《Softest Lips | on hold》orianne micah wright jr.
"Okay, twin! Your first day on the job and you already have your first assignment! Are you excited?"
I laughed at my father's excitement and as I walked around the kitchen fixing his plate. I think he was more excited than me. Hell, I don't think I know. I scooped the squared-off piece of lasagna onto his plate and grabbed a homemade garlic roll, placing it on his plate. I sat it in front of him along with his bowl of salad.
"Pa, what do you want to drink?" I asked while pulling two glass cups from the cabinet and filling them with ice.
"That orange koolaid you be making."
I nodded my head and pulled the pitcher from the refrigerator. I poured the beverage, filling both of the cups. I placed his in front of him and grabbed my plate, pulling towards me. "And to answer your question, yes Pa I'm excited. I am a little nervous but excited too. I can't believe I'm interviewing Xavier West, the Xavier West. Do you know that this will be his first interview, first public appearance, and everything since his release? Not to put too much pressure on myself, but I can't afford to fail."
Pa shook his head and waved me off. "Don't even sweat it, love, you're a Wright and you can overcome any obstacle put in your path. When I first heard his story, I was shocked but not surprised. The system failing a black man has become such a repetitive cycle it's sad. A change needs to happen, but said change won't happen any time soon because people fear change. They like change, but they fear it."
I nodded my head in agreement. "You're right, people fear change because of the inevitable. In the words of Godfrey Hodgson, Americans love change, but they hate to be changed. Americans, in fact, do love change, but hate being changed because of the lack of control they won't have. It's a sad reality. Yes, change is awkward and difficult but sometimes it's needed."
"You got that right, Junie!"
I laughed watching him shake his finger. I forked some lasagna into my mouth, enjoying the bite. I wiped my mouth and swallowed before taking a sip of my drink. "Pa, do you think it's best I focus on his actual life instead of his case?Although most reporters exploit their interviewees for views, I don't want to be that type. I refuse to put myself in a box. I think if I focus more on him than on his tribulation, it will be a head turner because I will be doing the unpredictable."
He was smiling like crazy, making me laugh. "What, old man?"
"You answered your own question, Junie."
I shook my head in realization. "Well excuse me, Mister Governor."
"Shhh! Don't tell anybody."
I busted out laughing watching him put his finger to his lips, shushing me for real. I shook my head and continued eating before heading upstairs to my room. I had a lot of homework to do, which consisted of looking into the life of Mr. West. I had to draft at least twenty-five questions to present to my boss before the interview, which was two days from now and held at his residence.
"I can't believe he said my lace was lifting. Like he didn't even have to say all that."
I rolled my eyes as I listened to Kayli complain yet again about what was said to her. My celebratory dinner was a week ago. Please give it up, babes. "Are we still talking about this? You deserved the read because you should've kept your mouth closed. What you said wasn't nice, and quite frankly, I'm glad he heard you. I've been telling you about your mouth."
I guess opposites really do attract because I was nothing like her. Her attitude was bad and nasty. She felt that people were beneath her because she had sugar daddies, baby that money doesn't last forever! I hate to say it, but I'll be glad when she falls on her face and gets humbled. Yes, she's my friend, but sometimes you have to hit rock bottom to realize what's in front of you.
"Talking about he got more money than me, boy bye!" She proceeded to say, completely ignoring what I said. I rolled my eyes again and put my phone on airplane mode. I took it off and placed my phone on the charger. I'll just text her later.
Xavier was a very mysterious man. There's little to nothing about him on the internet, and honestly, I like it. The more private you are about your life, the less you have to worry about people intruding into your business. So with that being said, I have to craft and draft my questions around the information I was able to find. I'll throw in a few questions about his trial, but they won't be the main focus. I pulled up my document and set my settings to the correct settings before beating my keyboard down.
Exactly a hour later, I had drafted my questions and emailed them to my boss, and it was only a matter of time before she responded, so I took the opportunity to browse through apartment listings. Yes, I still live with my father, but honestly, I think I'm ready to get out of his hair. I didn't have to leave right away because he said I could stay with him until I was ready, but I wanted to at least put it on the surface. He was going to pay for everything; I just needed to find something. The Governor's Mansion was just too big for me.
As I was sitting in my bed, I thought about the waiter from my dinner. He was cute with a baby face, hazelnut skin, and a head full of hair. Based on his bun, I could tell it came past his shoulders. Baby was cute, and his occupation doesn't bother me at all. And from what he said, he was loaded because the restaurant had three levels: steakhouse, club, and strip club. Whoever his father was, he was a smart man.
I bookmarked the apartments that I liked and tossed my MacBook to the side before sliding out of bed. I pulled my Nike Pro shorts from between my thighs and adjusted the matching bra before sliding my feet into my house shoes. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen. All the lights were off, letting me know that my father was either in his study or sleeping. Flipping on the light, I pulled the freezer drawer open and grabbed a small tub of Italian ice. I smacked my lips once I realized there wasn't any more lemon. I knew it was nobody else but Azaire ugly self. I grabbed the flavored pineapple and a spoon before heading back up.
