me and sighed.

"Undecided yet, but we will be having a big engagement party to our mothers' request. Amanda's mom has already booked an appointment with a wedding planner or something like that this morning, down here in LA.-;" " I'm just staying out of it," He said,

"Smart move bro" I joked, Oliver looks at me and nods his head before letting out a laugh and smirked.

I'm happy for him and Amanda, my future sister-in-law is actually nice. She's a socialite, she's down to earth, kind and is the founder of many charities she's a good person and I know that she loves my brother.

And my parents even approve of her, but to be fair I think that's just because she's a socialite and comes from money herself, I doubt it's because she's a nice person, they barely even know her.

I love my parents because they are parents but at times, I hate them for the way they act, the way they think they can throw their money and name around and expect to get what they want.

Oliver hates that too; they've always acted like they were better than other people. When they're not.... when we're not.

Just because our last name is Vaughan, it doesn't make us better than anyone. And that's something my parents haven't quite figured out yet.

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