《Quick Transmigration : System Let's Take Revenge》ARC 1.16


Voice $Rebel$ Don't waste time in typing texts use the Voice option. I want to talk with you about something important.

VoiceEnchantress .... okay

Hearing the soft overhoney coated voice Liza got goosebumps.

' Damn too sweet feels like I will be suffering from diabetes after hearing her voice. '

' Eli baby~ don't be so cold you are breaking my heart. '

' He~he~he~ '

Liza focused on the situation before her.

Voice $Rebel$ Do you know why I called you today ?

Voice Enchantress I know.

Hearing the tone of her voice it felt as if she swallowed down a big determination. Her voice is choked as if she trying to hold back her cries. Liza really wants to clap her hands for her performance. The FL's has a happy smile on her face yet her voice is that of crying. Liza can only shook her head thanks to Eli who is showing her the FL who is sitting in front of her laptop seemingly satisfied by her own performance through a computer panel screen which is floating in front of Liza and is only visible to Liza.

VoiceEnchantress I know that you want me to leave Thunder. B...but we really love each other y..you can't break us apart.

Liza : ........ ' Girl you should get your brain checked ba! This type of IQ of yours is dangerous ah! '

In the game Liza's and FL's avatars are facing each other.

Noah, Roman, Finn and Max had already came at that location sometime ago. They were not discovered by the FL. Roman took his chance to set the bedt angle and directly started the video recording function.

Right now Enchantress doesn't know that she was being recorded. Seeing that Liza hadn't been speaking this whole time Enchantress became more confident and with a smug smile she said changing the tone of her voice.

Voice I know that in your heart even in the the heart of many people you all feel that I I don't deserve to be with Thunder.

You all feel that my skills are not enough my talent is not enough I am unsuitable to stand beside Thunder but love cannot be forced. Love isn't based on these it is based on our feelings and heart. Thunder and I love each other very much. It was love at first sight. You can't break us apart

Voice $Rebel$ This dialogue of yours..from which flim did you copy ? Girl you are talented ah!

Voice Enchantress Wh..at ? Do you think its a joke ?

Voice $Rebel Nah absolutely no so love at first sight you say when was it game or reality ?

Voice Enchantress ....What ?

Voice $Rebel$ Game or reality ? Quick tell I ain't gotta time to waste.

Liza can only describe the FL as a fool extremely foolish Ba! If not that there is still a hidden mission regarding a scum she would have taken care both of them together. But alas!

She is still puzzled as that scum haven't contacted her till now. According to her understanding of that scum he should have contacted her to get together again till now.

Well whatever after she post all those spicy things she has prepared she is sure that he will come running and then she can reject him and complete the hidden mission.

Liza is patiently waiting for the FL's answer. Liza have a hunch what her answer will be and if she is correct then it will be much easier to attack that damn FL.

' I know Eli don't worry I am confident not overconfident '


Voice Enchantress Game why ?

Liza smirked she was kind of sure that the FL will give this answer.

Voice $Rebel$ You said that you two fell in love at first sight ? And in game as that well. As long as I remember all the avatars look same as you know except hairstyles, clothing and different colour eyes. Really made me surprised ah!

As she spoke Liza also made sure that there is a very exaggerated surprise tone in her voice.

Voice Enchantress W..hy..why can't you just leave us alone ?

Voice $Rebel$ O please we never had any kind of deep affection like that we were just friends. Moreover we never met in real life ba! And I am not someone who can't separate game from reality. If imma do a relation I will do it in reality so take that shit outta of your mind.

Voice Enchantress I don't believe you. Who doesn't know about your relationship with Nightshade

Voice $Rebel$ Well about that you see we met in real life and there was a heavy sexual attraction between us so we thought why not get together and there are also good impressions so yeah we are together now. And if in future any of us had a chance of heart then we will part with no hard feeling. Not a big deal.

Voice Enchantress H-how can you say something like this you should save yourself for your lover.

Voice $Rebel$ Yo! Girl wake up we are in modern era ok? We fall in love with one's heart not body. Moreover why should I save myself for someone who might have already had quite a few one nightstands huh ? Moreover hey you can't neither blame me nor Night afterall its hormones baby. We were sexually attracted so why not try dating.

