《Our Love Is Fate》arc 2.10


Xavier POV


We go back to the room and Vincent decides to head to take a bath. Once I hear the splash of him going in I go check up on him. When I walk in he is in the bath reading a book. His whole body hidden under there bubbles. I wonder how he looks under there.

"Xavier, why are you here is there a problem?" Vincent asks softly sitting up. Revealing his shoulders and his upper chest. His skin is so tempting to touch and kiss.

"I just wanted to speak to you about something" I lie as I look at him.

"What is it?" He questions as gives me a curious look. I smile and caress his cheek. He starts to blush at the action.

"My spies told me, someone, tried to frame you. When we were here one of my camps were attacked and they blamed you. They even said you were there. Then I knew someone tried to blame you as you are with me" I explain. I wasn't gonna tell him but I needed something to cover my lie.

"Xavier please stop caressing me" Vincent whispers I put my hand away from his face.

"Vincent let me touch you bit?" I blurt out mistakenly. I didn't mean to say it out loud. I couldn't help it! Vincent looks taken back and moves uncomfortably in the bath. He then looks at me with analyzing eyes.

"Xavier I don't know it's not right. No matter what we are siblings as father emperor adopted you" Vincent stutters a bit turning red.

"Than why are you blushing at the thought of me touching you?" I ask with a smirk as he only blushes more. He sinks more into his bath only his face can be seen.


"What will father say? What will the empire say?" He questions so he is thinking of us in the future. I am not the only one having these thoughts!

"Vincent I'm happy that you thought about us! Do not worry father will understand and the empire who cares what they think" I say full of joy and I snatch a kiss from Vincent. Who froze from the kiss.


He misunderstood what I said I didn't mean that as I loved him! Xavier is now kissing me! His kiss isn't vile and doesn't make me feel disgusted. Could he actually be my lover? Well, the only way is to have sex with him what if it isn't? Fuck it might as well do it here and now. I start kissing him back softly. His arm plunges into the water and slithers around my waist picking me up from the water. I gasp in shock as the cold air hit my skin. Only to have my mouth invaded. I, however, chickened out in fear honestly. What if the man isn't his lover and once he has sex his whole world crashes again.

"Xavier not now alright I'm not ready!" I beg with tears threatening to fall. To make him feel bad for forcing me. Xavier stops when he sees he has been too forceful. He nods and picks me up from the tub and wraps me with the towel. He grabs another to dry my long hair. This man has a 90% chance that he is my husband. Well until proven wrong I guess I can treat him like a lover. I wish to the gods and goddesses that it is him.


I glare at the stupid officials around me who are talking about banning people from marrying the same gender. As two official sons fell in love and they declared it here when they were told they would marry to other officials daughter. The two young men were crying as they were being separated. Just like his general and I were separated that it has been years that he banned anyone one to call him by his name. The name given by his parents he hates it for that name he couldn't escape with his general. He couldn't leave the leash of being the perfect emperor.


"Guards stop those officials from separating those two children" I order the two guards beside me. They nod and go do what they were told allowing the two young men to hug, and comfort each other. Why would anyone try to break this bond? Since when is it wrong to love? Why was he born at such a time where hate is everywhere.

"Thank you emperor" the young men thank as they bow. I make a sign to get a paper to create new law.

"From now on people are able to marry the same gender if they wish too. They will be given the same rights as other married couples. No one is allowed to intervene if they wish to marry" I declare as I get up. Both the young men cried tears of joy unable to hold their excitement.

"Emperor its a sin!" Screams an official in shock.

"If it's a sin then why will they feel this way? If sin why were they created by the gods this way? If its a sin why would people go great lengths to be together? These children were ready to abandon their names to be together. If its wrong why does this love look purer than many right marriages? If they love and care for each who are we to separate them? Only the gods can separate them! Which they aren't so who are we to defy them" I retort in anger unable to hide it anymore. The officials are in shock they couldn't give me a reasonable answer to any of them.

"Emperor it's wrong what if one of your children become like that?" Asks one of the older officials who hated gays and lesbians.

"So I see no problem! My children can marry whoever they want!" I snarl as I get up to head to my room but before I go.

"Guards go announce the new law to the public!"

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