《Quick Transmigration : System Let's Take Revenge》ARC 1.15


This day must be the busiest day for the fans of Rebel and Night¤Shade. After the post of Rebel her fans started fighting more vigorously. The three friends of her Annie, Charlie and Daphnie along with her idiot brother Louis also helped from the dark. The hired water army were completely defeated. Just when the internet was going to be calm another shocking news created another thousand waves again.

Night¤Shade not only forward the post of Liza but also issued a childish statement stating his possessiveness and claim over Liza. Also stating that next time he will take legal actions against them.

The Night fans were blown off. They started praising Night¤Shade for his boldness and coolness. They were also amazed by the childish possessive statement issued by their idol. As in their hearts their idol is always gentle and charming so this type of childish statement distorted the image of Night in their heart. Noah didn't know that his a simple possessive statement changed his image from a gentle charming mature guy to a cute guy. Even if he knows he won't care as it is his own nature. His mentality is slightly distorted.

The fans of both sides are over the moon. They were first shocked, then quickly create a nickname for their idol's CP. The news of Noah and Liza's relationship quickly spread everywhere. Public opinion on them along with their cool gaming skills kept rising. Both of their fame increased within a few hours. Their CP power fans are also proudly advancing towards fame and glory.

There are also many fans who are against the relationship between their idols.

One must know that both Liza and Noah are the two best top pro gamers. Their fans always argue and fight with each other about their own idol being the best. There were also quite a few duels matches between them and the number of times each of them won is the same and other times its a draw.

Seeing the style of Noah's gaming skills there is a doubt in Liza's heart. After consulting with Eli she didn't say anything and continue to do tasks but once a seed of doubt is rooted in her heart it will slowly grow into a big tree at that time even if she wants she can't ignore it anymore.

When Liza asked Noah about the reason behind his childish possessive statement he just shrugged and said that it was for some hype. Even tho Liza had her own doubt she didn't say anything and continue to ignore it.

Ignoring the mess on the internet left by them both Liza and Noah started practicing together and making game tactics and strategies together for the coming WorldChampionship. To satisfy their fans they even met in real life and posted a selfie of them together. The fans who were against their relationship finally gave up and accepted 'reality'.


" Hey Noah , how is Melody ? "

" Better than before. Your talk has a good effect on her and she is improving. Don't worry. "

" How can I not she is like a little sister to me. "

" Thanks for your help. If not for you I don't think we can find the culprit this quick. "

Liza just smile nothing else. Liza is now sitting on the couch of her house. After they met in real life Noah, Tyrant and the other 4 will come to her house for practicing together for the upcoming World Championship. And since Tyrant and Louis are business partners they also come here together sometimes.


Liza also considers Noah as her friend. After knowing Noah for sometime Liza can say one thing for sure there is something wrong with his mentality. He is like any other normal person but she can tell there are sometimes when he acts differently so Liza is extra patience with him.

Noah looked at Liza and noticed the dark circles under her eyes. She is also yawning very often. He can tell that she is extremely tired and needs rest.

" Izzy you are looking tired. Anything happened ? "

" Nothing just there were some problems but now its all solved so don't worry Noah. "

" Then you should rest for a while. "

" I will but let me finished the quest first."

" Let me help you I can tell that you seriously need some sleep. "

" Its okay-"

Liza stopped in her mid-sentence, thinking of the show later she really need some rest so that she can defeat that slut completely. She looked at Noah and said.

" Well then I am gonna get some sleep wake me up when everyone is here Imma kill someone. "

Noah had a idea about who that someone is but didn't say anything about it. Looking at Liza's eyes he can tell one thing that both of them are same in certain ways. Maybe he won't regret his choice this time but who knows. Noah thought but continue to smile.

" Well show me your quest, let me do it so that you can sleep. "

" Here come and see it. "

Liza then started explaining the quest to Noah. After that Liza went to sleep in her room whereas Noah sat on the couch comfortably and started doing her quest using her game avatar 'Rebel'.

After pacifying their fans on the internet both Liza and Noah thought that everything is over. But who would have thought that after some days there will be rumours about Melody in college. Though they have already taken care of all the false rumours but there are still some people who are secretly bullying and mocking Melody. Melody quickly became depressed under their hands and refused to go to college anymore.

After Liza came to know about it she took care of those bullies and gave some advice to Melody. She has studied Psychology in her real life so it can be seen that after talking with her Melody's depression is improving.

Noah after completing the quest was just peacefully strolling around and collecting some herbs here and there when suddenly an annoying pest came to disturb him.

[A/N : N stands for Noah]

Area Thunder So here you are

Area Thunder I was trying to find you for a longtime well it doesn't matter now that I have found you.

: ' Then why are you telling her if it doesn't matter.'

Area Thunder Well you know I am in a kind of tug of war by which name should I call you Rebel or Clarity.

: ' Its better to never talk with her again you are not worthy '

Area Thunder But personally I think its better to call you Clarity. Since Rebel is someone I look up to for her skills but Clarity is the one I had a relation once.

: ' Fucker what the hell are you talking about relationship do you even have any relations with her. Bastard are you even worthy of her ba! '

Noah is extremely angry but he suppressed his violent emotions and continue to see the next texts of that pest. But he has already written down Thunder's name he will make him suffer sooner or later.


Area Thunder Even after the servers were merged we met again.

Area Thunder Clarity do you still remember this place tho its not the same but the appearance is.

Area Thunder Do you remember? The place where we fought a Monster for the first time.

Area Thunder We didn't have many people back then our team was likely to be wiped out.

