《Softest Lips | on hold》omniscient
After many days of spending time in the snow, touring the small resort and town, and celebrating Xavier's birthday, it was finally Christmas. It was roughly around 6 in the morning and the women were in the kitchen finishing the final preparations for dinner, being that they seasoned and did a few things last night. Sonni preheated the oven to 350 before sliding the large turkey inside.
"Momo, do you need anything while I'm up?" Sonni asked as she grabbed the bell pepper, onion, and celery so she could cut them up for the dressing. She baked the cornbread last night, so today all she had to do was mix all the fixings up.
"Bring me the greens, baby, so I can start cutting them up." Momo pointed out as she sipped her green tea that was resting in a purple coffee mug that had 'Best Momo Ever' in white writing.
Sonni nodded and placed the stuff in her hand down on the table before opening up the refrigerator, grabbing the bags of fresh collard greens. She grabbed Momo, a sharp knife and a bowl before sitting everything in front of her. Being that they rented out the biggest cabin, it was very big and spacious, with a huge kitchen and a large dining room. Before sitting down, Sonni placed a garbage bag at Momo's feet so she could throw the bad pieces of greens away.
At around 8, everybody all piled into the living room after the guys woke up so they could all open their many gifts. Jayden occupied the floor up against as he sat between Juice's legs. She was running her long white coffin-shaped nails through his scalp, on the verge of putting him to sleep again. He relaxed his posture as he watched his father, who had one of the twins strapped to his chest, pass out and issue gifts to their rightful owners.
"Ooo Pops! No you didn't!" Jayden exclaimed as he tore the paper off, revealing the Air Jordan 11 box. He already knew it was the pair of Bred's 11 that dropped on the 14th. Jay had hinted that he wanted them, but he wasn't sure how he'd get them since they were at the resort on the day of the drop.
Xavier chuckled watching everybody hold up the Bred's, including Juicy. He kind of went crazy and bought the whole family line. "Open the other box, Jay."
Jayden did as told and shook his head with a big smile on his face. The other box contained a pair of Yeezy Boost 350 V2 Yecheli, the reflective edition. Jay has been hollering about both pairs of shoes since the December release list was posted all over social media. And as a father, Xavier did what he had to do. He scanned the living room looking for his wife and shook his head, smiling once he saw her in the corner feeding his other son. "Sunflower, come here for me, baby."
She looked up, smiling, and adjusted Sahil in her arms as she fixed the nursing cover before standing. Sonni pulled her satin pajama shorts from between her thighs and walked into the living room. Juice scooted over and let her sit in the middle.
"You know I love you, right?" Xavier started as he stared at her. She smiled and nodded her head.
"Yes, you tell me every day."
Xavier pulled a small box from the pocket of his matching satin pajamas. It was a custom yellow velvet jewelry box, and Sonni instantly recognized the box because it was the same box that housed her engagement when he proposed. Sonni's eyes bounced back and forth from the box to the eyes of her husband. Before getting on his knee, Zai adjusted Silas in the carrier and grabbed Sonni's left hand, removing her rings.
"Our matrimony became a year on the 7th of this month, and we spent the whole weekend away in New York locked away from the world as we reminisced on how we became one. Like I've always stated, I don't regret you or us at all, but I wish we would've met under different circumstances; but I wouldn't change anything at all because things would be different and our family wouldn't be what it is now. You changed my life for the better and I'll forever love and appreciate you for everything because you didn't have to do that. I could go on and on about how you brighten up my world and then some. You make me happy and a better man every day. I thank you for all that you do. I thank you for our rugrats, including the two grown ones. I thank you for loving me. Here's to our first year of marriage and to many more." Xavier opened the box, making her gasp and fan her face. She was trying not to cry, but to no avail. The tears cascaded down anyway. In the box was an exact replica of the ring he removed from her finger, but way bigger. The second ring was encrusted with diamonds all around and in the whole band. Of course, she got gifts on their actual anniversary, but she wasn't expecting a ring upgrade this soon.
Sonni was a bucket of tears as she sat on the couch watching Zai slide her new rings on her finger. She sucked her bottom lip into her mouth as her shoulders shook.
"Sincere, I hate you!" She cried as she covered her face.
Jayden, who had snuck off to retrieve her camera, made sure he recorded the whole moment from different angles. Sonni leaned up and cuffed Xavier's face as their foreheads touched. He pecked her lips five times before whispering. "I love you to infinity and beyond."
"Well shit, Will where's my ring upgrade? We have been married for forty-some years." Momo hollered.
Pawpaw, who was holding Emmie, smacked his lips. "Shut yo old ass up! You get an upgrade every year in April on our anniversary. Where the fuck do you think he got the idea from?"