Liza said in a duh tone. Noah literally slide from the couch blushing so hard that he is looking like a cook shrimp. Luke who just wake up a while ago and drinking a glass of water after hearing Liza words he spew out the water from his mouth and started coughing. Finn, Max and Roman look at Noah and then Liza with wide eyes.

Liza looked at them and gave a innocent smile before telling Roman to pay attention.

On the other side the FL is speechless hearing Liza's words. She can only repeat some cringey words as the meeting is way different from what she had imagined.

Voice Enchantress Our true love is unbreakable unlike yours.

Voice $Rebel$ True love sure ne~~

Enchantress was visibly fuming no one has ever talk to her like Liza did. Moreover her every plans are ruining. Thunder isn't paying any attention to her and instead chasing Rebel. Even all those traitors who once adored and respected her after knowing that Clarity is Rebel are all slowly alienating her. From her birth she was treated as a princess never had she suffered such grievances.

She finally couldn't take it anymore and said whatever came into her mind without any thinking.

Voice Enchantress Just because you are famous you think you are above everyone don't you ? Just wait sooner or later your everything will belong to me.

Voice $Rebel$ What do you mean I have never treated anyone as if they are below except some scums and little hoes. And currently you fall in that category.

Voice Enchantress You bitch just you wait I will ruin you. Your fame, your everything will belong to me. Just you wait.

Voice $Rebel$ I don't think I have to wait becuz hoe you ain't gotta any chance at all.


Voice Enchantress Who the fuck are you calling a hoe you bitch.

Voice $Rebel$ Aww thanks for the compliment honey I am a bitch a sassy, cool bitch and thats for sure.

Voice Enchantress Tsk~ its clearly an insult you bitch

Voice $Rebel$ Oops! Looks like you don't know well let me just teach you being the kind hearted woman with good intentions I am. B.I.T.C.H stands for Beautiful, Intelligent, Talented, Charming and Hot.

And I am one.

Voice Enchantress You are just jealous because I am hot unlike you.

Voice $Rebel$ O sweety who told you these lies? I know I ain't hot I am breathtaking so now begone thot.

Liza said with attitude while smirking, she is quite enjoying it.

Noah, Luke, Roman, Finn and Max are trying to hold their laughter. Damn sassy Liza is back. They can only imagine that Enchantress looking extremely mad. She must be fuming red which they are right. The FL is glaring at Liza with such a hateful look and gritting her teeth as if Liza is in front of her she would have tear apart her piece by piece.

Voice Enchantress You! Just you wait I will fucking destroy you just like that stupid fangirl of yours. Whats her name ? Um......O yes.......yeah I remembered its MusicMelody. Since I can tidy her up I can also tidy up you.

Liza's expression turned cold as all the funs, smiles and laugh vanished from her face. Not only her the other 5 members sitting in the same room with her also has the same look on their faces.

Voice $Rebel$ I really hate greentea hoes like you. I know you more anyone else from the day you arrived in the guild you never once killed any monsters, never had you done anything usefull. Always using others, making them take you to clear dungeons. You know I fucking hate your fake lotus act. In spite of being together with Thunder you seduced a lot of male players to help you level up. You even broke off numerous couple who were actually in love. You think I don't know slut.

As she was speaking Liza already started to prepare her attacks.

Voice Enchantress You are slandering!

Voice $Rebel$ You know what I am tired of your bullshit. Its time for revenge.

Liza lift her weapon strike down the FL with lightning.

Along with the strike of white lightning, FL's health bar instantly dropped. Enchantress has never PKed others before and got flustered. She even forgot that she can heal herself and restore her health due to her avatar of being a priest race.

Enchantress only saw her computer screen darkened and then brightened once again. Her game avatar is standing infront of a familiar avatar name $Rebel$.

Before Liza can kill her again Enchantress shouted.

Voice Enchantress Rebel you bully. If you have the guts then fight against someone with the same level as yours. Don't just go around bullying low level gamers like us.

Liza was kinda surprised and stopped attacking for a while before started killing her again.