Area Thunder In the end, you obliterated the monster and saved the whole team then we formed our own guild and later got married.

AreaThunder In fact everytime we entered the dungeon you always took the lead.

Area Thunder You have never needed anybody's help.

Area Thunder Clarity, I really miss the times we fought side by side.

Area Thunder Now that I think about it you are the one I've worked the best with.

AreaThunder If I don't say this in the game I wouldn't be able to say it to you in person.

Noah eyes narrowed as his face is becoming colder. His heart is filled with dark violent thoughts. For sometime there are no sign of any other incoming texts. When Noah thought that the pest gave up, another bunch of texts came.

Area Thunder Clarity ? Are you here ?

AreaThunder Have you disconnected ?

Noah coldly snorted before looking at the text and moving the game avatar- 'Rebel' of Liza. On the other side the scum seeing that Rebel is walking away from him, he started his continuous texting again.

Area Thunder Clarity I took things for granted in the past.

Area Thunder I have made a big circle and I now finally understand who is best for me.

Area Thunder Clarity, people makes mistakes.

Area Thunder I myself have also made a lot of mistakes.

Area Thunder If possible I really wish none of this happened but its probably not too late.

Area Thunder Give me a chance to start over won't you ?

AreaThunder Clarity after separating from you did I realize that in my heart I have already fallen for you. Clarity I really want to start over and make new memories. Clarity please give me a chance to prove myself.

Noah's eyes are full of violent whirlwinds. He took some deep breaths and suppressed it. He have to take care of this pest quickly. He opened the voice option and click on it.

Voice $Rebel$ I am Nightshade.

On the other side Thunder was stunned hearing the cold male voice. He became angry and ashamed. He also started using the voice option.

Voice Thunder What the hell are you doing with her account ?

Voice $Rebel$ Using my wife's account whats your problem ?

Voice Thunder Shut up ! You two are only married in the game moreover you two didn't even go to the temple to get married. With the peculiar way you two got married you still has the face to say her your wife.

Voice $Rebel$ Bro you should keep up with time the news of our relationship is everywhere. Are you so poor that you can't even afford internet.

Voice Thunder You bastard do you know who I am ? I am the next heir of XXX company. Who the hell even are you ? Huh! No one.

Voice $Rebel$ I don't need to tell you who I am. But don't you think you are over confident. Who doesn't know that the CEO of XXX company has a bunch of illegitimate children outside. Among them two are older than the legitimate child and has already entered the company. You still think you are the heir ? Stop daydreaming.

Voice Thunder Yo...you..Who are you ?

Voice $Rebel$ Her husband. Now DIE!

Saying this Noah quickly moved the avatar-'Rebel' and killed Thunder. Before Thunder can do anything Noah force resurrect him and killed him again. He continuously repeated this process.

After dying many times under Noah's hand Thunder finally can't take it anymore and logged off. Noah happily collected all the equipments that fell on the ground from killing that scum and sold them to the game system pawnshop. He kept the laptop beside him and saw that the remaining member came.

[ A/N : Max = Mad♤Max

Finn = Fire◇Lance

Roman = R♧Phantom

Luke = Lava☆Flames. ]

Max, Finn, River and Luke just came to Liza's house as according to their schedule. Today they are going to practice together as a better understanding of each other's skills. They saw that Noah is already sitting on the sofa. They also made themselves comfortable except Luke. Seeing the cold face of Noah they got curious.

[ A/NM stands for Max, F stands for Finn, R stands for Roman and L stands for Luke.

" Bro what happened ? "

" Yeah you are looking like you are going to kill someone. "

" Nothing important just an annoying pest. "

Noah looked at the standing Luke and asked.

" What happened to you ? Why are you standing ? "

Luke just looked at Noah with dead eyes before getting some pillows and sit on them. He put on his headphones and closed his eyes ignoring everyone else. Noah looked at the other three for answer.

" We were playing truth or dare. So I kinda him a dare to propose a unknown boy. "

" Who would have thought that boy had a crush on Luke. Tyrant bro caught him and punished him. "

" Poor child from the looks of it last night must be wild and rough. Let that child sleep he is tired. "

Noah is speechless. Before he can say anything Liza came out of her room looking refreshed. Seeing that everyone is here she sat down on a single sofa and took the laptop from Noah's hand and asked.

" Who have good photography and recording skills here ? I wanna kill someone so I need someone to make a good video of it. Who have the skills ? "

Roman raised his hand and ask curiously.

"Me but who are you gonna kill ? "

" The one behind the rumours. "

Hearing Liza's answer the face of the three became cold except Luke who has fallen asleep.

Roman said.

" Don't worry I will make sure to take a good video. Also along with the game option the video will be perfect. "

Everyone logged into their game accounts. Liza sent a friend request to Enchantress and as expected Enchantress accepted her friend request.

PM $Rebel$ I wanna speak to you alone, you set the location.

PM Enchantress Okay.

Not long after, Enchantress sent Liza a location.

Looking at the coordinates, Liza faintly smiled, turned and sent the coordinates to the other four people beside her and told them.

" Find a way to gather audiences afterall we can't conduct a show without audiences now can we ? "

The four of them smirk clearly waiting to enjoy the show.

After making all the arrangements she teleported and entered the coordinates that Enchantress sent. After she transferred over, at a glance she saw Enchantress leaning on a tree.

Seeing the figure of Rebel who teleported over Enchantress walked over and stopped five steps away from Liza. Before she can type anything Liza directly used the voice chat option.

Voice $Rebel$ Don't waste time in typing. Use the voice option I wanna talk about something important.

' Lets the show begin dear FL '

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