《The lonely wolf [bxb]》Part of the plan



" tell me elder Kodas, why is my son Ryland also feeling the pain my other son Ryker is experiencing? Does that mean he is also mated to Ryker's former mate?" My father asked as I lay there on the bed listening to their conversation. If I could I would have scoffed at such ridiculous speech, but the pain was getting so much harder to bear, rendering me speechless. I could only communicate using mind link at the moment which wasn't so bad right now.

" there's only one way to find out. It's the first time I'm seeing this in all my sixty-five years of being here on earth, I have no idea how to explain it. Maybe elder Adela can give us some insight as to what is happening. You know she's known for her special gift." Dad groaned while shaking his head. He had this belief that the elders were fake, they claimed to hold such special gifts he was yet to see.

He only had respect for them because they were higher in rank, so he had no other choice but to follow their orders. I on the other hand could care less about them. At this moment, during this pain I'm experiencing, I wish I could snap their necks and call it a day. They somehow moved Ryland so he was next to me, in hopes that our bond as brothers would lessen the pain but it was yet to work.

" how long before she can get here? The sooner we do this the better." Dad replied with urgency in his voice.

" it will take up to a day or two, the journey was a bit longer to get here Michael. Plus we need Andrea on our side. Remember she's one of the most powerful witches you can imagine. We get her and...." I watched as dad started to nod his head, a bright smile taking over the frown that was on his face.


" we get to Ryker's mate with no problems. But she's hard to bribe, no one made it onto her land and escape if she doesn't get what she wants." I've heard rumors of Andrea before, of how powerful she was. Why didn't I think about that? I could have gone to her, give her what she needed, and found that mutt a long time ago. Maybe he was working with her, that's why he could communicate with me through my mind, that's why he disappeared when I reached for him...

' no you idiot, he said something along the lines of a person named raining or Rainer I can't remember her name but it was not Andrea.' I guess max was right. It was hard to even think let alone remember names, something I wasn't good at.

" so we find Andrea, give her what she wants, get her on our side, and hope that she can get us to Ryker's mate and tell us why Ryland is also feeling the effect of his pain. Should be easy right?" Dad asked, not sounding too confident right now.

" it's not going to be easy getting onto her land. She left her coven a long time ago, everyone there feared her because she was too powerful to control. She tried to take over, but they had to use every means necessary to drive her away. We have to be careful going there. In the meantime Michael, I'm only doing his because I don't want this pack to be led without a mateless alpha. In the meantime, I have spoken to the others and they agree for you to take over the title temporarily until we can get this mess sorted out." I couldn't argue with that, given my state and Ryland's it was for the best.


But I wanted miles or damian to take over even though they couldn't do their job without getting me involve, they have been loyal so far. but if it's dad then I would have no other choice.

" I gave my son that title to have some peace in my life elder kodas, I didn't know the day would come where I have to take it back. I'm only doing this for my sons, I want them to be ok. If it means putting my life on the line for them that's what I'll do." Dad walked up to me and started looking at Ryland and I. He shook his head as if he was in disbelief of what was going on.

" how foolish were you to disobey the goddess her son Ryker. You should have accepted your mate no matter their gender now look at the mess you've created? Your ego is just too big and it's going to get you into a lot of trouble. I just pray to the goddess that Andrea will help us or your mother and I would have to deal with burying our pups next." He turned to kodas who was watching us with pity.

" no matter what, we have to try. If it means I'll die then I'll die trying. My family comes first." Kodas nodded his head and left shortly after mom came back from wherever she went and started to fuss over Ryland and I.

" we have to make it work Michael, for their sakes and ours, we have to make sure our sons are alright. Do you hear me? Get me my sons back! I can't deal with seeing them like this its..." mom started to cry as dad ran up to her and hugged her. I couldn't hold on anymore as another wave of pain hits me and Ryland in full force. It was so powerful that I lost consciousness. The only voice I heard was that I deserved this.

But would I change if I was to pull out of this? Or would I go back to the type of person I was? It wouldn't matter if I was lucky enough to get that mutt here, I would still be the same person I was and nothing was going to change that, nothing at all.

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