Exactly two days later, I was in my Range Rover Velar making my way to the West's residence. The camera crew was trailing behind me as I pulled up to the black steel gate. It had a huge W in the middle, letting me know I was at the right address. I pushed the intercom button. "Good morning! It's Orianne Wright, the reporter from channel 25, News Today."
The gate slid open, allowing us to pull through. I parked at the head of the fountain and climbed out of my chocolate brown foreign SUV, with the crew following suit. I shut the door and made my way up the small set of steps. As I raised my fist to knock on the mahogany door, it was pulled open, revealing a beautiful woman with a little girl attached to her leg. I smiled and waved. "Good morning. I know I announced myself at the gate, but I am Orianne Wright from channel 25. I'm here to interview Mr. Xavier, Xavier West."
"Oh wow, you're gorgeous, but you can follow me."
"Thank you." I blushed at her comment and followed her inside. I looked around briefly, observing the nicely decorated mansion. Whoever decorated had nice taste. I was pulled from my thoughts as the man of the hour entered the living room. Good God. If he and his twin were identical for real, then I can see why the girls fell victim. Lord.
"Papa, this is the reporter from News Today. Momo and Auntie got the twins for the time being, so Emmie and I are about to head back upstairs. Good luck."
I smiled as I watched the two interact, sharing a kiss. My assumption of her being his wife was just confirmed. "Good morning, Mr. West."
He nodded his head and shook my hand. "Good morning, Ms. Wright. Even though this is my first interview, I'm a little familiar with the process, so I'm ready when you guys are."
I nodded my head. "Is there a specific place you would like for us to set up?"
"Yes, you guys can follow me."
We made it to a small den and I nodded my head impressed. I instructed the crew to set up while I excused myself. I headed back outside and pulled the backdoor of my truck open. Removing my Dolce and Gabana slides from my feet, I slipped on my nude So Kate Christians Louboutin heels. I wiggled my feet and stood up, straightening my posture. I pulled down my dress and shook my head. These thick thighs and stomach never let me win. I checked my makeup and hair before grabbing my paperwork. I locked my doors back and walked back inside.
"Ok, Mr. West, I just want to go over a few things with you before we get started. As you know, upon your request, the interview will not be broadcast live. After editing, it will be featured in the morning segment two days after. I will be emailing you a copy of the interview before it's even aired, along with the article. I have twenty-five to thirty questions max. The interview will last an hour and thirty minutes max because I don't want to take up too much of your time. If we do happen to go over time, I do apologize. Here's all the legal paperwork for you to look over. I sent a copy to Mr. Hayden, your lawyer, already."
He nodded his head before staring at me. "Impressive. How many years do you have under your jacket?"
"Two internships and this is my fourth day in this position." I smiled wide, obviously proud of myself.
Around 9:30, we were both mic'd up and ready to go. The camera and make-up crew made sure we were both situated before I put us into position. I was seated adjacent to him, with a small side table occupying the middle. I crossed my legs and straightened my posture. I didn't bother with the list of questions because I had them memorized. As we were about to get started, a phone started ringing.
"Ms. Wright, the governor is asking for you."
I shook my head and grabbed the phone from Mason's, the camera man's, grasp. I lifted my finger at Mr. West, asking for a second before excusing myself. I removed the mic from my ear, letting it sit on my shoulder.
"Pa, I'm going to get you!" I whispered, yelled.
"Yea yea! I'm sorry, but I lost track of time. The meeting went over, but I was just calling to wish you good luck, Juicy! There's something waiting for you back at the station. I'll see you at our spot for lunch. I love you!"
I shook my head and smiled. "Thank you, Pa! I love you too. See you later."
I silenced the phone before going back into the den. I didn't know what to say because I was debating on letting it be known that the governor was my father. I gave a slight shrug. "My apologies. Being that this is my first assignment, my father was sending his well wishes."
I pushed the mic back into my ear and handed Mason the phone before reclaiming my seat and position. Looking up, I was met with a pair of wide eyes from Mr. West.
"Governor Orion Sr. is your father?"
I laughed lightly and nodded my head. "Yes sir, I am Orianne Wright Jr. People often assume that his junior is a boy, but no, it's little ol' me."
A couple minutes later, and the camera was rolling. "Good morning News Today! I am Orianne Wright Jr., and today I have the utmost honor of interviewing Mr. Xavier West. A beloved son, husband, father, philanthropist, and more. How are you feeling today, Mr. West?"
He flashed a smile, showcasing his pearly white teeth. "I feel good. It's a pleasure to be seated here with you today."
I waved him off and smiled. "The flattery isn't needed. News Today thanks you for allowing us into your wonderful home. Being that this is your first interview since you were failed by the system, what are your expectations?"