' Damn! Who would've thought that the FL still has dome IQ online. Well it doesn't matter she is gonna quit the game today. '

" Liza ! "

Liza looked at Luke who shouted her name yet her hands never stopped killing the FL. Everyone is already accustomed with this behavior of hers so no one is surprised.

Liza : " What ? "

Luke : " I think she has a point. "

Noah : " Yup, she can easily use this against you. "

Max : " Then what's the solution ? "

Liza : " Say Luke you seems like you got a idea. "

Luke : " I have a alternate account which is level 45. Can you defeat her with this level ? "

Liza : "Yes boss no problem. "

Luke : " Good, I am sending you the ID and password. "

Liza : " Okay. "

Voice $Rebel$ Since you are such a pussy I will lower my level.

There are already surrounded by many gamers who are watching the show without any intention to intervene. They are the audiences who were 'unintentionally' led here by the members of Eternal_Knights a.k.a the ML=Noah's guild..

They watched as the avatar name $Rebel$ disappeared and anothe avatar name RuiN showed up in her place.

[A/N : RuiN is the alternate account Luke gave to Liza.

Well I can't decide a CP name for our MC-->REBEL and ML-->NIGHTSHADE. So anyone plz give me a idea.]

Enchantress suspiciously looked at the new female gamer and said.

Voice Enchantress Who are you ?

Voice RuiN Karma.

Hearing the familiar female voice Enchantress got scared and tried to teleport but as if Liza will let that happen.

Liza immediately released a blinding skill and started attacking her. She lift her whip and hit the FL. Enchantress's health bar is continuously decreasing.

Liza immediately started attacking her with fire balls and shadow blade and then cast a light bullet skill and a holy light skill on the FL.

Liza bought them from game system store. These skills prevents the FL from teleportation and helps Liza to kill that hoe fastar.

Only now that the dumb FL think of restoring her health but it was a pity that it was all too late. Liza closely followed while releasing her attacks directly killing the Fl.

And once again she is force resurrect.

Like this Liza killed her again and again finally venting her anger.

A floor of equipments dropped but no one dares to go and collect it.

Enchantress's level dropped to level 10 where noobs are protected. Right now she is looking at the computer screen with eyes full of hatred wishing to just torture and kill our dear MC. She screamed through the voice chat which scared the surrounding gamers.

Voice Enchantress You bitch I will kill you I will definately ruin you.

Since Liza can't attack her anymore she calmly replied. Her voice full of contempt.

Voice RuiN My level was lower than you. Even all of my attacks and skills won't have much effect on you. Yet killing you a level 80 priest down to level 10 I unexpectedly needed not more than 7 minutes, truely a opened my eyes ne~.

No matter how stupid and fool the FL is she can still continue to make herself righteous ah!

Really deserves the title FL ne~~

Voice Enchantress So what if my level was lower compared to yours but I-I never killed anyone.

Voice RuiN You've never killed anyone why don't you say you can't kill anyone. If your skills was upto standard, I believe that the people you will kill might be higher than me.

Voice Enchantress No impossible ! I am not like you ! You vicious bitch.

Voice RuiN Vicious ne~ Little hoe , how many exuses will you make just face the reality. Moreover we play games to seek happiness and for our entertainment. If we don't fight and kill each other what ethusim is there ? We are all adults okay may be not everyone but still who haven't kill anyone in guild war or city war or PK competitions. You think you are a saint ne~ It can't be that everyone who killed in games are all vicious ne~ ?

Hearing Liza's words all the surrounding gamers sided with her.

Indeed who didn't kill anyone while playing games ? Who hasn't being killed ?

What's the big deal !

In online games, this was the most common thing okay ?

It can't be right that someone is dreaming of becoming a pro gamer but refused to kill anyone or get killed.

Huh!? What a joke !

On the other side Enchantress's face became more unsightly. Sge finally couldn't take it anymore and logged off.

Liza looked at Roman who gave her a thumps up. She then closed the voice chat option and went to the World chat for an announcement.

Voice $Rebel$ Hello my fellow gamers. I won't say much just stay awake till 7p.m. for my exclusive spicy post. Don't worry I promise you won't regret it.

' Eli is everything ready. '

' Good let the game begin. '


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