Everybody started laughing as they started bickering back and forth. Xavier couldn't do anything but shake his head at his grandparents. Jayden turned the camera off and put it out of arms reach because Emerie loved putting her hands on stuff and breaking it. Jay reached under the tree and grabbed a large box and sat it in Juice's lap, making her arch her eyebrow.
"This is from me, of course. Open this first and you'll get the others after." Jayden said as he stepped back to watch her reaction. He pulled his phone from the pocket of his pajama pants and started recording as she tore the wrapping paper.
"O'mari, you didn't!" Juice exclaimed as she examined the Purple Ecrins Short Down Moncler Jacket. Jayden laughed and shook his head once she started pouting. Damn brat, he thought.
"Unzip it and grab the envelop inside."
The family watched in awe at the smile that was placed on Jayden's face. He was grinning from ear to ear. They were happy because he was happy. Juice opened the medium-sized envelop, scanning it before looking up, pouting while shaking her head. "I do not like you. I swear I don't."
"Happy early birthday bug, we're going to Aspen, my love!" Jayden cheesed doing the bankhead bounce in her face. She gripped his face in her hand and pecked his lips.
"Thank you, Pooh."
Jayden smiled and licked her bottom lip. "You can have whatever you want with me."
And he meant that. When it comes to Orianne, Jayden didn't have a problem with spending money on her. It was different with Juice because she had her own and didn't mind spending her own, but as a young man, her man, he would drop a bag on her no questions asked; and it was vice versa. Juice was always buying him new art supplies, cologne, shoes, etc. whenever she had the chance, which was literally always.
After the gift exchange was complete, Pawpaw whipped up a quick breakfast and everybody went their separate ways until it was time for dinner and their planned activities.
"I can't believe your grandparents bought me a new phone." Juice expressed to Jayden as she looked at all her gifts in awe. Momo and Pawpaw got everybody the new iPhone 11 Pro Max. Between the train tickets to Aspen and the gifts from her boyfriend and his family, she didn't know which ones she loved the most. She didn't even think her family could top this.
"That's because they like you. You heard what my Momo said. You ain't nothing like the last two hussies." Jayden laughed as she recalled what his Momo said to Juice.
"She's funny. She makes me miss my nonna more and more every day. " Juice said as she climbed into the bed that they have been occupying for the last two weeks. She straddled Jayden's lap and laid her head on his shoulder.
"Where is she?" Jayden asked, even though he had already put two and two together, he just wanted her to be vocal. Although they've been dating for three months and together for one, Juice wasn't a very open person. Jay didn't mind at all and he understood because opening up and being hurt right after can scar someone. It's okay to ease people into your life. He actually loved her mysterious ways.
Juice rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. "She's buried in Italy. She passed away from old age when I was around 10, so I got to enjoy her for a little while. I can't wait to take you to Italy, though. I swear you just might fall in love with the country."
He rubbed his hand up and down her arm to provide comfort once he noticed her change the topic of conversation. "We can go for my birthday."
"Summer in Italy? Ooo, that doesn't sound bad at all! Are you going to be off papers by then?"
Jayden nodded his head. "Yes ma'am, I'll actually be off in a couple weeks. They only gave me a year. It would've been longer but my mama and daddy, along with our lawyer, contested it for me. I didn't even commit the crime and they were trying to give me at least 5 years on paper. Had me messed up. I hate how the system treats black people as a whole. I'm happy my mama is about to be the voice for the people, though. Hopefully others will follow suit."
Juice raised up, falling between his legs as her legs wrapped around his torso. "I know about Kambria, but what happened with the last girl?"
"I don't even remember her name, but she broke up with me once she found out I was locked up and why. I was hurt just a little until I realized she didn't like me for real. Excuse my language, but these bitches money hungry and want niggas to take care of them. In my eyes and from what I've been taught, relationships are much more than materials. Yes, I have the money, but that doesn't mean I have to break bread with you by buying the most expensive shit. It is so funny because they don't even live that type of lifestyle. They see a nigga with dollar signs and now all of sudden they want this and that." Jayden shook his head.
"I think it's crazy that girls and women are expecting these niggas to take care of them and provide the finest things but can't do the same. Relationships aren't 50/50 or a one-way street. It's unrealistic. For example, if you give me, say, twenty thousand randomly one day, I can match or double that. I know everybody isn't able, which is why people shouldn't live above their means. I know we're both wealthy, but our relationship is much more than material things, and I like that. I'll never forget you swiped that black card for me at Target though. I was shook!"
