《Our Love Is Fate》2.11


The emperor's new law brought a wave of joy in the population. Many lesbian and gay couples walk hand in hand as they walk the streets. With giant smiled and proud looks. Some were naturally disgusted but stayed silent. The emperor word is law and they cannot complain. However, children who were orphaned. Were glad of this new law. Many couples that were in hiding before. Immediately headed to adopt children even before they got married. They were so excited cause many of them been together for years all they wanted were children.


When Xavier heard the news his eyes brighten up. He turns to Vincent who is sleeping. He couldn't help but smile widely.

"Vincent, will you marry me?" Asks Xavier to the sleeping beauty. Who is so darn beautiful that he could not understand. Why hadn't he notice Vincent true beauty?


Vincent immediately gets up which startles Xavier. He goes to his closet and changes quickly. To less restrictive clothing cause he will fight. Vincent had a worried look on his face that made Xavier anxious.

"Xavier I need to go I am truly sorry for cutting this short" Vincent states sadly. He gives Xavier a quick kiss before leaving to the base. Xavier froze in shock for a second before chasing after him.

[The eastern coast kingdom has coordinated an attack using brainwashed kidnapped soldiers of Xavier]

"Master our enemy isn't Xavier it's the Eastern coast and coast empire. Why are you headed to the base master?" Says the female spy who didn't understand what the hell is going on. She hadn't had time to inform her master about what she heard.

"Our base is gonna be attacked! Go get the Sapphire team!" Vincent orders the female spy froze in shock. The Sapphire team is not usually deployed. Unless it's a massive attack. She nods and runs off to get them. However on the way there she is stopped by Xavier.


"Where is Vincent?" Asks Xavier she looks at him. She doesn't know if she could trust him.

"Please tell me where he is?" Xavier asks in desperation. His voice cracking in sorrow. The spy heart shatters into tiny pieces. Hearing the desperate pleads of this man. She could tell the man in front of her is in love.

"Headed to the base someone is attacking. I have to go now and please make sure Master is safe. He is a bit headstrong when it comes to defending his people!" The spy runs off hoping she didn't do the wrong thing. Xavier's eyes widen and hurriedly headed to help Vincent why didn't he tell him.


Vincent made it right on time the battle just began. His people were holding the army back. He runs in with his two swords. Cutting people down like butter. He was surrounded but he kept killing. His soldiers in awe became more determined to vanquish the enemy. Vincent clothing soon got tears but his skin hasn't been cut. Some got distracted by the untainted skin. It looked very smooth and untouched. Like he hadn't ever participated in a battle. His skills, however, tell the opposite.

"Vincent!" Xavier screams when he arrives in fear. Vincent chuckles at Xavier worry.

"I'm fine Xavier just cutting down some low life scum!" Vincent states as he cuts someone's throat. Xavier kills his way through to Vincent. Angry that Vincent did not tell him.

"Vincent you should've told me! I would've come with you since the beginning!" Xavier angrily states as he calls his guards down to surround them. So they could talk without interruption.

"I didn't know I had to tell you when I go to fight? I have gone to many battlefields and I never needed to tell you. Why should I start now? Xavier, did you forget that I'm also a general?" Vincent states without a care. He did it to see what Xavier would do. Xavier temper raised he forcibly grabs Vincent by his chin.


"You belong to me now! No one is allowed to ever even get close to hurt you. No one is allowed to touch what is mine!" He hisses at Vincent who couldn't help but look at Xavier's eyes. Which were full of love, lust, and anger.

"I don't remember you ever making me yours" Vincent teases as he escapes the hold. Which is good as the sapphire team had just arrived.

"Master, what are your orders?" Asks the leader of the guards. Vincent smiles at them with a grin.

"Destroy the enemies" states Vincent coldly while pointing at the enemy. Xavier frowns wondering who is this team that has arrived.

"Vincent do not tease me or I will claim you as mine once this is over" Xavier threatens Vincent when he catches up to him. Vincent turns to him with a smirk of his own.

"I would like to see you try" Vincent couldn't help but tease his lover. Vincent kept fighting but he did not get any of his clothing ripped. Since Xavier watched his back the whole time to make sure he wasn't harmed by anyone. Soon the enemies were defeated but Vincent side had a couple casualties. 19 deaths and 34 injured which is better than expected as it was a surprise attack.

"Get the injured to the doctors! The dead from our side get them into caskets! We will honor them and thanked them for their services! The family of the dead and crippled will be given enough gold to live well for the rest of their lives!" Vincent announces people do what they ordered to do. The families of the deceased were thankful they weren't abandoned. Vincent is exhausted so he decided when he was done with organizing everything he'll take a nap. He totally forgot Xavier was still following him.

"Where are we going now?" Xavier asks which startles Vincent who jumps a bit.

"I'm going to take a nap unless you wanna join me?" Vincent asks a bit seductively he couldn't understand why he is becoming such a tease.

[Is this the side Leighton spoke about? Where Zero suddenly become shameless and seduces people?] Leon asks himself.

[I should probably leave Zero is about to have intercourse with Xavier. Should I tell him that his lover original name is King? I should wait until I see the meter again I will tell him the meter flickered to King then Xavier. Well, Xavier should be his lover since his body is reacting. I lied to him truthfully he can tell his lover by being touched by him. Zero bodies won't react to anyone but King]


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