"I honestly don't have any expectations per se. I just want the interview to go smoothly. Outside of my incarceration and the trial, this is my first time in the limelight on my terms. Upon my release and pardon, every news station, blog, paper, podcast, radio station, and etc. wanted to interview me, record a documentary, and everything else, but I declined all requests because everything was still fresh and on the surface. I didn't want to be exploited for views and ratings. Because within my case, a lot was revealed, and honestly, I needed time to come to terms and accept things for what they were. Overall, it was very overwhelming."
I nodded my head. "That's very understandable. Although I am in this industry as well, I think people [the industry] tend to forget that outside of the entertainment, views, and ratings, people are still human and humans have feelings. Why did you agree to do this interview?"
"It was local. The big name stations didn't deserve to be graced with my presence because at the start of my trial and conviction they literally dragged and ran my name into the ground. Every time I turned around, CNN, FOX, and the others were just so negative even after my trail. Before getting all articles and reports about me removed from the internet, I literally studied every station before choosing who I was going to allow to interview me."
I smiled. "Once again, I and News Today are honored. Throughout your journey and tribulation, what or who kept you grounded and sane?"
I watched as his eyes sparkled and gleamed into the light. Whoever it was definitely meant a whole lot to him because he was gleeful, as if the actual thought of the person brought him on a natural high. He looked at his wedding band, and that's when I knew.
"My grandparents and wife, Sonni, Before being moved to the state's prison, it was just my grandparents. They kept me level-headed and helped me keep my head above water, but with my transfer to Trenton, I was faced with some tribulations. My sanity was slowing deteriorating because it had finally hit me that I was about to spend the rest of my life in prison for crimes that I didn't commit. I never told my grandparents the truth because I didn't want them to worry—the trial had already put them through so much—until I met my wife. She was a correctional officer at the time, and she just so happened to be my escorting officer. I think on my second or third day, I got into a fight and was sent to solitary confinement. It was something about her that drew me to her, so as she escorted me to the SHU, I simply told her I didn't kill anyone. Something told me she was going to be the one to listen, and that's what she did."
I watched in awe as he recounted his story. It was truly amazing because after being faced with so much adversity, he was still smiling, a genuine smile. I had two more questions about his trial, and we were moving on. He answered all the questions perfectly. "How did you feel when the truth was finally revealed?"
He exhaled and smiled into the camera. "Relieved!"
I laughed and nodded my head. I know that's right, king.
He shook his head and smiled again. "I owe everything to my wife, man. Without her, I promise I wouldn't be sitting right here with you today. I wouldn't have the family I have. I wouldn't have anything because I wouldn't have said anything. I thought that if they didn't listen to me the first time, why would they listen the second, third, fourth, and fifth time? It was very frustrating, but when my brother actually decided to visit me, I knew I had to do something."
"Who's your biggest inspiration?" I threw that question out to throw the interview process off. I was done with the questions about his trial and incarceration, so I wanted to change the focus.
"My wife. That's my heart and then some. Outside of our kids, she's my biggest blessing."
I smiled and touched my heart. Black love is beautiful when presented correctly. I couldn't wait until it was my turn. "You have four, correct?"
He nodded his head. "Yes ma'am. Jayden, Emerie, and my wife just recently gave birth to our twin boys, Silas and Sahil, three months ago."
"As I conducted my research on you, it was brought to my attention that you received a full ride to Delaware State University. Why didn't you go?"
He flexed his arms and crossed his legs. "It wasn't going to be fun. With my IQ, I already knew that their expectations for me were going to be set too high. I didn't want a repeat of high school and honestly, I only applied because as a senior you had to have at least applied to some schools or been accepted into one or you couldn't walk in the ceremony."
Around 11, I had concluded the interview, and now I was standing around as the crew packed up. I removed the mic from my ear and unclipped the piece from the back of my dress before handing it over. I helped Mr. West remove his handing it over to Mason.
"For this to be your first official assignment, you were a natural. This is definitely where you belong, and it was truly an honor to be your first interviewee. Have you ever been to Manqué Tre?"
I smiled, honestly moved by the praise. "Thank you, and yes. I just recently had my celebratory dinner there."
He laughed and shook his head. "So you're the young lady that my son mentioned. Your friend made the comment about him being a waiter."
I guess he took notice of the confused and shocked look resting upon my face. "Oh wow. What a small world."
"Very small, but next time you decide to stop by, you have a session on me upstairs at the club and a free three-course meal."
My eyes went wide because woah. "Thank you, Mr. West."
He nodded his head. "Let me walk you guys out."
He put his hand out and we all piled out of the den, following behind him to the front door. We made a small stop because his daughter was reaching for him. I gushed at the sight, knowing she was a daddy's girl.
"Bye bye!" She screamed and waved.
I gushed again and waved back. "Bye bye, pretty."
It was almost noon and yet today was already a good day, or whatever Ice Cube said.
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