《Seducing The Male Lead Using A Pure Face》2.10 Ballroom Blitz Pt.1


"And that's how you formally insult a royal's intelligence as to not lose your head. There will be a test on this later, so make sure to review." Etienne finished his lesson with a smile on his face, although he could tell only Samone had been actually interested in the material. Such were the woes of a educator.

Oh well. It wouldn't be his head rolling after the exam. He had a very hands on approach to teaching.

"Etienne, do you have a moment?" Turaya peeked into the room with her usual blank face, quietly observing the room she had transformed into a schoolhouse like place. The walls had been painted, furniture removed and added, and it looked nothing like it once had.

If she told someone the room had once been coated in the blood of the innocent Giandim family, no one would believe her.

Etienne looked as if fireworks were going off in his head as he skipped over to her. Before he could say anything, an opened letter was pushed into his hands and the blonde woman only gave him a command.


As he had long become used to Turaya's eccentricities, Etienne simply did as he was told. He read the letter quietly. Turaya found great interest in watching the man's expressions change as he read through the letter's contents.

At first his expression was blank, then curious, then excited, then disbelief, before going to confusion. Etienne finally looked up from the letter and at Turaya again, like he was waiting expectantly for something. She couldn't help but feel her face burn a bit.

"Are you finished?"

"Yes, but-"

"Then you should have a good understanding of the current situation. Please prepare thoroughly."

Curt as always, Turaya turned away and took large strides to get away quickly, practically leaving Etienne in the dust. Instead of being offended, the dark-haired vampire only let a smile grace his features.


As he suspected, Turaya had an embarrassed side to her as well. Even if she was trying to be fierce or cold, she only ended up being cute.

But more importantly, she had invited him to be her escort! To a formal function! Well, he wasn't asked per say but even if he was given a choice he would've said yes. If this wasn't liking him, or at least liking his existence more than other people's, what was? To put things simply...

Etienne was beyond cloud 9 in scales of joy, all within his own little world.

Completely ignoring the little red-headed boy glaring into his soul. Despite knowing that he was there.

"Etienne, what did Tu talk to you about?"

"Nothing that brats should be concerned with. Didn't you have some studying to do?"

Their arguments were always quite rapid fire like this. Etienne and Renaut were like oil and water, never able to mix properly, only able to clash. That was to be expected with their similar goals, but most people would be ashamed to be fighting with a child.

It was too bad that Etienne did not know the word shame. Was it edible? Could it make him happy? Would it make Turaya like him? Then it didn't exist.

Renaut's eye twitched. Who did this guy think he was?

[ Probably Turaya's future husband. Say hi to your brother-in-law, Host! LOL ] The System that had been muted many times was finally unmuted and wasted no time annoying their Host. Their job was only to allow the Host's soul to follow another's, not guarantee them being together. A wake up call like this might even teach this unruly Host some manners! No one likes an overbearing guy.

Before the System could continue its teasing, it was muted again.


[ ... Wasn't this too cruel, leaving an innocent party that even helped you to rot in the crevices of your mind! Heartless bastard! I'll leave you to rot next time! ]

However, tantrum went unheard.

Completely unaware of the war she had caused, Turaya was going around the estate to observe the working of the servants. This wasn't out of paranoia as she had already confirmed that each and every single one of the new recruits were completely loyal to her and worked under Diane's hawk eyes, but because she had been reported to a bit before coming down to the schoolhouse room.

"One of the maids reported to me about someone attempting to bribe her for information on you."

Turaya couldn't help but grin a bit. Who would want information on lil' ol' her? The King? The Pope? That precious FL's family? That last one probably wasn't far off. She couldn't help but sigh as she strolled.

Didn't Edric know that stalking, even if attempted, was a punishable offense? She'll have to discipline him. The best way to discipline is in front of many, many people so they feel too ashamed to ever try again. She'd forgotten that fact. Peer pressure was a very useful tool when it came to discipline.

A familiar, cold grin crept onto Turaya's often blank face. The smile of someone adorably diabolical, a god watching a cruel life they had set up.

A Queen considering their latest intriguing plot with fondness.

What an exciting ball that will be coming up.

Jules could only quietly light a candle for whoever might wrong their Host in the future. Being stuck in the mind of a schemer may be exciting, but it was quite scary. They could only thank their lucky stars that they were inside such a head and not outside it.


[ Yes, Host? Jules is wide awake and here! ]

"... I have a question to ask about the System Store. ]

[ Ask away! I'll do my best to answer! ]

"Does it house any drugs?"

Now Jules could truly do nothing but light candles for the poor souls who might ever wrong his Host.

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