Jayden laughed as he listened to Juice rant and express herself. "I understand completely and hell, when I first received the actual black card itself, I was shook. I was honestly scared to touch it. When I first started messing with that girl, I wasn't even spending my money like that because I was scared and she was in my ear asking me to spend money I didn't even spend. This rich lifestyle was new to me. I had never been around luxury like this until my mama took me in. Two days after I got out, I woke up to my BMW in the driveway wrapped in a big white bow. It took me about two months to drive it. My parents literally had to make me drive the car."
Juice smiled. "I swear I love the bond you share with your parents. You can really see the unconditional love they give you."
"Them my people man. I'll forever be grateful for them. But we need to call the guys to see if they gave Quin his envelope. Me and the guys, minus him, figured that since y'all are birthday twins, we would just do y'all celebration together."
"Can I tell you something before we call?" Juice played with her fingers nervously, making Jayden slid up against the headboard to give her his full attention.
"What's up boo?"
"I think Quintarius is actually my twin brother."
Jayden furrowed his eyebrows. "Waymen now, bug, you just can't say that and leave it."
She chuckled. "I'm for real pooh! I think we're fraternal twins, but I don't think he's my father's son."
"Orianne." Jayden straight faced her.
She laughed and grabbed his hands. "Baby listen! My father was sick a while ago, so when I had free time from school, I took care of everything with the help of his assistants and secretary. One day, I cleaned his study and stumbled upon DNA test papers with my name and his. It had me thinking Anastasia cheated and he wanted to be sure I was his. The results were 99.99%, so I started thinking, what really happened? Then I found another one with my daddy's name again and the same birthdate, but the child's name and other information were redacted. The results were 0%."
With his eyebrows furrowed deep, Jayden looked at his girlfriend with a perplexed look on his face. "So how would Quin be your twin brother if Pops isn't his father?"
"When two of a woman's eggs are fertilized by sperm from two distinct males, it is known as heteropaternal superfecundation. A woman typically gets pregnant when one of her eggs is fertilized by sperm. If that fertilized egg splits into two distinct eggs early in the pregnancy, identical twins will result. When a woman simultaneously releases numerous eggs, each of which is fertilized by a separate man's sperm, fraternal twins are the result."
"So your mama did cheat while pregnant with you. This is some Lifetime shit yo, so what are you going to do?" Jayden shook his head as he took everything in, which was a lot.
Juice shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know pooh. After the holidays, I guess we'll have a sit down. I just want answers honestly. I don't want a relationship with her at all because nothing excuses abandoning your child[ren]."
"Merry Christmas, you filthy animals!" Armis screamed through the phone, making both Juice and Jay laugh because it was a little after 11am and he was drunk.
"Hey Nunu!" Juice screamed with a smile on her face. She was trying not to cry. It was her first Christmas away from her family, and she was just now feeling the aftermath of it. Jayden noticed and kissed her forehead, pulling her into him.
"Jayden, tell your sister to stop playing and DM a nigga back! Got me looking like a bozo in the waiting area." Tizon snatched the phone from Armis, making everybody laugh.
"I'll tell her but I think she messing with some nigga from her school."
Tizon smacked his lips. "Okay, and? A little competition doesn't put fear in my heart."
Jayden laughed, raising his hands in a surrendering motion. "Aight then, big dawg, my fault."
"Dooda she doesn't want you, but did y'all give Binky his gift yet? I can't believe y'all are taking me to Aspen. I got the best boyfriend ever! " Juicy asked as she repositioned the MacBook because, due to the matching satin pajamas she and Jayden were wearing, it was sliding off.
"Yes, his drunk ass cried and went back to sleep. You'll get all your gifts when you get home."
Juice shook her head because she already knew. Because of tradition, they drink the night of Christmas Eve and the following Christmas morning. They take a break for dinner and then start again after the fourth course. "How many do I have in total this year?"
Courtney snatched the phone. "Too damn many!"
"Shut up, Pig! Did y'all open your gifts from me?" Juice asked, making everybody shake their heads no.
"Nope! We're waiting until you get home, Juicy." Karson spoke, making Juice pout. She was truly loved and adored by her cousins, and she wouldn't want it any other way.
"Y'all trying to go to my pops's club on New Years? That's if we ain't too tired from my party the night before." Jayden asked, making Juice look upside his head.
"Hell yes! Yo Pops got the badass strippers in the city." Tyson screamed, jumping into the camera.
Jayden busted out laughing at his excitement. "That's because my mama gay ass picked this year's rotation. But okay, I'm going to tell the manager to leave the biggest section empty for us. I think Lil Baby is preforming. I ain't sure."
Juicy talked to her cousins for a little while longer until she had to force herself to end the call. To take her mind off of being a little homesick and to ease her separation anxiety, she started moving around the room to get her stuff together for her outfit of the day.
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