《Seducing The Male Lead Using A Pure Face》2.12 Abrupt Departure


Jules always felt it was a bit strange to be in his physical body outside of the System Space, but there was no time for them to consider this. The Wild System who had been deteriorating their mental health for the last couple of months in this world had finally shown up in a way they could actually track. Some of the weight on their shoulders had been taken away but some of it was still there. They were walking into a situation completely blind, as most situations with Wild Systems ended up with little to no information.

They had no idea what kind of System they were dealing with. It's purpose, power, even appearance were completely unknown to them. The only information they had was the location of the Wild System.

"Jules, we'll split up to corner it at the east wing of the manor. Whatever you do, don't engage. If anything goes wrong, contact HQ immediately to pull you and your host out of the world." Berry's speaking was decisive and experienced, as expected of a senior system.

Berry had an appearance that Jules had never seen anything similar to among Systems. Their hair was a crimson with pink highlights in a somewhat messy pixie cut. Berry's eyes were a green color, reminding Jules of the leaves on the shrubs of the manor gardens. Perhaps this was why Berry had such a name. Or maybe their Host was hungry when naming them. Unlike Jules, Berry had no suit jacket to cover up their button up, the tie loose and rather casual looking.

The only thing relatively out of place for them was a missing right arm. Well, every System carried some type of scar.

"Yes, senior." Jules replied, taking all of Berry's words into consideration and doing their best to remember every single instruction from Berry. There weren't many so it would be much, much easier than it usually was.

Berry couldn't help but look at the mint-haired junior of their's with worry. They had been somewhat briefed on their unique situation and couldn't help but feel pity for the System. Although they had great difficulty remembering things, they were a good kid. Quite obedient and particularly quiet. They even felt a bit worried to let them come along to get rid of the Wild System, wanting to immediately send them and their Host back to the System Space. However, Wild Systems were unpredictable and because of that they were dangerous. It was much better to give Jules some experience and some reference should they have to deal with any Wild Systems on their own.


"Alright. Remember that your safety comes first." Only receiving a nod in reply, the two Systems finally split up in order to enact their plan. Jules was left alone to make their way to the east wing of the manor while Berry used an alternate route. Luckily, they had a map of the manor so the possibility of Jules getting lost was significantly lower.

Except they couldn't remember where they put the map.

Jules wondered if it was too late for them to give up and go home. Now their only choice was to use the movements of the Wild System to naviagte or... Guess.

Jules thought about their luck and chose to use the movements of the Wild System.

The little dot on the screen decided to always be moving however, annoying Jules to no end. It didn't help that this manor was fucking humongous. The mint haired System had a great desire to crawl back into its Host's brain and then never leave again. The outside world was too troublesome.

"... You have to be kidding me." Jules started to voice their grievances as they finally stopped. "This should be the east wing. I'm right on top of the dot..." But there was no Wild System or Berry in sight.

The section of the east wing that Jules was in was on the third floor of the manor, an indoor greenhouse. There was a glass dome above them to let some sunlight in to help nurture the many plants inside. Funnily enough, Jules almost blended in with the plants had it not been for their neatly pressed suit and bandaged up face.

They were standing exactly on the dot on their scanner, but there was no other System in sight. Which could only mean one of three things.

1) Jules was on the wrong floor.

2) The scanner was broken.

3) The Wild System was above them.

The third thought seemed a bit silly to Jules. Right above him was a glass dome. Where would the Wild System have to grip to not slide down. Nonetheless, they looked up to check just to check all the bases.


. . . . .

"Are you alright up there?" Jules' usually droopy, sleepy eyes were wide in surprise as they peeked up at the glass dome of the greenhouse. Sure enough, there was a well dressed man in the dome, somehow hanging from the curve of the dome with a blank look on their face.

Gold eyes met red eyes in a completely silent manor. Neither of them said anything.

"Actually, I'm stuck. Would you mind helping me out, pretty boy?"

"It's more convenient if I leave you up there though."

"How's that?"

"You can't leave if you're stuck."

"What if I just jumped down?"

"Then you would've done that before I got here."

"Touche, pretty boy."

"Please stop calling me that."

"But it's true."

Weren't Wild Systems supposed to be scary? Intimidating? Villainous? Jules' three views were being challenged as of current but they had nothing to really compare to but his training. Undeniably, the person hanging from the dome somehow was the Wild System. But nothing about them was particularly threatening. Kind of like...

A big dog that looks really intimidating but becomes a slave to praise and belly rubs. Would that be the right analogy? Jules wasn't really sure.

Easily lost in his own thoughts, Jules completely ignored the Wild System left hanging. Literally.

The poor Wild System just took the opportunity to enjoy the view. The little System that had come to find him was unbelievably cute. Their appearance alone was quite cute, all golden eyes, smooth mint hair, and small like a little doll, but their quick trust of him was also pretty adorable. Aren't Systems taught to be able to sense lies? Maybe he was that good of a liar.

While absorbed in their thoughts, Jules didn't notice the Wild System jump down from the dome with not even a dull thud and land in front of them. In fact they were only reminded of their presence when a hand gripped their chin and lifted it.

Jules calmly slapped his hand away. But it returned. So they hit him again. The hand still came back.

The view that Berry was gifted with when they came to where the two were standing almost gave them a heart attack.

Little Jules, who was usually obedient, was slapping the hand of the Wild System that towered over them by at least two heads and the Wild System looked to be enjoying it.

And with a speed they didn't know they possessed, Berry seperated the two and grabbed Jules by the collar, putting a great distance between them and the Wild System.

'At this point, it'd probably be good to have Jules eject.' Berry thought, glaring at the Wild System who only returned their gaze. Somehow, instead of being angry it seemed more jealous.

How could they grab the little System by the collar but not even get a pinch while his hand stung from hits.


Jules, feeling there was no problem with this request as there would be no penalty to their Host due to the matter of a Wild System, heeded the command from Berry and did the procedure before promptly disappearing.

It was a bit sad though. It wasn't everyday that they got to hit people's hands. It felt like a familiar motion. Jules hoped he could slap someone's hand again.

Hopefully Brooke wouldn't be too upset with them for ejecting.

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